Gaming News

Aion Classic is launching in the west on June 23

After a few days of teasing, NCsoft West confirms the launch of the Aion Classic on the North American continent, starting June 23. The game will be distributed free-to-play, with an optional subscription and Battle Pass. "Aion more than doubled its revenues from its low point in 2020, almost entirely, NCsoft says, due to the launch of Aion Classic," we wrote in February. "Huh, Classic servers are wildly popular, who knew. "

Aion Classic is a server which has restored the contents of the original Aion service that began in 2009 so that they could be enjoyed again. It operates on a separate server from the currently Live server and will be provided as an official, ongoing service rather than an event. Players in the west have been anxiously waiting to see whether NCsoft would bring the classic servers westward.

About this launching, this revival has two different Founder's Packs available for purchase (at $20 and $50) for those who want to start with a few bonus items. Aion can be played for free with a trial version, although an optional subscription for those wanting the full experience, starting at $15 for 30 days. This optional subscription is called Siel's Aura, which improves item gain and experience acquisition. Free players do get an hour of Siel's Aura each day, but subscribers will maintain the bonus at all times. Although the official website describes the western version as a 'Global Service', only America is stated by name. It's possible some other publisher, such as Gameforge, would be responsible for a European launch. Players who still haven't chosen a name, or even figured out what class they're going to play, still have one week until Aion Classic's June 23rd launch date. If you're still hesitating to buy one of the Founder's Packs, they're still available until June 30, a week after the Aion Classic launches.

The western operator specifies that Aion Classic uses the content of version 1.0 of the MMORPG, but some features of version 2.7 (better balanced and more optimized). Likewise, progression is smoothed out to be more accessible and allows players to progress faster to the maximum level. Aion Classic item components will also be prepared as in Korea. BMs that affect the balance of combat are not sold, so you can enjoy a fair PvP environment. At present, only decorations, Form Candy, Pets and other small change vouchers are sold in South Korea, they will also be sold in the West. Enough Aion Classic Kinah will help you get more fun.

If you've got an awesome name for your Aion Classic character all lined up, today's the day to lock it in. A post on the official Aion forum states that the period allowing Aion Classic Character Creation and Name Reservation will begin on June 16 4PM (UTC). You can also start creating your personas with all the options available, and you can have your characters' faces looks perfected within a week of release.

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