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Best Cargo Ships in Star Citizen

One of the best methods to earn in Star Citizen 3.18 is through cargo hauling and deliveries. For the most part, both of them require a Cargo Ship and if you are looking for them, we have here a Guide on the Best Cargo Ships in Star Citizen. 

Why Cargo Ships in Star Citizen?

In Star Citizen, you will find a lot of options to choose from as your path onwards. It can be Bounty Hunting, could be Delivery or it could be Cargo Hauling. In everything, you will require a Ship that provides you with space for putting in the stuff. 

Therefore it is important to have Cargo Ships in Star Citizen, especially when your profession is deliveries or cargo hauling. But a single ship can’t make up for everything in Star Citizen. Therefore we mentioned the best one in each category for you to choose from. 

C2 Crusader Hercules Starlifter

This Ship has been in the game since 2021 when the game was just getting started. Therefore, it is amongst the Best Cargo Ships in Star Citizen, giving you the most focus on Cargo Space. Using this ship, you can earn the most profit you can actually make in the game using any ship. 

The capacity is around 696 SCU which makes it the Best Cargo Ship based on Cargo Space. There is also a ton of space below the Ship for you to put any large vehicle in Star Citizen including Spartan, Nova, or Ballista. 

When it comes to Multi-Crew capabilities, there is everything you will ever need here. A space for a large crew and each one can live with true comfort. In case you had trouble loading vehicles inside the Ship before.

Here in C2 Crusader Hercules Starlifter, there is a separate Rear Ramp to put in your Vehicles. In case you are one of those individuals who don’t want anyone else on your Ship, then you can easily travel around with this Ship alone. Therefore it is also a good Cargo Ship for those who want to travel around alone and never have to split the earnings. 

The drawback to C2 Crusader Hercules Starlifter is that it is kind of expensive. It isn’t for those who are new to the game or those who don’t want to put in the cash because they earned that money through hard work. You can actually make a ton of cash through this ship, but the initial investment is around 400 dollars. 

MISC Starfarer

This is one of the biggest ships in Star Citizen, coming in with a huge carrying capacity. But unlike the previous one in our list of Best Cargo Ships in Star Citizen, this one stores the cargo in the form of Mobile Refinery or Fuel. 

Kind of strange, but with this feature, you can actually travel in the whole Stanton System without needing any help from anyone. You are your own boss here!

There is Board distribution, Fuel Collection, Storage, and Refining on this Ship. This means that you won’t have to take the trip to other Cities or Land at a Space Station for the purpose of Fueling. You have a ton of that to stay in Space and make long trips from one Planet to another. 

When Pyro - New Star System is going to be introduced in the game, the MISC Starfarer is going to be the star. It will be getting a lot of recognition, as well as an increase in its price because of all these features. 

The reason is that you don’t have to follow the Stanton System laws and have a much free feeling. One thing to keep in mind is that once players get used to Starfarer they can’t get the same feel as other Ships in Star Citizen.

The reason is that you will have Starfarer as the primary means of refueling while in other ships you have to make a trip to get refueled. As the game is proceeding, you will see more and more of this, while it is not so common as of now.

As to what the Carrying Capacity of Starfarer is in Star Citizen? Well, you can have 21 SCU of Cargo in here. But that is not the real use of this Ship and its feature is Refueling and another Fuel related purpose. 

The Cargo Ships in Star Citizen are truly expensive and hard to obtain. If you are looking for an easy way out, you can definitely Buy Cheap Star Citizen aUEC from trusty MMOPixel.com. Are you a starter? Well, you can Buy Packages and Ships from us as well in budget pricing.

Mercury Star Runner

For the fans of Star Wars, we have Mercury Star Runner in our List of Best Cargo Ships in Star Citizen. It has a ton of similarities with the famous Millennium Falcon, both are nearly the same ship, but here you can actually play with it. 

It comes with secret passages through which you can actually get out when the needs are. There are even special hidden spots for stashing. Yes, we know what your thoughts are and yes, Mercury Star Runner is the Best Ship for Illegal Cargo in Star Citizen because of these hidden spots. 

It can even get past the security spots in Star Citizen. While nearly all the ships are having trouble there. With this Cargo Ship, you won’t have to worry about anything. You will be safe from going to Prison, while you will have the freedom to get rich through Illegal Cargo Deliveries. 

But that is not all with the Star Runner in Star Citizen. There are also computers in this ship that allow you to perform Data Storage tasks. This is a completely new loop of the game that adds tons of opportunities for the players and they can take a separate path from onwards. As to earning, once the game gets new updates, you will have a ton of opportunities to earn from the ship alone. 

Coming towards the Cargo Space, there isn’t in contrast to the other Best Cargo Ships in Star Citizen. It has a Cargo Space of 114 SCU, therefore making it not that good for Hauling Cargo, but rather Smuggling. 

One more thing to mention here. The Mercury Star Runner is incredible for those who want a home in their Ship. The Cargo Space isn’t that enough, but it has that unique space on the rear ramp for the storing of medium to small size Land Vehicles like HoverQuad. It adds to the versatility of this Ship. 

Drake Corsair

The Last one we are going to mention here is Drake Corsair. You saw it coming long before because of the popularity of this incredible Ship. Out of all the Best Cargo Ships in Star Citizen we mentioned here, Drake Corsair is probably one of the latest. 

Yes, we know that it is an exploration ship and quite an exceptional one, but hear us out! Drake Corsair has a versatility that allows it to be incredibly good with Cargo Hauling. It comes with a unique design that gives Multi-Crew an opportunity in Cargo Loop. 

It has a Cargo Space of around 72 SCU, but that is actually not the way to use this Ship. It has weapons to protect you when delivering from one place to another or doing expensive missions. The enemies won’t have an easy route stealing from you in Space because of its amazing maneuverability and agility. 

Therefore, it is an amazing Cargo Ship for those who want to move in between the territories that have Pirates or Bounty Hunters. You can even take it on Missions that are assigned for Fighter Ships. 

It isn’t a good choice for those who want Cargo Space, but in case you are interested in something that can provide you with everything in a simple package, there is nothing that can compete with Drake Corsair. Some players even refer to it as “Jack of all Trades”. But let me add an extra thing to that. “Jack of all Trades, but Master of None”.

That defines Drake Corsair exceptionally well. It isn’t as expensive as the other ships we mentioned. This is another point to keep in mind

Final Verdict

Even if you are not interested in Cargo, you will be dragged to it one way or another. Here we mentioned the Best Cargo Ships in Star Citizen to help you with your decision. In case you are on the daring side and want to do Illegal Cargo Transport, you can go with Mercury Star Runner without a doubt. On the versatility side, when you want a Ship with agility, normal Cargo Space, defense, and versatility, there is nothing better than Drake Corsair. 

As to the Cargo Ship with the most Cargo Space, no one even comes near to C2 Crusader Hercules Starlifter, but it is ruthlessly expensive. As to best for exploration, you can pick MISC Starfarer eyes closed. Don’t forget to Buy Star Citizen aUEC from MMOPixel.com when you need them for getting these amazing Cargo Ships.

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