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Best Rune Farming and Quick Leveling Guide for Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree

Elden Ring DLC is not going to be an easy beginning for both high-level and beginner players. It involves powerful enemies and bosses that can one-shot you just like starting Elden Ring for the very first time. Thus, whether a beginner or a pro, you would want to level up your character accordingly and gather runes as quickly as possible. Don’t worry, you don’t have to go far off because here we have our Best Rune Farming and Quick Leveling Guide for Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree.

We will divide the guide into two parts, one for the early game players looking to level up fast and earn runes early on, and then we will talk about the best quick leveling spot and rune farm in Elden Ring.

One thing to mention beforehand is that the methods will take some time and resources from you. Alternatively, you can just buy Elden Ring Runes and Elden Ring Items at cheap prices here at MMOPixel

Best Early Game Rune Farm and Fast Leveling in Elden Ring

This is the early game rune farming method for players who are level 1 with no weapons and anything else at their disposal. You don't even have to fight anything. 

Church of Elleh - White Mask

Now, once you get to the first step, you're going to want to talk to the guy in the white mask. After that, you're going to head to the Church of Elleh.

Rest at this site of grace, and you should get a cutscene. And then from here, head northwest over to the Agheel Lake North. You're also going to rest at this site of grace again.

Head southwest across this bridge. You can pick up this site of grace on the way to the Mistwood Outskirts. Then you're going to head to the Third Church of Marika.

From here, head behind the church, and you will find a little teleporter. This teleporter is going to take you all the way over to the Farum Great Bridge. Then from the Farum Great Bridge, you're going to head south.

You're going to cross the bridge with the dragon. And then after crossing the bridge, you will find a path that goes to the left. And just ahead, you are going to see a building.

Lenne's Rise Site of Grace

From here, you can head towards the little edge. You can hop down to the bottom, and you're going to pick up the site of grace called Lenne's Rise. Now, from this site of grace is where the magic happens.

Best Early Game Rune Farm and Fast Leveling in Elden Ring

All you need to do is hop on your horse, and we will run directly down the road as quickly as we can. As you start running down this road, you're going to head just around this corner. And as you go around it, there's going to be a big ball that spawns right behind you.

Turn around, and you'll start running right back up the hill right here. You will get 1,952 XP, and it's as simple as that. You run right back up to the site of grace.

You rest at it, and you rise and repeat. Just hop back on your horse and run down this edge here. You do not have to fast travel or anything like that.

And specifically, if you're using the gold pickled fowl feet, you do not want to fast travel because you will lose that XP boost. So running right back up this road is a lot faster, and you won't lose your XP boost if you are using one. 

Now, if you do this efficiently and depending on if you're using XP buffs or not, you can get anywhere from 5,000 to 7,000 XP per minute, which means about 300,000 XP per hour if you decide to do this for a whole hour.

But quite frankly, you'll only really need to do it for about 10 to 15 minutes, and then you can start moving on to the next phase. 

Furthermore, our recommendation here would be to use this method to quickly level up and farm Elden Ring runes early for Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree till you reach level 30.

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Best Rune Farm and Quick Leveling Elden Ring DLC Shadow of Erdtree

Now it's time to go over the best rune farming spot in the Elden Ring for Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. You're going to be able to get over 90,000 runes per minute, which means 5.4 million runes per hour.

Now the reason we covered the low-level XP spot is to get you to at least level 30, so you can easily take down the first two bosses in the game, which are Margit and Godrick. You're going to need to take out both of these bosses to be able to complete Varre’s questline.

Table of Lost Grace

So if you haven't already, make sure to talk to the white mask guy at the first step, and then you need to have unlocked the Table of the Lost Grace to be able to fast travel. 

Once you've done that, you can head up to the Castle Ward tunnel, and you're going to defeat Margit the Fell Omen. After defeating Margit, you're going to make your way up and around and into the castle, and you're going to head down into this area here, where you're going to follow this road all the way around.

There's going to be a big giant right here. You can run past the giant and pick up the Secluded Cell, Sight of Grace. Now if you run from the Secluded Cell past the giant, there's an open building just south of where the giant is, and if you talk to this particular NPC, you can actually summon them in the Godrick fight.

This is going to make the Godrick fight so much easier, and if you haven't talked to the NPC inside of the Stormhill Shack already, you can pick up the Spirit Jellyfish Ashes there, which are also incredibly useful for defeating bosses. 

Finger Reader Enia

Now once you defeat Godrick the Grafted, you need to fast-travel to the Table of the Lost Grace, and from the round table hold, you're going to turn around and go through this doorway, and you need to talk to the NPC. This is the Finger Reader Enia.

This is where you can receive the Power of Remembrances, and she'll tell you about the Great Runes. After talking to her, you can go back to the first step, and the White Mask should not be there anymore, and where he was should be a note to find him at another location. 

To do this, you can go back to the Godrick the Grafted fast travel point, and you can run through the wall to be able to get to the Lake Facing Cliffs.

Laskyar Ruins

We're then going to run down into the water area and pick up the Laskyar Ruins Site of Grace. You're going to continue north to the Scenic Isle, and then you can go to the Boil Prawn Shack as well. From here, you need to continue along this path to this church.

Church - White Mask Second Spawn Location

Outside this church is going to be the White Mask guy once again, where you're going to talk to him at least twice, where he's going to give you these fingers. 

You need to use these fingers to invade another player's session a total of three times. Now, don't choose the local option if you're playing during busy hours because there are not a lot of people playing in this area.

Choose local and far, and just do this three times. You don't actually have to kill the players. You can let them kill you, or you can have some fun in PvP, whatever your heart desires.

Church of Inhibition

Just do it three times. After doing this three times, you're going to return to the White Mask guy, where he's going to give you a cloth that you need to stain with the Maiden's Blood, which means you need to get to the Church of Inhibition. It's going to be a bit of a run to be able to get there.

You can run north along this path right here. You're going to take the split on the high road, and you're going to continue north along here, picking up any of the Site of Graces along the way. There is this little rock ledge that you can climb across here to get to the other side.

You can pick up this Eastern Table Land. There's also the Church of Vows here. Then you're going to continue north to the Ruined Labyrinth, and then up to the Mausoleum Compound.

Now this is where things are going to get a little bit squirrely. From this Site of Grace, you're going to head north, and then you're just going to turn around this corner, and you're going to head towards those two little towers in the distance. 

As you get close to this edge, you're going to see little things popping out of the wall, and you need to make your way down there without falling and dying.

You can see people fall and die here a lot, so don't be sad if you do. This is going to help us get to the location that we need to do, so just kind of make your way down.

Save your double jumps in case you miss one of the things. You can kind of save yourself with that if you need to, but essentially from here, you can run straight across to these towers over here, and you can pick up the Site of Grace. 

Frenzied Flame Village Secret Path

Now, from this Site of Grace, you're going to follow the road up, and instead of going all the way up, what you need to do is actually kind of come across the area, and then follow this pathway up and around until you get to the frenzied flame village outskirts.

Now, there is a thing here that's going to give you madness. You kind of need to avoid that, but from this Site of Grace, you're going to leave and head through the village, and at the edge of the village before the wall, you're going to turn right and go up the little pathway, trying to avoid the madness as you go, and then you're going to follow this path along. 

You are going to be invaded by another NPC that you can either fight or just completely avoid and just run straight into the Church of Inhibition, where you're going to pick up the Site of Grace and either be murdered or you will instantly be able to respawn.

Now, you just need to interact with the poor maiden here to get the Lord of Blood's favor, and then you just need to head back to the White Mask guy at the Scarlet Church right here where you found him before, where you will need to talk to him twice to be able to get all of the rewards, one of which being the Pureblood Knight's Medal. 

Moghwyn's Palace Teleportation

This will allow you to use it and be teleported to Mohgwyn's Palace. Now, once you get to Mohgwyn's Palace, you can actually run up these stairs and go to the left and pick up a Site of Grace right there, but from this location, if we want to get straight to the XP spot, we just need to run straight across this area here, avoiding anything that pops up out of the ground.

Bloody Water in Moghwyn's Palace

You can kind of hug this right wall here, and what we want to do is cross into the Bloody Waters of Doom right over here, also avoiding anything in this area if you're a low level so you don't die. 

We are going to go across this area and follow the path a little bit to the right, and there's a pathway just ahead that we need to get to. So we're going to run past all of these weird-looking dudes, and we are going to run straight up this path.

You are going to pick up this Site of Grace right here, and this is where we are going to be spending a bit of time. Now, all you need at this location is a bow and some arrows. 

Best Rune Farm and Quick Leveling Elden Ring DLC Shadow of Erdtree

So all you need to do is go from the Site of Grace over to this little corner, and you're going to aim through this tree to be able to hit this bird. This bird is going to then drop down, and you'll notice that we get like 14,000 XP for this, and then all we need to do is run back to this little Site of Grace and rest, and then we immediately get back up, and you repeat the process. 

If you do it quick enough, you can shoot right through this tree right here, and you'll hit the bird every single time.

Now, you do not actually have to wait for it to fall all the way down to the bottom. You can do this quickly. So you get up from the Site of Grace.

Best Rune Farm and Quick Leveling Elden Ring DLC Shadow of Erdtree

You're going to run over to this little corner here. You're going to shoot through this part of the tree to be able to hit the bird, and then if you miss, you can shoot right down through this little gap right here, or you can wait till it turns around and hit it through this spot right there as well. You really want to try and do it as quickly as possible.

Once that bird drops and the wings open, you don't actually have to wait for it to fall. So go from the Site of Grace, hopefully, hit it the first time through this tree, and then the second those wings open, you can go to the Site of Grace, and you're going to get the XP no matter what. As long as those wings open, that means it's falling to its death, and you can do this incredibly quickly.

It is a super simple process, and you can get so much XP. The faster you get at this, the more XP you're going to be getting per minute, but we average about 90,000 per minute. You can get up to about 120k if you're doing it efficiently.


Now this winds up our Best Rune Farming and Quick Leveling Guide for Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree. The first one is for players who are low-level and want to quickly reach mid-game, but the second one is the universally best Rune Farming and Quick Leveling path through the bird drop technique. Now, you can peacefully prepare and create the best character for Elden Ring DLC Shadow of the Erdtree.

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