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Dark and Darker Enemies and Bosses Guide - How to defeat them all?

When we are talking about Dark and Darker specifically, we get to meet various types of enemies in the Dungeon Run. Some are strong, while others aren’t, but all of them have one thing in common - they are extremely deadly. So, we went ahead and compiled this Dark and Darker Enemies and Bosses Guide to help you tackle each of those.

When tackling enemies in Dark and Darker, you will have to utilize various strategies and counter them based on their greatest fears. Otherwise, the bosses in the game will use your greatest wear against you in combat.

Below, we will be sharing with you an amazing list of Dark and Darker enemies, as well as bosses, guiding you toward their location and how you should defeat them in combat. Without any further ado, let’s jump straight to the chase here.

One thing is certain your Gear can make the game easier, especially when fighting enemies or bosses. You can only get better gear through Dark and Darker Gold Coins which you can get in-game. The more Gold you have, the easier things become.

Dark and Darker Enemies

Dark and Darker Enemies

There are plenty of enemies that you will come across, each one different from another in some aspects. We will be mentioning them with their weapon of choice so that you know how to tackle them.

In case you find enemies that are without any mention of a weapon, then it means you can use simple strategies to kill them.

  1. Goblin Archer are present in the Goblin Caves and you can attack to kill them without the need for a strategy

  2. Deathskull can be found in the Forgotten Castle, as well as Goblin Caves, while you don’t need a strategy to kill them

  3. Mummy can be found in the Forgotten Castle, as well as Goblin Caves, while you don’t need a strategy to kill them

  4. Zombies can be found in the Forgotten Castle, as well as Goblin Caves, while you don’t need a strategy to kill them

  5. Skeleton Footman can be found in the Forgotten Castle, as well as Goblin Caves, while you don’t need a strategy to kill them

  6. Skeleton Guardman can be found in the Forgotten Castle, as well as Goblin Caves. You will be needing a strategy against Sword and a Shield to kill them.

  7. Skeleton Archer can be found in the Forgotten Castle, as well as Goblin Caves, while you don’t need a strategy to kill them

  8. Skeleton Mage can be found in the Forgotten Castle, as well as Goblin Caves. They can use a Protective Shield around them or other NPCs while using ignite.

  9. Skeleton Champion can be found in the Forgotten Castle, as well as Goblin Caves, while you don’t need a strategy to kill them

  10. Giant Dragonfly can be found in the Forgotten Castle, as well as Goblin Caves, while you don’t need a strategy to kill them

  11. Spider Mummies can be found in the Forgotten Castle, as well as Goblin Caves. To kill them, you will have to look for the Jar they are spawning from and then get rid of it

  12. Deathbeetle can be found only in the Goblin Caves, while you don’t need a strategy to kill them

  13. Cave Troll can be found only in the Goblin Caves. They are mini boss, so that’s something to keep in mind

  14. Wrath can be found only in the Forgotten Castle, while you don’t need a strategy to kill them

  15. Mimics can be found in the Forgotten Castle, as well as Goblin Caves, while the only way to find them is to spot a chest because they look like one. Exactly like the Dark Souls games

Dragon Flies, Spider Mummies, and Vampire Mosquitos

These are the easiest enemies you will come across in the game, but the issue is that they are supported by the other monsters we mentioned. They can come to be bulk and start coming around you.

Dragon Fly will make you bleed, Spider Mummies will spawn in large numbers and you will have to destroy the jar, while Vampire Mosquitoes will have a green light skull. Mosquitoes will have a medium range and when eyes turn yellow, they will attack you.

Death Swarm

They are insects and are available in the zones. In the whole zone, you will start taking damage because of the Death Swarm, so that’s something you need to be wary about.

Skeleton Enemies

They are also the enemies that spawn in the form of groups, having multiple crossbows and shields with them. Their spawn area is near about, which is called the Bone Pile.

Their first attack is the Crossbow Skeleton Single Bow Attack and afterward, the next one is the Combo Attack.

This was all about the Crossbow Skeletons, while there are Magic Skeletons as well in the game who will utilize the Shield Bubbles and then ignite you with their fireballs. The Shield and Armor Skeletons are faster and have harder attacks than other Skeletons.

After fighting them, you will find a chest through the Shielded Skeletons that are guarding the tower door.

Mummies and Zombies

The slowest enemies in Dark and Darker are both Mummies and Zombies, but you can’t see their spawn location because they come from the ground underneath. On top of that, they use a fascinating attack with poisonous clouds.

When do they use it? Well, they will move onwards towards you to attack you. To tackle that, you will have to move in the opposite direction to their dangerous clouds.

Hologram Whales

Just as the name suggests, the Holograms are something that you can’t fight in Dark and Darker, rather they are just in the air as a showpiece. In the Dark Place, you will find a bunch of those just going around, doing their business.

Monster Dog and Dracula

Both of these are some of the most dangerous enemies in Dark and Darker. The monster dogs are quite agile and when they bite you, you will be inflicted damage. They aren’t durable, however, allowing you to kill them in just three hits at most.

A notch-up Monster Dogs are the Dracula Enemies in the game. They can literally go invisible when they are in the dark, causing an issue for most players. In contrast to the other enemies we mentioned here in our list of Dark and Darker enemies and bosses, they deal more damage.

Furthermore, Dracula can also fly around, and a single hit will throw you some feet backward, which is also a headache for players.

Dark and Darker Bosses and How to Kill them?

There are three main Bosses in Dark and Darker that are terrifying to play against. On top of that, you will find around 4 Mini-Bosses as well in the game that you will encounter before fighting the Main Bosses.

One more thing to mention is that the Dark and Darker enemies start to get stronger as you progress from lower runs to higher runs. It is a Dungeon Run game after all and makes it specifically to become difficult as you are used to the game.

Main Bosses in Dark and Darker

The three main bosses are;

  • Cave Troll

  • Ghost King

  • Lich

Now, let’s go through them one by one;

Cave Troll

Cave Troll and How to defeat him in Dark and Darker

In the Goblin Cave Map, you will meet with the Cave Troll. It actually is a location specifically meant for solo players, who like to do the Dungeon Run alone. Cave Troll is a massive, hard-hitting boss in the game who has slow attacks but packs power behind them.

You need to be extra careful when you are fighting with the Cave Troll in Dark and Darker because of the timing and strong blows. There is a dual-hand attack from the Troll that is most powerful in all his attacks.

Alongside this, you should be looking for a Shield and Crouching mechanism in order to avoid being damaged by the Cave Troll. That’s the key here, don’t get attacked, and utilize the in-game mechanics to go around.

When you kill the Cave Troll, you will get the all-new Troll’s Blood item in the game. As to where you will actually find the Cave Troll? This boss is in the dark and darker is located in the middle and the best way is to take a distance from him.

From a few meters, you can take the stance of ranged combat and try to hit the troll while dodging his attacks. When a troll will do a jump-and-approach attack, you can crouch to dodge it. Go to a safe distance afterward and continue attacking the troll.

In case you are a Melee Fighter, then you will need to be extra careful here. To defeat Cave Troll in Dark and Darker with melee weapons, you will have to get a shield on the other hand as well.

When you are being attacked by the Troll, you simply have to block with the shield because the attacks are easy to read. When you go near the troll from a safe distance, there will be a strong blow and you can go left or crouch to dodge it.

When Troll shouts, you can take the opportunity to deal damage to him and then dodge the attack from him afterward. The dual-hand attack is also sometimes used by the troll and you simply have to go right, left, or back, moving away from the troll to avoid it.

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Ghost King

Ghost King and How to Defeat him in Dark and Darker

Ghost King is a notch up the Troll, coming with the dangerous Lava theme around. The worst thing that you can do with this Boss fight in Dark and Darker is to come close when Ghost King will put that deadly debuff on you.

For the Ghost King, you will be needing better equipment but in return, you will get Purple to Unique items from him later on. The opponent isn’t the danger here, but rather the surrounding, just like we mentioned before in our Dark and Darker Enemies and Bosses Guide.

This Boss Fight has a lot of damage that makes it scarier in a Dungeon Run game. When you die, you basically have to start over and lose all of your stuff along the path as well. The opponents you are fighting alongside the Ghost King should be your target first and then you should focus on the main boss.

After killing the opponents, you need to start circling around the boss and attack him. There are a few things you should be putting attention towards;

After killing the opponents, you need to start circling around the boss and attack him. There are a few things you should be putting attention towards;

  • The longer you are to the Ghost King, the debuff multiplier will increase. Each 10 on the debuff will decrease the speed of movement and you will ultimately be unable to dodge the attacks or the damage altogether. So, you should be moving away from that in order to Defeat the Ghost King in Dark and Darker.

  • The second thing is that at a specific point in the battle, the Ghost King will fly in the air and then straight slam to the ground, producing a shock wave that will deal heavy damage to the character. You need to avoid it at all costs with a jump before Ghost King hits the ground. You can measure the sequence indicated by the small white fragments before the head.


Lich and How to defeat him in Dark and Darker

Last but not least, the last Main Boss that we are going to mention here in our Dark and Darker guide is going to be Lich. Yes, he is terrifying, he is powerful, he is a magician, but most importantly he is a Skeleton.

Lich is a powerful magic user who can call upon other Skeletons to help him in need. The enemies that he calls are quite powerful, but there isn’t anything that you can’t do without proper methods.

In order to defeat Lich in Dark and Darker, you will have to focus on the boss itself first and don’t waste your time fighting the enemies because Lich does the most damage with his spells and others are just there to divide your focus.

There are Purple and Blue color attacks from the Lich Boss in Dark and Darker, the Purple one is a debuff and it will enable you to get 100 percent more damage from the enemies. The Blue one will decrease your movement speed, making you vulnerable to getting attacked

As for how to defeat Lich King in Dark and Darker based on the scenario, you can follow the guide below;

  • Always stay close to the walls when fighting Lich and you should be going around the boss in circles. Use Bow if you have one and in this way, you will be safe from the extreme damage spells

  • The other thing you have to do is always move around in other than one direction, but make sure that you are choosing either a clockwise or an anti-clockwise direction.

  • Never waste your time fighting those Skeletons that he summons, because they have only one purpose - to distract you!

  • Bring some Potions with you for extra protection. Lich in Dark and Darker is known to inflict heavy damage that will take down your health in an instant. Drink a Potion of Protection and then go in combat for longer survive-ability

  • To effectively Defeat Lich in Dark and Darker, you should team up with competent players, having at least one archer. While Cleric is a must to have in any team, he will definitely be in a support role here in the team.

Mini-Bosses in Dark and Darker

Just like we mentioned before in our Guide on How to Defeat Dark and Darker Enemies and Bosses, there are 4 Mini-Bosses in the game as of now. The list will be expanding soon, but you can only witness these 4;

  • Centaur Demon

  • Wraith

  • Skeleton Champion

  • Lava Monster

Below, we will be sharing with you details on each one of these Mini-Bosses in detail

Centaur Demon

Centaur Demon Mini Boss in Dark and Darker

This Mini-Boss is quite agile and quite deadly as well. On the lower levels of the Dungeons, you will sometimes come across the Centaur Demon. The deadliest blow this Mini-Boss will do is his two-handed axe attack, symbolized by a heavy cool down.

Due to the agility, you have to combine blocking with dodging. In order to come across some Centaur Demons, you will have to pass through the Red Portals and on the lower level of the Forgotten Castle.

His health is quite massive, does massive damage as well, and has agile movement. The easy thing is that there are only two attacks and you can use some tactics to kill the Centaur Demon yourself.

  • Always kill other monsters before going for Centaur Demon

  • Aim for the head and it will deal the most damage

  • At the time of an above attack, go left or right. But for the Horizontal Blow, always use Crouch. Cover yourself with a shield in case things are quite hard.

  • Use a team to move on this Mini Boss; have a ranger and a warrior.


Wraith Mini Boss in Dark and Darker

Wraith is exactly like a Ghost and one of the most difficult enemies to face in the game as of now, especially for beginners because of Level 1 Underground. He is always floating and quite resilient. While attacking, Wraith will dash towards you, moving faster and quite impossible to dodge sometimes.

In order to Defeat Wraith Mini-Boss in Dark and Darker, you will have to;

  1. Move towards Stairs because Wraith is poor on those. Going low will allow Wraith to come up and you can attack at that time

  2. Create Distance, shooting him through the window with a ranged attack

  3. Do some Magic to fight the opponents because of Wraith’s weakness in Magic

  4. Duck because all the attacks will pass from the top when fighting Wraith

  5. Always try to Dodge the attacks instead of Blocking because it is much better

  6. As always, you can make it effortless with a Team, bringing a squad of 3 people, and two of those should be focusing on tanking

Skeleton Champion

Skeleton Champion Mini Boss in Dark and Darker

This here is a Big Skeleton with a Shield and a Sword. The one thing about Skeleton Champion Mini-Boss in Dark and Darker is that he is agile, aggressive, and has high-speed attacks coming at you. One more thing, he can also block your attacks and do some dangerous attacks right at you.

Some people even refer to Skeleton Champion as bad luck for the players if they ever come across one. You will know when you see one based on the Shield, Sword, and Helmet. There is a heavy weapon in his hand that is also faster than other Skeletons. If you defeat one, you might get the Golden Key to open the chamber chest for treasures.

In order to Defeat Skeleton Champion Mini-Boss in Dark and Darker we recommend, you stick with a Shield, because dodging or running away is a difficult option with this Mini-Boss. One more, don't get attacked by exposing yourself because when you do, things will look pretty back.

One weakness of Skeleton Champion is Magical Damage and you can use the Spells to kill him faster and more efficiently. Make sure you have a ranged weapon or something long to keep your distance. Naturally, Cleric Class is the one that is an arch enemy to Skeleton Champion, so using one will be naturally easy.

Lava Monster

Lava Monster Mini Boss in Dark and Darker

Last but not least, the final Mini-Boss in Dark and Darker that we are going to guide you on How to Defeat is Lava Monster. A quite sizable boss that you can come across near the Ghost King Boss in Dark and Darker. Same as that, he will be using Lava Attacks that are deadly in nature.

You need to use the same tactics that we mentioned for its Main Boss to defeat the Lava Monster. Don’t get distracted by the other enemies and focus on moving around to not get hit by the Lava Attacks.

In case you can, bring some tactical players with you to fight the Lava Monster in Dark and Darker.


Well, that’s every detail on Dark and Darker Enemies and Bosses we could come up with. We also mentioned the ways to Defeat all Bosses in Dark and Darker so that things are quite easy for you to understand as a beginner.

One thing that you will see common in all the bosses is that you have to go right or left for vertical or air attacks. For the horizontal, you will have to crouch and always keep moving around in circles.

Ranger is much better to have if you are looking for an easy way out of the Bosses, but the other side of the game is going to be much more difficult for you. In case you are melee, the mechanics are the same, but you will have to time your attack when the enemy starts using dual-hand attacks or heavy attacks.

Having a Squad with you will always help, but make sure there is a Ranger and a Cleric with you always. One will do the attacks and lure the enemy, while the other one will be the protection or support to the team.

As always, you will be needing gear for the Main Bosses in the game, which you can get through Gold Coins. You can Buy Cheap Dark and Darker Gold Coins here at MMOPixel.com.

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