Elden Ring Samurai Class Guide: Elden Ring Samurai Class is getting attention lately, not because of that cool-looking armor, rather it’s much more than just looks. Most of us already know that “FromSoftware” doesn’t make easy games, especially the Dark Souls franchise. Elden Ring is also no different, coming with exceptional difficulty for newbies. So, here your initial class selection makes all the difference. Either you are going from scratch or you want a class that makes your life easier.
Hopefully, Samurai is a great beginner class in Elden Ring that has a mix of both amazing melees and ranged attacks. There is a LongBow, along with that famous Uchigatana from Dark Souls. For a Beginner in Elden Ring, you might be well off for most initial parts of the game with these weapons on hand. But there are a lot of things you might not know as a beginner. Therefore, we managed to make an Elden Ring Samurai Class Guide to help you out in your journey.
Class Pick- Elden Ring Samurai Class: First of all, you need to be aware of the class you are picking. There are a total of 10 classes in Elden Ring, but we are not here to talk about all of them. Specifically, you need to pick the Samurai Class because it has a perfect balance between too easy and difficult. Let us get going to the weapons section.
After you pick this class, there is an option to get a single item for your startup. As a beginner, you need to get the right one. In our opinion for Samurai Class, you need to get “Golden Seed” because it will give you an extra healing or mana potion from the start.
Weapons: The main difference between classes in Elden Ring is their attribute division and mainly their weapon use. Elden Rind Samurai Class comes with a Long Bow and an Uchigatana, for ranged and melee attacks. There is an amazing Armor that can get you halfway through the game with a bit of upgrade. Now, let’s talk about these weapons in detail.
Uchigatana: Frankly, the Samurai Class is all about your Uchigatana. It is an amazing weapon that provides you with speed and good range. Butter on top, you get bleed damage on this weapon as well. It isn’t shown on the display, but when you keep attacking the enemy, they will start to get bleed damage.
Being an Elden Ring Samurai Class Guide it is important to understand, you don’t have to keep changing weapons in this class. Your Uchigatana is all you need to reach a certain point in the game. There is an upgrade option and if you upgrade it to +2 or +3, you are good to go for most of the game. Dual-wielding Uchigatana helps you get a quick dodge-attack sequence to enemies, especially bosses.
Special: The primary thing you need to do is to unlock the Unsheathe ability of Uchigatana. Elden Ring is all about dodging and attacking at the right moment. Uchigatana specifically allows you to dodge and then give a single blow worth heavy damage to enemies. Just keep upgrading the Special and Weapon from Smith.
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Longbow: This is where the fun part of Elden Ring Samurai Class begins. You don’t always have to engage in combat, especially when there is more than 1 enemy around you. Create some space and use the longbow to deal damage to them. Longbows are better than short ones because of their damage and range.
The LongBow you get with the Samurai Class as a beginner is surely great enough for the most part. It has good damage and a better range. You can make distance from your enemies and try to get them one by one with your arrows.
So, what about the bosses? It depends on the situation, if the bosses take their time to attack you, arrows can deal them damage, even half their health bar. This is a great asset to have with you all the time. Now, the problem remains, where to get the arrows?
Arrows: The only problem with the Bows is that you need to have arrows to use Long Bow. Elden Ring being a difficult game, doesn’t provide you with a good number of arrows to start with. Hopefully, in the Elden Ring Samurai Class Guide for beginners, we have the perfect solution.
Farming: When you go in the open with your horse. You can go to the farm with your Uchigatana. The right and left strike on Horses can easily kill enemies. The best spot out there for a beginner is Limgrave right after you get the shard from. There are few NPCs and sheep there which are easy to kill with your horse and Uchigatana. You can get a lot of farming for your arrows from there.
Crafting: You will have to reach the Church of Elleh and buy a Crafting Book from there. This will get you the recipes for Bone Arrows which are used in crafting the LongBow Arrows. It doesn’t take much, rather only 3 Bones to make around 10 Arrows for you to use in the game.
Attributes: Elden Ring Samurai Class is all about weapons and armor. A bit of change to the attributes, in the beginning, won’t make any difference to your character. Besides, being an Elden Ring Samurai Class guide, we suggest you play with Five attributes only.
In the long term, you need to have a Dexterity of around 25 points. While Strength comes after Dexterity, you don’t have to go beyond 20 points at the start. Staying at around 15 points will get you enough for an easy game. Vigor should be in between 15 to 20 points. Lastly, Endurance and Mind should be in between 10 to 15 because your special and LongBow use requires them.
When you have Samurai Build as a beginner, never go for the intelligence, faith, and arcane because they are used for Magic-users only. Mostly, your focus should be Dexterity, Strength, and Vigor because they are used for the long term in the game. Your Uchigatana needs Dexterity when upgrading it to certain levels or changing to an advanced weapon afterward.
Conclusion: Samurai Class is one of the most balanced classes in Elden Ring, coming with a mix of Range and Melee attacks. This build is all about your weapons and their use. We managed to put together the Elden Ring Samurai Class Guide to help you know what to do with the weapons, attributes, and armor, as a beginner.