Elite: Dangerous is a space simulation video game developed and published by Frontier Developments. The game is the third installment in the Elite video game series. In Elite: Dangerous, players can take on the role of a spaceship pilot, trade goods between star systems, purchase property on planetary surfaces and take part in combat, including pirates, bounty hunting, and combat with other players.
The Elite: Dangerous galaxy is a complicated place. Even though you start the game with a small starship and some basic equipment, it is hard to know what to do next. This is where trading comes in handy. Trading in Elite: Dangerous can be very profitable. In this guide, we will provide you with some tips and tricks to help you get started trading in Elite: Dangerous.
When you are just starting out, your initial goal should be to make a name for yourself. First, you need to show that you can trade and make money. In the game, there are three main ways to earn money.
Luckily this is not the only way to earn credits in Elite: Dangerous, as you can also take help from the shop to buy credits.
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As a trader, you will want to build your reputation early on. Therefore, when you want to start trading, you must choose what type of goods you want to start with. There are three main types of trade goods in the game.
Once you've decided on your trade goods, you need to find a station buying or selling the goods you want to trade. To do this, you can use the galaxy map or look at the station's status tab in the contacts menu. Once you've found a station selling or buying what you want, you must go there. Once you get there, you need to look for a contact to trade with. This will be either a station agent or an orbital trader.
Once you've found your trade contact, you need to approach them and request goods. If they have the good you want, they will present them to you, and you can then sell them your goods. You can also approach them with an offer of goods and they will take it if they want it.
When you first start as a trader, many things will not be available for sale. However, as time goes on, you will start to see more items available. Generally speaking, the rarer the good, it will be more expensive. On top of that, the more familiar the good, the more you can expect to get for it.
The following are the goods you can sell. The first is the name of the good and then what it is used in.
There are many ways to make money in Elite: Dangerous, but trading is one of the easiest ways. The route I show you are not the only way to do it, but it's the best.
The following routes are easily accessible for all players. You do not need a specific ship or equipment. All you need is a little patience and some time.
For this route you need:
You must keep your cargo space below 100 tonnes because of the fuel scooping. The best way to do this is always to buy goods with a large margin. For example, in the Lave system, you can buy Hydrogen Fuel at around 10 credits each and sell them in Sol for around 80 credits. Therefore, a cargo hold with 100 tonnes can hold 10,000 units of this commodity (10 stacks), enough to make a round trip from Lave to Sol and back in one run.
Another option is to buy goods with a small margin, like Silicate Ore or Gold. These goods can be found in high quantities in the planets' systems and are very cheap. The only problem with this route is that you'll have to collect and sell many of them simultaneously because of their low value. But on the other hand, this trading method is safe because there are usually no pirates in these systems.
The total profit you can make with this route is around 150.
Discover the best trading ships in Elite: Dangerous. Find out what ships you should use to make a lot of money in Elite: Dangerous.
Discover the best trade systems in Elite: Dangerous. Find out what systems are the best for making money in Elite: Dangerous.
The best systems for trading are those which have a lot of stations and which are close to each other. Here's a list of the best trade systems:
The most common goods in these systems are Heridium, Palladium, Titanium, and Fertilizer. The best place to sell them is either in Zaonce or in Achenar.
Ship progression in Elite: Dangerous is an essential part of the game, as you'll find out later. The ship progression is a system that shows how powerful your ship got. It's also important because it shows how much money you have and how far you are into the game. There are four stages in the ship progression:
You'll start with these ships at the beginning of the game, and they're all pretty good. If you're new to Elite: Dangerous, you should buy an Eagle (around 150,000 CR). The price of these ships will increase every time you rank up (every 10 levels).
In the intermediate ship stage, you'll need a ship in the range of 500,000-1,000,000 CR. These ships are usually used for faster trading and for better combat. Some examples of ships in this range would be Imperial Clipper, Imperial Courier, Federal Assault Ship, and Vulture.
You'll need a ship that costs around 1,000,000-2,500,000 CR at this stage. In this stage, you'll want a ship that can be used for combat and trading. Some examples of ships in this stage include Anaconda and Type-9 Heavy.
Titan ships cost more than 2,500,000 CR, and you'll need a lot of money to buy them. However, these ships are usually used for exploration and are some of the best ships in the game. Some examples of Titan ships are Orca and RSI Orion.
Elite: Dangerous has over 400 billion star systems, each with its planets, moons, and space stations. Each system can be explored by the player and has its challenges.
Players can also purchase a new ship from a space station at any time. Elite: Dangerous has a lot to offer and is arguably one of the best space sims ever created. Hope this guide will help you to become a better Trader.