A majority of Black Ops 6 players love the Multiplayer mode, and out of that majority are those who only play for fun, those who don't really know how to play, and expert game with badass skills. As expected, the good players in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer are mostly the ones dominating almost all the matches. And more often than not, the beginners almost always lose to them, which doesn't come as much of a surprise.
More often than not, beginners and fun-seeking players in Black Ops 6 get squashed when playing matches dominated by expert gamers. While there may be some rare cases where beginners take out experts, it's mostly a result of luck. But then, beginners can also eliminate experts by good playing skills and not by luck. And to achieve that, tactical strategies that guide their gameplay need to be put in place. And this article dives into the best strategies to stay alive in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer that work for both beginners and experts alike.
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Most players jump into battle without any plan or countermeasures and that differentiates them from good players. So to avoid that, it wouldn't hurt to plan ahead of time to gain the upper hand in battles even against experts in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer.
Range of weapons differ from one another, and so does the recoil rate. Players who intend to become better, or play better matches in BO6 Multiplayer, should take this up as a good strategy and learn about the recoil, range and other unique features of their favorite weapons, or all weapons in the game. Learning all of that would make them better players and help improve their chances of getting more accurate shots.
UAV Radars are popular scorestreaks in Black Ops 6 used by many players. But the Ghost Perk is the best way to go around the UAV Radars used by players in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer. Players who focus on the minimap to spot enemies would be taken by surprise by players who use the Ghost Perk as they would not be spotted on the map. And that's clearly a great way to take out experts in the game unexpectedly.
The Omnimovement feature allows players to run, dive, and slide more quickly than usual in all directions, even while shooting. Players who use the Omnimovement gain the upper hand in a fierce fight as they would be able to make the enemy's shots less accurate, shoot from unexpected angles, dodge attacks, and retreat faster if things go wrong. Mastering the Omnimovement in the Multiplayer Tutorial Map is a great thing to do as learning how far a leap takes you, how to aim when using the Omnimovement, and how to take the enemy by surprise can go a long way in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer.
One strategy in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer to turn the tide of a match is flanking. Slipping past the enemy's defense and taking them out from the side or from behind. This becomes even more of a goldmine when players are able to take out a handful of the opposing team without them realizing. Using explosives, or offensive Scorestreaks when flanking increases the effect of the surprise attack.
Aiming for the opponent’s head in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer can increase how fast an enemy is eliminated. While getting body shots is a safe way to get enemy kills for players, players who aim for the head increase their chances of taking out other opponents who only focus on body shots. Yes, the body is a larger portion than just the head alone and firing at the body of the opponents doesn't require as much skill from the players as firing at the head as players would need to aim accurately. And of course, headshots pay off. And to achieve regular headshots, players should definitely consider training consistently as it makes them more accurate when it comes to firing shots at the opponent’s head.
It's good practice to keep your weapons’ magazine at full capacity. Reloading weapons before battles and after battles pays off. But there's a catch. When reloading players are unable to fire at enemies. Well that makes sense since you take out the magazine to add more bullets when reloading. And that's a disadvantage if the player comes across an enemy in the process. Fast forward to the aftermath, and that player is lying in a pool of blood and waiting to be respawned in the next round depending on the Multiplayer Mode. With that said, players should check for surrounding enemies before reloading so as not to come across open fire from the opposing team.
Just like the Ghost Perk that hides players from UAV Radars, the Suppressor attachment hides players from the minimap when they fire their weapons, making them hard to spot. Normally, players are alerted with the red blips on the minimap – signifying the presence of an enemy – when an enemy fires, but the Suppressor tackles that.
Using the Suppressor is a great strategy to play stealthy in Black Ops 6 Multiplayer. Hiding your location from bloodthirsty enemies is more than enough to take them by surprise when you pop up from nowhere and start firing endless bullets to their head using an SMG with a Suppressor attachment.
For Black Ops 6 players who love playing safe, camping is an obvious option. And for where to camp, it's either in buildings, corners, vehicles or wherever seems deserted. For aggressive, or easy-going players, campers can be a hassle and they attack from unexpected places. To avoid that, players must be cautious of their surroundings, they should slide past corners quickly while going for the kill to eliminate any campers. And when going through deserted areas, players could throw explosives or tactical equipment at suspected areas.