Square Enix is scheduled to release Patch 6.05 for Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker on January 4, 2022. This upcoming patch will help players with max-level crafters, as many will likely want to purchase the new crafted gear and get an edge when tackling the new FFXIV savage raids. Players can reach the maximum mining level of 90 through levequests and by turning in high-value collectibles.
In Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker, players may want to upgrade their mining to level 90 to maximize that skillset. The mining Disciple of the Land skill in FFXIV will allow players to find ore, precious stones, and fossils from Eorzea that will be useful to craft into items, especially for blacksmiths. To become a miner, players must have at least one level 10 Disciple of War or Magic.
To initially level up the mining skill in FFXIV, players will be able to gain levels by collecting minerals. As they progress through the early levels, players will be required to find and collect more challenging minerals. Using this method, players should be able to reach mining level 50 in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker. Once players have reached mining level 50, they should purchase a full set of mining gear, which will be useful in leveling up faster.
If you're just starting out at level 80, purchase a full set of Mining gear if you haven't, and check out your Gathering Log by selecting Logs, and then Gathering Log in the main menu. This log will show you not only everything you can collect, but also where to find it. By clicking on the Special tab on the left, you can access the Collectable Gathering Log, which will show you where, and when, to collect certain objects. For example, let's start off with Rarefied Raw Ametrine, your entry into mining turn-ins. This item can only be found in Psyche, Labyrinthos, and only from 00:00 to 02:00 and 12:00 to 14:00 Eorzea Time.
Now that you have a target, you simply need to wait until the appropriate server time for the node to spawn. When it does spawn, click on the node and prepare to collect your prize. The following window should pop up:
It may look like a lot, but let's break it down. The Collectability Value is what determines how big your reward is on turn-in. You want to aim for 1000 as much as possible, but until you get better gear, you can aim for at least the minimum value for turn-in, which is 600. In order to reach this value, you need to use a combination of Mining abilities to raise that value.
Starting out, the proper rotation is Scrutiny > Scour > Scrutiny > Scour > Scrutiny > Scour > Collect x3. Replace Scour with Meticulous Prospector anytime you get the Collector's Standard buff, which has a random chance to activate whenever you use Scour. This basic rotation should get you at least three Collectables with a minimum value of 600, which can be turned back in for experience and White Scrip.
Even past level 81, you will still be collecting Rareified Raw Ametrine, in addition to the other collectibles you unlock as you level up. The items can be found in your Gathering Log, as well as locations and times. Continue gathering and turning in collectibles all the way to 90, but make sure you spend your White Scrip when you reach the cap of 2000. You can do this by visiting the Scrip Exchange NPC located next door (x11, y9). We recommend buying either Materia or Tokens for later use
If players choose not to level up using collectibles, levequests is another option that will allow players to reach mining level 90. To unlock this method, players should continue the main scenario quests in Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker until they reach Old Sharlayan. Of the three quest options presented to them, players should choose the two levequests offering the most experience points. The levequest method has easier crafting recipes than collectibles and also will reward the player with crystals and Gil. If players choose the levequest method, they will want to ensure they have the best mining gear available to easily obtain the required items.
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