Gaming News

Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn - Beginner’s Guide

The FINAL FANTASY series has been one of the most sought-after MMORPGs out there when it comes to the efficient execution of the genre elements. Since the first Final Fantasy game, the developers have come a long way in terms of refreshed in-game elements while keeping the original essence intact. Unfortunately, the trial version was launched recently, wherein players flocked, and the servers reached their max capacity within days. As a result, the developers had to end the free trial on short notice.

The "Realm Reborn" edition has been around for some time now, and the developers have constantly updated the game to avoid any trouble for the players. When the game was initially launched, it had a very rough beginning, but later on, it turned out to be one of the best MMOs out there, with players flocking to the servers.

Players can go for the free trial before getting the full game. The free trial offers a lot of gameplay time, but there are a lot of restrictions in terms of exploration, unlockables, etc. But despite these restrictions, players can better understand the in-game elements and what they will be dealing with in the full version of the game. Therefore, this guide will act as a support for players who want to prepare and understand the game before playing the game.

Things to do during the initial stages of gameplay

Realm Reborn during the original glory was also quite difficult to understand for the players at the start. The first 50 hours of the game are a bit soggy, but the real fun starts after it. There is an entire community waiting once the player is done with the initial stages of the game.

For players planning to go solo, it might become a bit more difficult. However, the Final Fantasy community welcomes new players; hence players can club up and complete quests rather than facing opponents alone. Furthermore, as it is an MMORPG, strategy making will be one of the key elements; hence having a team will help you plan out stuff better and complete quests more efficiently.

Selecting the appropriate character

Before you begin Final Fantasy XIV, you must first build your Warrior of Light. After that, you'll be able to pick between six races: Hyur, Elezen, Lalafell, Miqo'te, Roegadyn, and Au Ra, which were introduced to the latest edition of the free trial. In addition, if you buy the Shadowbringers expansion, you'll have access to two new races: male Hrothgar and female Viera.

Before you start playing the game, the first and foremost thing is to create your ideal character because you may spend hundreds of hours with your new character, and the decisions you make during character development are crucial. You'll need to choose a race, look, and class before you begin your travels in Eorzea, but these may be modified and changed later. The easiest of them to alter is the class; choosing a beginning class is less important than in other MMOs.

Your avatar's hair and appearance may also be readily modified once you're in the game. Their race and other look selections will be the most irreversible choices you'll make during character creation. There are minor stats changes between races, but not enough to alter how they perform. Choose the character you're most thrilled to play, and you'll be more elated to play.

Importance of crafting materials

Final Fantasy XIV, similar to a proper civilization game, has a base of most of its revenue on objects discovered and developed by the players. There are eight classes of crafting and three classes of collecting to learn. While it isn't essential to go hundred percent on every category, you can certainly be a pro at the game. Doing so will allow you to manufacture the materials necessary for other crafting classes without paying a premium in the Market.

Crafters spend almost all their time making weapons, armor, and even furniture out of acquired resources. Crafting has its mechanics that players have made into a fairly sophisticated game of arithmetic. It is not easy but will get a good amount of revenue. Crafters also can desynthesize completed things to recover raw materials, which is still another way to level up quickly. Unfortunately, getting to a high level in a crafting class can take a long time. Therefore, many players wait until they've progressed far enough through the game's main plot before starting on the lengthy and often costly journey of becoming a skilled craftsman.

The game lets you sell your crafted items on the Market Board to earn FFXIV Gil, the in-game currency. This way, you can get cheap FFXIV Gil in a faster way. Simply offer your raw materials, ore, furniture, concoctions, or whatever you want through Retainers, who are NPCs that will do this task for you. But do you know, if you don't have time to grind, farm, craft, or complete duties, you can get a good bunch of Gil just buying here, at MMOPixel.

Phrase: If you need it, you can click on our website MMOPixel to buy FFXIV Gil. We will provide you with the best service.

Necessity of side quests and dungeons

Similar to every RPG game out there, quests are a very integral part of the revenue sector of the game. There are both main quests as well as side quests. Completing the main quests will give you bigger rewards, whereas smaller quests will provide you with necessary crafting materials.

As a team, the main quests can be handled easily. Smaller quests can also be done individually because there is not much to do, but in return, you might get some rare items. Once you start to level up, it's important to accomplish your Job objectives because you'll get access to new skills and, eventually, Artifact armor. Reaching Level 30 will provide you access to the next phase of your job and your Job Stone. The side quests are highlighted in the color blue. These symbols denote the existence of an unlocked feature, such as a dungeon, a trial, or a mechanism.


The game might seem overwhelming for new players, but a guide will help in knowing the basics right from the start and getting a head start on the in-game activities. The only thing is you need to remember the crucial aspects of the game thoroughly.

The major thing is to keep building your character appropriately right from the start. This will keep you engaged properly with slight advantages during the initial phases. Build a team who will support you in main quests and help you get the necessary resources for crafting and upgrades. Also, keep in mind that leveling up is crucial in the game as it is directly linked to unlockables. Also, as you level up, your player stats will increase, giving you a significant ability and skills boost.

Completing quests will ensure you are never out of resources, and apparel upgrades will ensure you do not lose in fights due to physical disadvantages. Do not miss out on the side quests, as there might be some hidden or rare items you might need to progress effectively in the game.

Overall, understanding the basics will help you progress quickly and efficiently. Ensure you go through the entire article so that no crucial point is missed before entering the game. Then, build a strong team and conquer the arena with your elite skills.

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