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Final Fantasy XIV Weaver Levelling Guide

Weavers are among the most famous crafting occupations in Final Fantasy XIV, and for a good reason. Number of highlight weapons and accessories are available to users and the market through this profession of Weaver. Those who have attained the highest level of this expertise have made a fortune by developing and selling the best things. As they level up, weavers have access to new recipes for manufacturing better high-quality light armor and accessories. With the maximum Weaving rank at 90, gamers may need help to attain the peak of this trading skill. Fortunately, progressing in this field is possible.

Players must first be a part of the Weaver's Guild before they may start their career as craftsmen in this profession. On the other hand, weavers must also be at a minimum level 10 in the Disciple of War or Disciple of Magic to be eligible for the guild. Therefore, it's a great idea to level it up before beginning the tasks of becoming a Weaver. Next, gamers must find Maronne, the Guild's Receptionist, in Ul'dah – Step of Thal. To earn their starting gear, prospective Weavers must accomplish two initiation quests: "Path of the Weaver" and "My First Needle." Following on, gamers should undertake the tasks of the Redolent Rose to launch their profession in this vocation properly.

Quests and levequests will provide the most of the credit for this trade skill. Ideally, players should only focus on Guild Trade Skill tasks until they achieve level 10. They can begin doing levequests once they reach this milestone. Weaver has the simplest to obtain materials of any Crafting class. All of the ingredients for the recipes can be obtained through necessary collecting. Investing some level in the Botanist or Miner professions is beneficial because Weavers will rely on the components gathered by these trade skills. It is strongly advised to purchase things in quantity to save time.

FFXIV Weaver

Unfortunately, executing Weaver crafts can be time-consuming because each item involves multi-step fabrication. While weaving takes just essential resources, these ingredients must be processed into more complicated materials before artisans can immediately turn them into the desired gear. This multi-stage craftsmanship prolongs the processing time of gear. Fortunately, all the hard effort in these intricate processing phases pays off handsomely. While Weavers require clothing and sophisticated components for their crafts, they can also sell these items to other crafts and experts. If you are facing difficulty obtaining items due to a lack of FFXIV Gil, then worry not. You can always buy Gils from our website.

Visit our website MMOPixel to purchase FFXIV Gils. We offer the best service on the web.

Buy Gils and crafts as many materials as you can. This investment will surely help you as these products sell well because many gamers require them to construct their gear. Weavers should, however, only sell excess material they no longer need. 

The most critical thing to remember about Woven is that it transforms into one of the most valuable trade skills in FFXIV at the end-game stage. Weavers can create rare cosmetic items in addition to light armor and accessories. These characteristics are common for Glamour, which many players prioritize in the MMO's later stages.

Note: Characters earn a 3% EXP boost in all actions if they're well; therefore, players should stock up on food.

Levels 1 to 15

As previously noted, there are a limited amount of leve allowances available. As a corollary, they have increased in value. Even without levequests, reaching level 15 is a breeze, so we recommend saving them for later. Focus on Grand Business turn-ins to gain experience. Always choose the highest-level weapon you can make without fail. The second alternative for these early phases is acquiring an engineering handbook and producing as many things as possible. This consumable temporarily raises your level of EXP for crafting. Grinding is a realistic alternative because you only need a little experience to go through the early levels.

Levels 15 to 20

For the time being, we advise jumping on levequest train to gain the experience required for leveling. Each level of the tier provides a variety of levels. We offer two viable options at these levels. A Drag of Doublet necessitates the use of an Initiate's Doublet Vest, which is made up of 

Lightening Shard, Wind Shard, Undyed Cotton Cloth, Cotton Yarn, Hard Leather, and Brass Ingot. You'll need a Cotton Kurta to finish the second one, Better Shroud Than Sorry. It's made with one Lighting Shard, one Wind Shard, three undyed cotton cloths, and one cotton yarn.

Levels 20 to 25

At level 20, we'll begin looking at a levequest known as the triple turn-ins. You can obtain three times that monthly allowance by completing these chores. They do necessitate additional crafting, but it's usually worthwhile. They don't offer the highest single prizes, but in this situation, number usually beats quality. The Telltale Tress is the excellent triple leve on this rank and is located in Quarrymill. It requests that you bring a Cotton Coif of Gathering. Lightning Shard, Wind Shard, Undyed Cotton Cloth, Cotton Yarn, and Hard Leather are used to make this item. You can, of course, continue with single levels; they are frequently more time-efficient despite spending more allowances. Whatchoo Talking About is the best one here, and it takes a Cotton Doublet Vest of Crafting composed of Lighetning Shards, Wind Shard, Undyed Cotton Cloth, Cotton Yarn, Hard Leather and Brass Ingot.

FFXIV Weaver Levelling

Levels 25 to 30

We recommend bypassing the triple leves at this stage because they're a little bothersome. Pantser Corps is one of the levequests that we think is much superior. You'll need to take Initiate's Slops to finish it. They require Lightning Shard, Wind Shard, Undyed Cotton Cloth, Cotton Yarn, and Beast Sinew to make. You'll need HQ Velveteen Gaiters for the next class quest. You'll need Lightning Shards, Wind Shards, Undyed Velveteen, Undyed Cotton Cloth, and Rubber to make these.

Levels 35 to 40

We're still relying on levequests for the majority of our craft experience. This tier includes a fantastic triple leve called A Leg Up on the Cold. Its goal is to make Linen Tights out of Lightning Shards, Wind Shards, Undyed Linen, and Linen Yarn. If you want a single levequest, The Wages of Sin is an option. To finish it, you must provide a Linen Coatee of Craft. This comprises four Lightning Shards, four Wind Shards, two Undyed Linen Yarns, and one Electrum Ingot. You'll require elevated Woolen Tights for the following class task. You'll need Lightning Shards, Wind Shards, Undyed Woolen Cloth, and Woolen Yarn to make these.

Levels 45 to 50

We mostly rely on levequests in the ultimate level range. This time, the majority of them have congregated at Mor Dhona. Unfortunately, both quadruples on this tier are bad, so we're limited to singles. Full Moon Fever's goal is Felt Chausses. Six lightning shards, five wind shards, two undyed felts, one undyed woollen cloth, and one woollen yarn make up this item. Glad As a Hatter is another viable option; however, it requires the manufacture of a Felt Hat. To complete, you'll need Six Lightning Shards, Five Wind Shards, zoom Undyed Felt, One Undyed Woolen Cloth, & 1 Woolen Yarn.

Levels 50 to 60

After level 50, gaining experience has a big impact. After all, that was the show's highest level. Fortunately, as it was expanded, many additional ways of growing craftsmen and gatherers were available. We've already mentioned them. Furthermore, higher-level levequests have been added, but they pale compared to animal tribe weekly and bespoke deliveries.

Levels 60 to 70

The levelling procedure remains essentially unchanged beyond level 60. There is a set of new beast tribal dailies and some new custom delivery possibilities. By finishing another chain of missions, you can gain entry to Namazu Beast Tribe Dailies. Fortunately, this one has "just" 12 jobs. It begins with Bravery the Cowardice Lupin and ends with Something Fishy Is Coming. The daily newspapers are very similar to Moogle's. They're inexpensive and simple to execute. The collectable delivery system grows. You can accomplish the task Nothing Forget, None Forsaken at level 60.

FFXIV Weaver Levelling Guide

Levels 70 to 80

Shadowbringers upgrade raised the maximum level by ten more points. It didn't add much levelling content to the crafting and collecting classes. In this range, there will be no more typical class missions. Furthermore, players do not receive the new beast tribe after completing daily quests. Rather, the creators added a new customized deliveries facility in Eulmore, which you can access through the quest of Beehive Yourself. Another new feature is Crystarium Delivery. It functions similarly to certain other deliveries and awards Crafter's Scrips. However, they separate certain crafting courses into aspects and allocate them from a pool of common assignments. You is a part of the Manufacturing Facet as a Weaver, along with Carpenter and Leatherworker.


Weaver can manufacture a wide range of craft and gathering equipment, so use it whenever possible. Cloth armor can be manufactured for any caster jobs as well. Finally, you should be able to profit from their Weaver. This will be all from us for now. Stay tuned with us for more updates.

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