Online games are rapidly attracting gamers around the world. The ability to create a new world, the battle against enemies and kill the rivals gives the feeling of accomplishment and pleasure that is hard to understand by others. There is a huge variety of games available online that you can enjoy playing. However, there are only a few that are famous and people are ready to take this gaming trend to the next level. A game that has attracted many is Escape From Tarkov.
To get your EFT Roubles Or EFT Money, we extremely suggest you use Physical Bitcoins for the trade. By this way, the transaction fee is low and the price is stable. If you dont have Physical Bitcoins, please buy it from the market as the illustration shows as below:
1. Click the "FLEA MARKET".
2. Click "Browse" and "Physical Bitcoin" for purchase.
3. Click "Add offer", please choose Physical Bitcoin.
4. Fill in the "Currency" box at per item price.
5. Click "Add".
6. Place offer.
7. You can check your offer in "MY OFFERS" section. You can see your character name, item name, per item price on this page.
8. Place the order on our website, leave your character name, item name(Physical Bitcoin), per item price, item's quantity in your order.