Crushed Beast Bones are one of the special few crafting items you will require in the game to make your character stronger. You might actually need to find them at a specific location and get your hands on a few. Don’t worry, here in this guide, we will share with you the details on How to Farm Crushed Beast Bones in Diablo 4.
Before we jump to the farming locations, you need to understand which thing in Diablo 4 can get you the crushed beast bones. These are rare drops that you can only get from the beast type of enemies.
There are multiple types upfront like spiders, bears, and werewolves. All of these will drop you Crushed Beast Bones. Besides this, some non-demonic enemies, included in the category of beasts, also drop it.
Might feel like an easy task, but it isn’t. Not all the beasts will drop you the Crushed Beast Bones. You will have to defeat and loot a ton of enemies before you get some handful of Crushed Beast Bones.
Coming to the main part which is farming these bones. It can be found in every location including Dry Steppes, Scosglen, and The Fractured Peaks. The latter one is not the ideal place to farm Crushed Beast Bones, but the Dry Steppes and Scosglen are quite spectacular.
Here in these regions, we recommend you just roam around and explore. Find as many beasts as you can and then defeat them to get Crushed Beast Bones. Go to other regions and repeat the same process.
Once you are finished in the second location, you can go back to the first and get the beasts there again. It takes roughly around 20 to 30 minutes before the enemies spawn in an area.
When you are tired from farming Crushed Beast Bones in the region again and again, simply take your time on some dungeons and cellars. Our recommendation would be to travel towards the Flooded Mines.
It is found in the Margrave region, in the Western Tunnels. There, you will find beasts that drop Crushes Beast Bones.
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Now, for some instant Crushed Beast Bones, you can find Gaspar Stilbian, who is an elite foe. He will drop you 5 Crushed Beast Bones at once. If you are a sorcerer, you might want the Outcast’s Handwraps dropped from Stilbian.
According to the game itself, you need to be around level 30 to 35 in order to defeat him. But according to the actual players, you only need to be around 15 to defeat Stilbian.
Finding Gaspar Stilbian isn’t a problem at all when you know the exact location. He can be found in the Highland Wilds of Scosglen. To reach the location, you will have to take the pathway that takes you to the Northeast of Kyovashad.
First, go to Kor Vos, and from there go to the Northwest area and into the Scosglen. There are some strangely powerful enemies that inflict poison. You don’t have to fight them if you are solo because your job is to find and defeat Stilbian.
There is also a waypoint around the area of “Under the Fat Goose Inn”. Take it and you will have easy entry, as well as an exit.
Further, moving on, you will also find an area named Scar where you have the Gaspar Stilbian. Yes, he does seem like a level 35, but he isn’t that hard. During the fight, he doesn’t fight you, but the enemies around him do.
Make sure you bring in some healing with you and after you defeat him, the drop will provide you with 5 Crushed Beast Bones. Leave the area and come back again to find him exactly at the same spot. Do this again, and you will start farming Crushed Beast Bones along with some XP.
From the early game to mid-game, and then to the late game, you will be needing more potions and elixirs. Initially, you don’t need them that much but progressing in the game makes the use of potions compulsory. Crushed Beast Bones are included in the few crafting materials that level up your health potions. But that can be done after you reach level 30. Getting them is the main problem sometimes for players because a rare few beasts drop them. Don’t worry, we have here a guide on How to Farm Crushed Beast Bones in Diablo 4 to help you out.