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How to Get Void Darkplate and Butcher Sword in New World Aeternum - Mutation Expedition Reward Guide

In New World Aeternum, securing powerful artifacts like the Void Darkplate and Butcher Sword can provide a significant advantage in challenging PvE content. These pieces can be obtained through Mutated Expeditions, with varying difficulty levels offering distinct rewards. This guide covers how to complete the Mutation Level 1 Expedition, maximize your gear, and ultimately get your hands on Void Darkplate and Butcher Sword in New World Aeternum. With careful preparation and tons of New World Aeternum Gold Coins, even new players can overcome the challenges, stat-check the content, and make consistent progress.

What are Mutated Expeditions in Aeternum?

Mutated Expeditions in New World Aeternum

Mutated Expeditions in New World are advanced versions of Expeditions, with weekly mutations adding unique mechanics, including elemental damage types and stat modifications.

These mutations rotate, meaning different Expeditions like Barnacles and Black Powder may occasionally offer special gear like the Void Darkplate.

Each Mutated Expedition level adds extra challenges:

  • Mutation 1 (Intermediate): Generally accessible with standard gear and minimal experience, offering a great opportunity to gather powerful loot.
  • Higher Mutation Levels: Increased difficulty but with the same chances for certain artifacts at Mutation 1.

If your goal is to gather powerful items without getting too deep into advanced mechanics, focusing on Mutation Level 1 is highly recommended.

Why Target Mutation Level 1?

Mutation Level 1 - Best Mutation to Get Void Darkplate in New World Aeternum

Farming Mutation Level 1 offers you a reliable and accessible way to get high-tier items like the Void Darkplate and Butcher Sword in New World Aeternum without investing heavily in end-game legendary gear.

At this level, you’ll encounter manageable mechanics, allowing you to farm the Expedition multiple times if needed.

This repetition can result in powerful rewards without the extreme challenges of higher-level Mutations.

Key Mutation Mechanics to Expect:

  • Explosive: Enemies deal fire-based damage and create burn zones.
  • Icebound: Enemies inflict ice damage, adding a need for elemental resistance.

For example, in Barnacles and Black Powder with the Explosive mutation, it’s wise to prepare gear that counters fire damage to make the encounters more manageable.

Best Gear and Perks for Mutated Expeditions

New World Aeternum Void Darkplate - Best for defeating Mutated Expedition

To excel in Mutated Expeditions, prioritize the following gear and perks to ensure survivability and maximize your rewards:

Void Darkplate Armor:

  • Armor Bonus: Increases armor by 20%.
  • Perks: Equipped with Enchanted Ward and Physical Aversion. You can also add a custom perk and a socket for further customization.

Butcher Sword:

  • Great for damage output, especially if tailored with perks like Thrust Conditioning or Energize Encounter for better DPS in close-range combat.

Elemental Resistance Amulets:

  • Equip an amulet with elemental resistance, such as Aquamarine gems for ice damage or Ruby gems for fire. These provide added protection against the Mutations’ unique effects.

Enchanted Ward Gear:

  • Reduces incoming damage, especially useful in Mutations. Look for gear with high gear scores, as these pieces may feature bonuses like Slash Conditioning or Thrust Conditioning alongside Enchanted Ward.

Essential Preparations for Success

Essential Preparations for Success in New World Aeternum Mutated Expedition

Before heading into Mutated Expeditions, make sure you’re well-prepared to boost your chances of success.

Here’s how you can get a leg up on the challenges ahead:

  • Gem Slotting: Strategically choose your gems to match the Mutation you’ll be facing. Equip Aquamarine gems for extra ice damage absorption when dealing with frosty foes, or go with Ruby gems to boost your fire resistance against fiery threats. Adjusting your gems to the expedition’s mutation type gives you a strong defensive edge, making a noticeable difference in your survival and resilience.

  • Balanced Stat Build: Aim for a balanced build that emphasizes both Vitality and Defense. This will allow you to absorb incoming elemental damage more effectively, keeping you in the fight longer. Increasing these stats means you can withstand more hits without getting overwhelmed, especially useful in encounters where elemental attacks are relentless.

  • Affordable Gear: If you’re on a newer server, take advantage of the more affordable high-gear items, and you can even get your hands on Level 725 Gear Score Weapons. Look out for equipment with traits like Enchanted Ward or Counter Thrust Conditioning in the trading post, as these will improve your resistance to elemental attacks. You’ll often find great gear at affordable prices, especially in the server's early days when inflation hasn’t driven up costs. For under a thousand New World Aeternum Gold Coins, you can pick up excellent gear that can significantly enhance your survivability and performance in Mutated Expeditions.

These preparations are essential for beating the New World Aeternum Mutated Expeditions with confidence, giving you the resilience to handle any elemental threats that come your way.

New World Aeternum Void Darkplate and Butcher Sword Farming Strat

New World Aeternum Void Darkplate and Butcher Sword Farming Strat - Barnacles and Black Powder Level 1 Mutated Expedition

To get your hands on high-level gear like Void Darkplate and Butcher Sword in New World Aeternum, you will have to do the Mutated Expeditions, as it is the only way of getting high-level gear like Void Darkplate.

Following this strategy will prove the best results:

  1. Choose Mutation Level 1: Stick to Level 1 as it’s manageable and provides the same drop chances for the Void Darkplate and Butcher Sword as higher-level Mutations. The best Level 1 Mutation is Barnacles and Black Powder which gets you Void Darkplate in New World  Aeternum.

  2. Equip Resistance Gear: Based on the Expedition’s elemental type, equip resistance gems accordingly. Enchanted Ward gear further improves your defenses.

  3. Learn Basic Mechanics: Familiarize yourself with simple mechanics, even if you aren’t aiming for pro-level play. Enemies in Mutation 1 expeditions hit less hard, so understanding positioning and avoiding unnecessary damage can go a long way.

  4. Team Coordination: If you’re running with a group, coordinate roles. Healers with Life Staffs focused on Refreshing Move and Mortal Refreshment are invaluable. DPS players should stick to resistance gear matching the Mutation’s element.

  5. Sell Extra Gear: Resources and gear from Mutated Expeditions can sell for considerable coin. Selling unneeded items can help finance better gear over time, allowing you to further invest in end-game artifacts.

  6. Persist Through Runs: It may take several runs, but each clear gives you experience with the Expedition’s layout and mechanics, ultimately speeding up your farm time for these valuable items.


Trying for the Void Darkplate and Butcher Sword in New World Aeternum Mutated Expeditions is a manageable path to gearing up for harder content without investing much. Sticking to Mutation Level 1, with resistance-based gear and Enchanted Ward perks, lets you farm effectively and stat-check the content.

Yes, the prices do vary across servers, but affordable gear with solid perks like Slash Conditioning and Counter Thrust is easily accessible to New World Aeternum Beginners, enabling even new players to progress in the game. With persistence and careful preparation, you'll achieve a strong foundation to tackle higher-level content.

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