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How to use Gold in Palworld - Gold Spending Guide

Palworld is a completely new addition to the gaming industry that takes the concept of Pokemon and implements it in a survival open-world genre. Gold is the main currency in Palworld and everything revolves around it in one way or another. So, here is our Gold Spending Guide where we will share details on using Gold in Palworld alongside how to earn Gold Coins.

How to use Gold in Palworld - Gold Spending Guide

In every video game, there is an in-game currency or credit system that allows you to buy various items, and the same thing is carried into Palworld. But, the name of the currency is kept quite simple as it is called “Gold Coins”, and it is utilized through merchants.

Whether you are selling and buying Pals or trading your materials, you get or require Gold. When you sell Pals or items, you get Gold in return, while buying requires spending the earned gold.

But, the problem is that Palworld trading or activities don’t give you much gold and to buy things you have to spend a bunch of that at the time. That’s why we have here a guide on using Gold in Palworld.

How to Get Gold Coins in Palworld?

Earning Gold by Selling Materials/Items to Merchant in Palworld

There are many ways to get Gold Coins in Palworld, but they all revolve around four basic methods, which are:

  1. Chests - You will come across chests as you are traversing the massive world of Palworld, and all of them contain gold. Whether there are rare chests or regular ones, you will get gold in return. The higher the rarity, the more you will get. But, to open the rare chests, you need copper keys that the enemies drop or you get from normal chests.

  2. In-game Trading - As already mentioned, when you have extra Pals or resources/materials, you can sell them at merchants to earn Gold. Small Settlement has two merchants known as Pal Merchant and Traveling Merchant. The latter deals in materials while the other deals in Pals. Do dungeons to earn valuable resources that you can later sell for extra Gold to spend later.

  3. Fights - Some enemies drop gold, especially those soldiers you find at bases and specific military areas. This is quite useful for the early game players.

  4. Pal/Farming - You can capture essential Pals that can help you in building and farming, creating structures. Furthermore, there are two Pals known as the Mau Cryst and Mau who come with the Gold Digger ability, which helps you passively find Gold Coins in the base. There are other Pals as well that can help you passively earn gold.

Having trouble earning Gold or gathering resources in Palworld? Don't worry because you can now Buy Cheap Palworld Gold Coins and Palworld Items from MMOPixel with secured payment and quick delivery.

How to Spend Gold in Palworld?

Using Gold in Palworld to Buy Resources and Pals from Merchant

Just as merchants are used to get Gold by selling, they are also used to spend Gold in Palworld. In the Small Settlement (72, -486), you will come across two merchants - Pal Merchant, and Wanderer Merchant.

The Pal Merchant buys and sells Pals, and the Wanderer Merchant buys and sells materials/items. If you have enough Gold Coins, you can head over to these two to purchase essential Pals and Resources.

As you progress in Palworld, you will also come across the Black Merchant or Black Marketeer who trades in illegal Pals and Rares. You can spend your hard-earned Gold Coins there as well, but it is quite expensive. 

So, we recommend following the guide above to earn Gold Coins in Palworld, and as you gather a ton of Gold, you can come back to Black Marketeer to get rare or illegal Pals. 

Do some dungeons that are indicated by black entrances and as you come close there is a level and a timer. If you are around that level, you can take the boss as well and it will return you valuable resources. 

Go back to the typical merchant in the Small Settlement, and you will get a ton of Gold by selling these resources. Use these on the Black Market.


Palworld has Gold Coins as its official in-game currency for the time being. As the game is in early access, it could expand to multiple currencies sooner or later. You can get Gold Coins from chests, Pals, farming, and selling your Pals/Materials. Then, you can use those hard-earned Gold Coins in Palworld to purchase materials from Wandering Merchants in Small Settlements or get Pals from Pals Merchants or Black Marketeers

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