With the Wrath of the Lich King launch in World of Warcraft Classic, we welcome (once more) to the new profession: Inscription. With this new job, you can craft different Vellums, Glyphs, Scrolls, Darkmoon Cards, Off-Hand items, and Shoulder Enchantments.
The Scribes can create Pigments from Herbs using their unique Milling ability, which leads to the basic materials required for Inscription.
If you already have a high level of Herbalism, you can save some gold, as you will need plenty of Herbs to create different Pigments. Otherwise, often prepare to visit the Auction House or any other market
Leveling Inscription will allow you to create essential items and enchants that came for Wrath of the Lich King. One of them is the Glyphs, a new power system that can modify and empower your spells and abilities.
You can equip up to 6, divided between 3 Major Glyphs and 3 Minor Glyphs. While Minor Glyphs are, mainly, boosts for an ability, Major Glyphs can modify how a spell functions.
These are the “hot news” for the recent Classic expansion. Even more now, thanks to Tradeskill Linking, where you can sell your services in your specialized profession. And with Inscription coming out, there will be many people in need of those Scribes to make their Glyphs.
Another important item you can craft with Inscription is Scrolls, which can give you or your party a temporary boost and are pretty fine for raiding.
Then we have Darkmoon Cards and Off-Hand items that are very useful for caster class players. And lastly, Enchants to empower your shoulder item.
For people with the skill level 1 through 300 (Apprentice to Artisan), Inscription is taught by the trainers of each faction's capital city. If you have trouble finding them, you can talk to any guard, which will pop up a dialogue window, and you can search for your Profession Trainer. Then you will see a red flag on the map and an arrow on the minimap where the trainer is located.
Once you reach 300, you must be at level 50 to go further until 375 (Master). These can be trained in Hellfire Peninsula. Alliance players should look for Michael Schwan in Honor Hold, while Horde players will learn from Neferatti inside the Thrallmar tower.
Becoming a Grand Master (from 375-450) will require you to be, at least, Level 65 and travel to Northrend. Horde players can keep learning Adelene Sunlance in Warsong Hold (located in Borean Tundra) or Booker Kells at Vengeance Landing (in Howling Fjord).
Meanwhile, Alliance players can learn from Tink Brightbold in Valiance Keep (Borean Tundra) or Mindri Dinkles in Valgarde (Howling Fjord).
There is also a neutral trainer, Professor Pallin, that can be reached by either faction in Dalaran.
Always focus on crafting Orange or Yellow items to level up your Inscription skill efficiently. The Orange items guarantee a skill-up, while Yellow has a high chance of granting it. You should consider Green items only to sell them on the Auction House (as you may require to buy lots of Herbs to gain skill points on Inscription), and Grey items never give skill-ups.
As we stated at the beginning, you will need plenty of Herbs to reach different Inscription skill ranges. These are necessary to create Pigments with the Milling ability.
The first thing you need to buy when you seek an Inscription Trainer is a Virtuoso Inking Set. With that secured, let’s go with Milling.
This ability destroys five herbs of one type, giving you from 2 to 4 common pigments and 1 to 3 uncommon ones. The latter has a chance drop of 50% or 25%, depending on the herb you are milling. All herbs require a minimum Inscription level. In the following table, we’ll look at which herbs you need for each Pigment, which have a higher chance of dropping an uncommon Pigment, and the Inscription level you need to mill each herb.
1 |
25 |
75 |
125 |
175 |
225 |
275 |
325 |
Keep this table in mind as we will talk about Inks, the fundamental crafting material required to create the different Inscription items (like Glyphs and Scrolls).
Different types of Inks are crafted from their corresponding Pigment. Common Pigments lead to common Inks, and so happens with Uncommon. You will need to create all of these Inks when the time comes. So, in the next table, we will specify which pigment makes which ink and the recommended herbs that you should gather, which will be useful when you need to craft an uncommon ink. Keep in mind that you only need one kind of herb listed for each.
As an additional note, any of this inks can be bought in Dalaran by visiting Jessica Sellers. They all cost 1 Ink of the Sea, except the Snowfall Ink, which you will need 10 Ink of the Sea to purchase it.
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With all the previous concepts in mind, it is time to proceed on your path through reaching Grand Master Inscription levels. We’ll look step-by-step at what you need to do until a certain threshold, which materials you need, and what to craft to progress on the “Inscription path.”
Once you have talked to your trainer, ensure all the materials in your inventory. As stated, it doesn’t matter which herb you will use besides its uncommon pigment drop chance. So, for monetary purposes, always try to go with the cheapest herb available. Prices may vary on different servers and even on different days.
You will need 70 Alabaster Pigment, which will require approximately 120 Earthroot, Peacebloom, or Silverleaf to mill. You also need 64 Light Parchment to craft scrolls. Once you have everything, let’s proceed:
From level 1 to 20 |
Craft |
20-35 |
Craft |
35-55 |
Craft |
After reaching 55 |
Go back with the trainer and learn |
- |
55-75 |
Craft |
You will need 40 Dusky Pigment, 10 Verdant Pigment, and 21 Light Parchment. To get the pigments, you will need approximately 70 Bruiseweed, Straglekelp, Briarthorn, Mageroyal, or Swiftthistle. Keep in mind that if you need to get more uncommon pigments, focus on the “50% drop chance” herbs.
75-80 |
Craft |
After reaching 80 |
Learn and use It will grant you one additional level |
81-85 |
Craft any Orange Glyph 4 times |
(per Glyph) |
85-95 |
Craft until you reach 95 |
85-100 |
Craft any Orange Glyph until you get 100 |
(at worst) |
You will need 90 Golden Pigment and 10 Burnt Pigment. It will take approximately 150 Kingsblood, Liferoot, Grave Moss, or Wild Steelbloom to mill. You will need 45 Common Parchment, too.
100-105 |
Craft |
105-125 |
Make 20 Orange Glyphs |
After reaching 125 |
Learn |
- |
125-135 |
Craft any amount of |
125-135 |
You can also make any Orange Glyph until 135 |
135-145 |
Make 10 Orange Glyphs |
145-150 |
Craft |
It will require 90 Emerald Pigment, 10 Indigo Pigment, and 55 Common Parchment. For the pigments, you will need to mill approximately 150 Wintersbite, Fadeleaf, Goldthorn, or Khadgar’s Whisker.
150-155 |
Craft |
155-165 |
Craft 10 Orange Glyphs |
165-170 |
Make |
170-175 |
Craft 5 Orange Glyphs |
175-180 |
You will need to craft, at least, |
175-180 |
Craft |
180-195 |
Craft 15 Orange Glyphs |
195-200 |
Craft |
After reaching 200 |
Learn |
- |
You will need 90 Violet Pigment and 10 Ruby Pigment, which you can get them from milling, approximately, 150 Blindweed, Ghost Mushroom, Gromsblood, Arthas’ Tears, Firebloom, Purple Lotus, or Sungrass. You will also need 65 Heavy Parchment.
200-205 |
Craft |
205-215 |
Craft 10 Orange Glyph |
215-220 |
Craft |
220-225 |
Craft 5 Orange Glyph |
225-230 |
Craft, at least, |
225-230 |
Craft |
230-240 |
Craft 10 Orange Glyph |
240-250 |
Craft |
You will need 80 Silvery Pigment and 15 Sapphire Pigment. You can get them from milling, approximately, 135 Icecap, Mountain Silversage, Plaguebloom, Dreamfoil, or Golden Sansam. You will need 40 Heavy Parchment, too.
250-255 |
Craft |
255-260 |
Craft |
260-275 |
Craft 15 Orange Glyph |
After reaching 275 |
Go to the Outland Trainer and learn |
- |
275-290 |
Craft as many |
275-290 |
Craft Orange Glyphs until you reach 290 |
You will need 100 Nether Pigment and 45 Ebon Pigment. For this one, we recommend gathering approximately 170 Ancient Lichen, Mana Thistle, Netherbloom, or Nightmare Vine, so you have a better chance of getting those 45 uncommon pigments.
You also will need 10 Heavy Parchment, 45 Resilient Parchment, and 45 Primal Life (ask for an Alchemist or buy them in the Auction House).
290-305 |
Craft |
305-310 |
Craft |
310-320 |
Craft 10 Orange Glyph |
320-325 |
Craft Yellow Glyphs until you get to 325 |
325-330 |
Craft as many |
325-330 |
Craft Orange Glyphs until you reach 330 |
330-340 |
Craft |
340-345 |
Craft 5 Orange Glyph |
345-350 |
Craft |
After reaching 350 |
Go to the Northrend Trainer and learn |
- |
You will need 164 Azure Pigment that you can get from milling 275 Adder’s Tongue, Icethorn, Lichbloom, Deadnettle, Fire Leaf, Goldclover, or Talandra’s Rose. Save all the Icy Pigment that you would get from those herbs. You also will need 126 Resilient Parchment.
350-355 |
Craft |
355-375 |
Craft 20 Orange Glyphs |
375-380 |
Craft as many |
Save 2 pigments for later |
380-385 |
Craft Yellow Glyphs until you reach 385 |
After reaching 385 |
Learn and use |
Since you used “Northrend Inscription Research,” you advance one more level in your Inscription mastery. Now, to reach from 386 to 400, you can craft Orange and Yellow glyphs until you get there (each requires 1 Ink of the Sea and 1 Resilient Parchment), or you do it with Northrend Inscription Research, but beware, this has a 20 hour cooldown time.
Once you reach 400, you can learn specific shoulder enchants:
Master’s Inscription of the Axe (+120 Att. Power; +15 Critical Strike Rating)
Master’s Inscription of the Crag (+70 Spell Power; +8 Mana Regeneration/5 seconds)
Master’s Inscription of the Pinnacle (+60 Dodge; +15 Defense Rating)
Master’s Inscription of the Storm (+70 Spell Power; +15 Critical Strike Rating)
To keep going forward, you can craft 25 Orange Glyph (it will require 25 Ink of the Sea and 50 Resilient Parchment). Once you are at 425, continue crafting Yellow Glyphs until you get to 430 (each requires 1 Ink of the Sea and 1 Resilient Parchment).
From now on, you must learn new glyphs from the Book of Glyph Mastery and use Northrend Inscription Research to skill up. At 440, you can do it crafting Runescroll of Fortitude, which requires 1 Snowfall Ink and 5 Resilient Parchment.
Both types of research have a 20-hour cooldown timer, so try to use it once per day until you get all the glyphs and reach 450.
With Inscription level 400, you will unlock two good caster’s Off-Hand items for raiding:
Iron-bound Tome (+495 Armor; +49 Stamina; +74 Spell Power; +33 Critical Strike Rating).
Faces of Doom (+42 Intellect; +42 Spirit; +49 Spell Power; +42 Critical Strike Rating).
Both require 5 Snowfall Ink, 2 Ink of the Sea, 1 Frozen Orb, and 10 Resilient Parchment.
You can get a Darkmoon Card of the North, too. This item creates a random Northrend Darkmoon card and requires 6 Snowfall Ink, 3 Ink of the Sea, 3 Eternal Life, and 1 Resilient Parchment. The Darkmoon card can be combined into a full set and gives some powerful trinkets such as:
Darkmoon Card: Greatness - +90 Strength/Agility/Intellect/Spirit. When you heal or deal damage, you have a 35% chance to gain “Greatness.” It increases your highest primary stat by 300 for 15 seconds. 45s cooldown.
Darkmoon Card: Death - +85 Critical Strike Rating. Each time you deal damage, you have a 15% chance of dealing from 1750 to 2250 additional Shadow damage. 45s cooldown.
Darkmoon Card: Illusion - +100 Spell Power. Activate it to absorb 1500 damage for 6 seconds. When the shield is removed by any means, you regain 1500 mana. 5 minutes cooldown.
Darkmoon Card: Berserker! - +100 Resilience Rating. You have a 50% chance of gaining “Berserker!” when you deal or take damage in combat. It increases your Critical Strike Rating by 35 for 12 seconds. It stacks up to 3 times.
You reached the end of the Inscription path. You will now make any kind of glyphs that not only you need but also any other player (and make gold while doing it).
This new profession was “hot news” when WoTLK came out and increased the maximum profession level to 450. And with this inscription leveling guide, you will be a Scribe as fast as can be.