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Lost Ark Gunslinger - Guide To Lost Ark Classes!

Lost Ark Gunslinger has three weapons in her arsenal - a rifle, pistols and a shotgun.

Get the best class engraving, use your catlike reflexes or just blow it all up with freeze grenade! In this Gunslinger guide we will show you how it’s done.

Find vital point shot and slam it with your sniper rifle! Increase your attack speed with three weapons. Find out what the best gunslinger skills are and deal some significant damage with this high mobility character. 

Check out our guide for all there is to know when it comes to gunslinging action. This class deals damage like no other so make sure that most skills you use have enough attack power to slam even the strongest of enemies!

Who you gonna call? Gunslinger! Let’s go!

Improve Your Handgun and Rifle Skills With Gunslinger Guide

Gunslinger - Skills

Gunslinger Skills List

Lost Ark Gunslinger Engravings and Builds

Lost Ark Gunslinger Peacekeeper Build

Lost Ark Gunslinger Hunting Time Build

Lost Ark Gunslinger Engravings

Gunslinger - Gems

Final Thoughts

Three weapons, three shots, one opportuninty! Land a best shot and stomp the enemies with your feet! 

What, what?! Are you ready for some high-octane action? Check out our Gunslinger guide on how to kill from a distance. Whether we’re talking about PvP or some PvE, Gunslinger delivers on all fronts. Enemies caught in your traps will never survive the glory of bullets you’ll lay upon them.

Let’s find out, what are the best skills for this maniac!

Gunslinger - Skills

Overview of the Gunslinger: crazy damage busts, three weapons and top tier reflexes! Create your own built with our data!

Gunslinger is one of the craziest classes in the game. It comes down to the fact, that this guy has not one, not two, but three Identity Skills with no identity gauge. She uses three weapons, long range rifle, shotgun, and dual pistols for some close range damage. 

Gunslinger Skills List




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Spiral Tracker

Throw a spinning handgun at the target location within 10 meters, inflicting up to  233.0 Damage over 15 hits

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AT02 Grenade

Throw a grenade at the target location within 10 meters, inflicting  135 Damage

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Quick Step

Slide 6 meters forward and fire the weapon to inflict  155 Damage

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Plasma Bullet

Fires a powerful flame bullet, launching foes into the air for 682 [Fire] Damage. Sets the ground ablaze, inflicting 56 [Fire] Damage every 0.8s for 2.4s

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Meteor Stream

Fire a volley of bullets into the air, then control them to crash into the target location, inflicting  445 Damage and launching foes into the air

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Somersault Shot

Somersault to move 10 meters forward while firing your handgun to deal  139 Damage

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Hour of Judgment

Fire 3 bullets in a cone-shaped area. Each bullet inflicts  171 Damage, for a total of  525.2 Damage. Bullet fragments scatter behind the hit target, with each fragment inflicting  42 Damage

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Spiral Flame

Fiire a powerful flame bullet, launching foes into the air for 682 [Fire] Damage. Sets the ground ablaze, inflicting 56 [Fire] Damage every 0.8s for 2.4s

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Fire your handgun across a broad area, inflicting up to  454.6 Damage

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Shotgun Rapid Fire

Fire your shotgun 3 times, inflicting 274. 274, and  365 Damage

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Allows you to throw a Claymore at the target location and detonates it, inflicting  709 Damage and launching foes into the air

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Death Fire

Fire a volley of bullets over 2.9s to attack all nearby foes, causing up to  428.6 Damage over 9 hits. Hit the Perfect Zone to throw a grenade as you jump backward, inflicting  238 Damage and launching foes into the air

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Last Request

Fire a powerful explosive bullet, inflicting 780 Damage and launching foes into the air

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Perfect Shot

Fire a high-speed large-caliber bullet to inflict 274 Damage. Hit the Perfect Zone to inflict 1099 Damage and knock back foes

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Dexterous Shot

Move 6 meters as you glide and fire your handgun 4 times to inflict 81.9 Damage to nearby foes. This skill can be used up to 2 times in a row

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Fire the handgun forward to inflict 62 Damage. Upon pressing the Combo key, the character fires the handgun in a burst to inflict 93 Damage. If an additional combo is input, the character kicks to inflict 31 Damage and then fires the handgun rapidly to inflict a total of 127.0 Damage. You can change the direction upon hitting the Combo key, and the first handgun hit allows the character to perform A Counter Attack

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Dual Buckshot

Fire your shotgun 2 times, inflicting 285 and 285 Damage. If this attack is followed by another attack, the character spins the gun to reload and fire it again, inflicting 572 Damage

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Focused Shot

Fire the rifle 2 times to inflict 315 Damage for each shot. Foe Move Speed -80% for 2s. Then fire a high-caliber bullet to inflict 631 Damage and knock down foes

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Bullet Rain

Fire the weapon forward for 2s to inflict a total of 637.8 Damage

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Sharpshooter (Skill)

Fire the shotguns in each hand forward 7 times to inflict 1493 Damage. The skill can be canceled by switching stances

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Twilight Eye

Turns back and marks the closest foe in range as a dueling target. Grants them the Eye of Twilight debuff. Move Speed -80% and Atk. Speed -40% for 3.5s. After a 2s countdown, the character swiftly draws and fires their revolver for 11672 Damage, inflicting Stagger [Mid-high] and Weak Point Level 2 to foes affected by the Eye of Twilight debuff. 4260 Damage to foes without it. The Eye of Twilight debuff disappears after shooting.

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High-Caliber HE Bullet

Aims your foe in the front while quickly moving backward and fires 1 bullet. The bullet creates a large Rear Blast to inflict 11672 Damage to the foes in the vicinity.

Lost Ark Gunslinger Engravings and Builds

Destroy your enemies with the right Engraving! Choose Peacekeeper Engraving for some shotgun action and Hunting Time to play with rifles and pistols!

As we’ve stated before, the most popular builds came from two class engravings for Gunslinger: Peacekeeper and Hunting Time. There are many substantial differences between the two, so it’s best to explain it further right now.

Lost Ark Gunslinger Peacekeeper Build

Use your shotguns well! Peacekeeper build is focusing on close-range action!

Peacekeeper build is the most common build there is. You can use different weapons to slam an unwary foe with a quick aim rifle shot or back attack with a shotgun. Close range gameplay can deal damage, but thanks to the excellent mobility of the Gunslinger, you can get out of the tight spot in a matter of seconds!

Peacekeeper build mostly relies on shotguns. You get an attack speed increase to pistols, cit chance to shotguns and it increases the damage on your sniper rifle.

Lost Ark Gunslinger Hunting Time Build

Hunting Time Build Allows you to focus on pistols and rifle while removing the shotgun out of your arsenal!

The second one is Hunting Time Build which removes the shotgun, focusing on the rifle and pistols.

Hunting Time, on the other hand, makes your shotgun essentially useless, but it grants you a 30% crit chance increase on your sniper and pistol. Pick what you like and let’s go to the next one!

Lost Ark Gunslinger Engravings

You will also need some engravings that will increase your damage output. For that, use Grudge that increases the damage dealt to bosses. You will also receive more damage so be aware of that.

The other one you’ll probably like is Precise Dagger engraving. It increases the crit damage, and you are all about that critical, we can’t deny that. It pairs best with Peacekeeper built, because your Hunting Time crits are already very high.

You can also get some Cursed Doll to increase your attack power. Adrenaline is another one you should utilize. It’s best for increasing your damage. The same goes for Keen Blunt Weapon if you need some bonus crit chance, but it can also decrease your attacks by 20%. 

You may need some Heavy Armoring as well to increase your defense by 20/50/100 % depending on the Engraving’s level. Or - just be good at dodging.




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Time to Hunt

  • Lv. 1: Crit Rate +20% for Handgun and Rifle skills. Unable to use Shotgun Stance.

  • Lv. 2: Crit Rate +25% for Handgun and Rifle skills. Unable to use Shotgun Stance.

  • Lv. 3: Crit Rate +30% for Handgun and Rifle skills. Unable to use Shotgun Stance.

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  • Lv. 1: Atk. Speed in Handgun Stance +8%. Crit Rate in Shotgun Stance +15%. Damage to foes +10% and additional Damage +10% to targets with 50% or lower HP for 9s while in Rifle Stance.

  • Lv. 2: Atk. Speed in Handgun Stance +12% . Crit Rate in Shotgun Stance +20%. Damage to foes +10% and additional Damage +20% to targets with 50% or lower HP for 9s while in Rifle Stance.

  • Lv. 3: Atk. Speed in Handgun Stance +16%. Crit Rate in Shotgun Stance +25%. Damage to foes +10% and additional Damage +30% to targets with 50% or lower HP for 9s while in Rifle Stance.

Gunslinger - Gems

Choose the right gems for your endgame! Unlock best skill and unload the bullets on your enemies!


Utilize what you can. Whether you want some incoming healing, cover some weakness exposure, or just make those damn debuffs disappear - gems are your game! They give you different buffs, they’re great at reducing incoming damage or increasing your AoE damage output! 

Gems give your character a power boost, increasing your damage or cooldown. You need to attach them to a certain skill so they could work. You can only have one damage and cooldown gem for a skill.

In this case - try to use them for greater damage with some attack speed bonus on the side. It may not seem like the best idea, but trust us - you will be pleased with the results.

Final Thoughts

Thank you for going over some guns-slinging action! There are many incredible mechanics in this game. Switch between three equipped weapons and discover a world full of boss fight and, well, gunslingers.

Remember to check out our many guides for Lost Ark-related topics but also some other incredible games.

Please like and share this article, tell your friends and family about it! Have fun and stay safe!

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