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Lost Ark Paladin - Support as a Tanker or Fight as a DPS!

Play Lost Ark with other players and develop the Paladin class

Lost Ark is the new king of the hill! Its fame has grown so much that it has displaced great MMOs, such as WoW and Final Fantasy XIV. 

Lost Ark, just like the best games of this genre, holds many classes for different types of gamers. In this regard, Paladin stands like a good decision for most players who like to use offensive moves alike and take support roles. 

Among Lost Ark classes, Paladin is one of the simplest to use and perfect for early stages. So, if you’re interested in learning everything about this solar guardian, keep reading this Lost Ark Paladin Guide

Table of Contents

What is Lost Ark Paladin?

Paladin Disadvantages

Paladin Advantages

Lost Ark Paladin Engravings

Blessed Aura



Lost Ark Paladin Skills 

Paladin Awakening Skills

Alithanes’s Judgement

Alithanes’s Light

The Vest Lost Ark Paladin Builds: Skills and Tripods

The Best Paladin Support Build

The Best Paladin DPS Build

Paladin Identity Skill

Holy Aura

Sacred Executioner

Lost Ark Paladin Conclusions

What is Lost Ark Paladin?

Paladin class has great powers to melee attacks and support the team

Paladin Class in Lost Ark is a perfect choice for medium-players. Paladin was designed to be tank support. That said, It has great support capabilities through party-wide buffs and balanced damage output. Keep in mind that Paladin is for close-range warriors who want to deal damage to nearby foes. So, if you like the style of paladin’s attack power, this is your option. 

Paladin can use holy skills and buffs via the holy book to support their team or wield a sword and bring punishing skills to bear on the frontline.

Paladins have a signature style of mixing heavy armour, melee attacks, and holy magic, holding a potent offensive. They also have a direct line to the power of Gods, conducting their ancient might into great offensive and defensive moves.

Paladins don’t deal as much damage as other primary DPS characters, but it still is a good choice to balance support and DPS. 

Its abilities are divided into two types:

  • Yellow (Holy Skills) - Support

  • Blue (Punish Skills) - Damage

Paladin Disadvantages

First, let’s straight up to the weak points of this class:

  • Although it has some DPS builds, it's weaker than DPS-focused classes.

  • Paladin classes have some healing abilities, but fewer than other classes, like the Bard.

Paladin Advantages

  • It offers solid support with tankiness.

  • Paladin class has the ability of creating a shield for the team.

  • It can manipulate different aura abilities.

  • High DPS levels and more HP. 

  • It provides a lot of damage buffs.

  • Paladin class provides survivability increases.  

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Lost Ark Paladin Engravings

Paladin class create incredible shield to protect your character and teammates

The three first engravings we mention below are a good choice if you opt for Paladin support build. 

Blessed Aura

Lv1. With Holy Aura, Damage Received -10% and 2% of Max HP restored every 2.5s for all party members.

Lv2. With Holy Aura, Damage Received -15% and 2% of Max HP restored every 2s for all party members.

Lv3. With Holy Aura, Damage Received -20% and 2% of Max HP restored every 1.5s for all party members.

Note. It enhances the Paladin’s Holy Aura with damage reduction and healing. 


Lv1. Awakening Skill Cooldown -10%. +1 maximum use.

Lv2. Awakening Skill Cooldown -25%. +2 maximum use.

Lv3. Awakening Skill Cooldown -50%. +3 maximum use.


Lv1. Shield and Healing effectiveness on all Party Members +6%. If target’s HP is 50% or lower, +3% additional effectiveness.

Lv2. Shield and Healing effectiveness on all Party Members +14%. If target’s HP is 50% or lower, +7% additional effectiveness.

Lv3. Shield and Healing effectiveness on all Party Members +24%. If target’s HP is 50% or lower, +12% additional effectiveness.

Note. Expert increases healing and shield effectiveness, especially with the target on low HP.

If you’re thinking about going for the usual damage build, prefer typical DPS engravings.

  • Adrenaline. After using skills (excluding Movement Skills and Basic Attacks), you get Atk. Power +0.3% for 6s. Stacks up to 6 times. When max stacks are reached, you get Crit Rate +5%. If cooldown reduction due to skill cancel is applied to this effect, it is applied after the end of the skill.

  • Cursed Doll. Atk. Power +16%. Healing 25%, natural recovery excluded. 

  • Grudge. Damage +20% to Boss or above monsters. Incoming damage +20%.

Lost Ark Paladin Skills 






Spin Slash



Quickly spin twice while slashing, inflicting 105 and 105 Damage for each slash.

Flash Thrust



Swiftly stab with your sword 4 times in a position to inflict 189.1 total Damage, then stab one final time to inflict 55 Damage.

Light Shock



Hold the sword in reverse and gather both hands to unleash a light shockwave that inflicts a moderate Damage of 153. 

Light of Judgment



Spread powerful rays of light that inflicts 348.8 total Damage.




Charge forward 6 meters and stab foes with your sword, inflicting Damage of 494.

Sword of Justice



Drop a sword made of light at the target location to inflict 336 Damage to your foe and thrust the sword into the ground.

Flash Shash



Slowly move forward and slash your foe 7 times, inflicting 148, 159, 159, 159, 159, 159, and 181 Damage with each slash. No mana cost.

Godsent Law



Summon a magick circle of light through holy scriptures. Texts made of infinite light swirl within the magic circle, dealing 998.9 Total Damage to foes for 2s.




Slash your foe with your sword in a cross shape using one hand to inflict 108 and 108 Damage with each slash. Then grab the sword with both hands and slash as you swing to inflict 501 Damage.

Wrath of God



Call forth the energy of sacred thunder into your weapon and inflict 1002 Damage to nearby enemies.

Holy Area



Generate a holy area at the target location for 6s and inflict 435.9 total Damage over time.

Dash Slash



Reposition yourself and sprint forward. When you finish sprinting, swing your sword to inflict 745 Damage to your foe and launch them into the air. 

Executor’s Sword



Hold the sword in both hands and rapidly swing upwards to inflict Damage of 175 and launch foes into the air. Use the skill again to deliver a downward slash and inflict 263 Damage before thrusting your sword into the ground.

Holy Protection



Use the power of divine light to create a barrier for 11.0% of Max HP for all party members within 24 meter radius for 6s.

Execution of Justice



Hold the sword with one hand and quickly spin in position to inflict 789.0 Damage to your foe, then perform a crushing blow that inflicts 335 Damage.

Holy Explosion



Gather divine strength for 2s before having it explode at the target location, inflicting 969 Damage.

Holy Sword



Gather the light Energy into your sword and thrust your weapon at your foe to inflict 114 Damage. Light will stream out of the sword and inflict an additional Damage of 1029. 

Heavenly Blessing



Summon the Solar Guardian and inflict 52o Damage to nearby foes. The guardian blesses all party members within a 24 meters radius. Damage received -11% for 8s.

Paladin Awakening Skills

Each class has only two unique awakening skills. To unlock these abilities, you need to follow align with Beatrice’s post-level 50 questlines.  You can only equip one at a time. 

Alithanes’s Judgement

Jump up and unleash a holy light that shines toward your target location. Inflict massive Damage on surrounding foes upon landing and create a barrier for 8000% of your Max HP for all party members for 10s within a 24 meters radius of all party members.

Note. Alinathanes’s Judgement penetrates through even guardian monsters. 

Alithanes’s Light

Embue holy energy into your sword and unleash it forward. On a hit, inflicts 111 Damage. The energy then explodes and inflicts an additional 111 Damage.

The Vest Lost Ark Paladin Builds: Skills and Tripods

As we mentioned, Paladin can fulfill two roles: support and DPS. Below you’ll see our choice according to the best skills of builds of both roles.

The Best Paladin Support Build

Paladin’s skills below are thought to structure the best Lost Ark Paladin build of this support class.


Tripod 1

Tripod 2

Tripod 3

Light Shock

Swift Fingers

Light gathering to create the shockwave is now instantaneous

Light’s Vestige

Debuff that makes the target take 10% more damage for six seconds by the pally’s party members.


Godsent Law


Grants a party-wide shield

Brilliant Law

Spreads Vestige debuff to enemies.


Allies have reduced damage taken.

Wrath of God

Wide Thunderstroke

AoE radius increases by 20%.

Fair of Tenacity

Preference for PvE or PvP

Express Fury

Grants +15% of your attack power to the party.

Holy Protection

Quick Pace

-15% movement speed

Robust Protection

Shield duration is reduced by 2 seconds, but its gauge is increased by up to 158%.

Vow of Light

Your shield restores 8% of your max HP

Heavenly Blessing


Piety Meter increase


15% of your attack power to allies for eight seconds

Absolute Blessing

40% MP recovery speed to all party members

Executor’s Sword


4 meter dash

Weak Point

Increases weak point level

Executioner’s Strike

Deal’s 100% of the skill's damage on the floor as an added effect. Essentially 200% damage skill

Holy Sword


Outburst of Light

Emits divine Light even if the attack fails.

Condensed Energy

Focuses light into a single point and fires it in a narrow AoE radius, inflicting up to 170% damage.

The Best Paladin DPS Build

The abilities you’ll find in this list are the best option for Lost Ark Paladin DPS build. 


Tripod 1

Tripod 2

Tripod 3

Execution of Justice

Rune Prison Strength

Pulls enemies to the center of the skill.

Strength Release

Does more damage while in your Executioner identity gauge skill.

Light Explosion

Those in the center are hit with a wide explosion that lauches them into the air.


Excellent Mobility

Adds two meters to the charge distance

Shining Protection

Give yourself a shield 


Holy Sword


Vital Point Hit

Elements changes to lightning. Increasing crit damage by up to 60%.

Condensed Energy

Focuses light into a single point and fires it in a narrow AoE radius, inflicting up to 170% damage.

Wrath of God


Faith of Tenacity

Light’s Guardian

Heavenly Blessings



Heavenly Requiem

Godsent Law


Wide-Angle Attack

Increases the skill’s AoE radius by 30%.


Paladin Identity Skill

Each class has an identity skill in Lost Ark. These skills are powerful buffs that add great skill points to your character. 

Paladin’s identity skills revolve around their Piety Meter. Each time your attack hits a target, the meter increases. 

Charge the Piety meter and unleash all the power of Paladin Lost Ark

When this meter is full, you can access one or two powerful buffs. You can select between a damage buff or support aura.

Holy Aura

Use the Piety Meter to unleash a holy aura that affects all party members within 12 meters radius. 

Holy Aura grants you and your nearby allies a 10% increased attack damage.

Party members affected by the holy aura inflict +10% Damage to foes. 

Sacred Executioner

Enhances your Punish skills. Use Piety Meter to strengthen your sword and become a sacred executioner. 

The attack range of basic attacks and punish skills +30%. Damage by basic attacks and Punish skills +40%.

Lost Ark Paladin Conclusions

Lost Ark Paladin in great when racing to endgame

Paladin in Lost Ark holds great support skills, such as the ability to heal and buff teammates, and good DPS attacks for combat. Due to this, many players will prefer this class to start the game. This is a wise decision. 

We encourage you to play Lost Ark and test this class. We recommend focusing on a support role if you want to be active in the fight. However, DPS is an interesting role for Paladin. You’ll be pleased with what you find. 

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