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New World Arcana Leveling Guide - Power Leveling Arcana In Simple Steps

New World is a vast MMORPG world from Amazon Games that gives a lot to talk about. Besides finishing main and secondary quests, There are many things to do. In fact, you can get yourself many hours of gameplay if you start to develop your character in different ways.

One of these is by exploring the gathering and crafting trade skills to create item abundance and improve the gear you already have. This is not an easy task because it requires time and effort to level up.

However, in the end, it all pays off because you can opt to create strong potions instead of buying them.

This guide covers great tips to show you how to increase your Arcana trade skill level and become the greatest arcanist of all time using each material or recipe you find on your way.

New World character with an enchanted sword

What Is The Arcana Trade Skill?

If you’ve heard about Alchemy in other MMORPG games, then you’ll be pleased to know that the Arcana skill is New World Alchemy. Arcana is one of the seven crafting trade skills that you can develop in New World. Some others can be Jewelcrafting, Gathering, or Refining.

When you level up our trade skills, you unlock items, recipes, and more things that can help you improve your gaming journey.

Now, New World Arcana trade skill is an art that focuses on crafting magical items. This includes crafting magical weapons,  infused health potions, ice gauntlets, and other items of the same style. A player that has a high arcanist level will have an advantage over others that don’t because these items are quite useful in PvE or PvP combats.

The Arcana skill can only be practiced at Arcane Repositories that you can find and unlock in Settlements. You must take and complete Town Projects if you want to increase the Arcane Repository tier so you can craft better items.

Character gathering ingredients for crafting

Why Is Arcana Crafting Skill Important?

New World Arcana is an important trade skill because it allows you to create the ultimate New World magical items with high-gear scores to improve your character. It also is an extremely profitable profession that opens the door to elemental resources that every pro player needs to have.

Different skills are benefited by Arcana in New World, and not many players have the guts to develop it because, let’s be honest, it’s a total grind. 

New players may not see this as an important part of the game, but as you level up, you’ll see it as one of the major sources of income and powerful items. Because, you see, certain items can only be obtained when you upgrade your Arcane magic.

Different items with gear score

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What Items Can You Create with New World Arcana Trade Skill?

With the Arcana skills, you can come up with different special items. You can learn how to craft strong health potions, common mana potions, a powerful lost ward potion, or even a steel life staff.

Below you can see a table with some of the greatest items you can craft using your Arcana skill level.

Arcane Repository Tier


Resources needed

Tier 2

Iron Fire Staff

12 x Iron Ingot / Fae Iron

5 x Green Wood / Aged Wood / Wyrdwood / Ironwood / Timber / Lumber / Wyrdwood Planks / Ironwood Planks / Glittering Ebony

6 x Fire Mote / Fire Wisp / Fire Essence / Fire Quintessence

Tier 2

Obelisk Guard Life Staff

12 x Steel Ingot / Voidmetal

5 x Coarse Leather / Rugged Leather / Layered Leather / Infused Leather / Runic Leather / Scaly Hide / Ragehide / Shadowfur / Brightscale Hide / Shifthide / Smolderhide / Scarhide

6 x Life Mote / Life Wisp / Life Essence / Life Quintessence

10 x Sparkling Bone Dust

1 x Vial of Ancient Mutagen

Tier 3

Steel Ice Gauntlet

12 x Steel Ingot / Voidmetal

5 x Coarse Leather / Rugged Leather / Layered Leather / Infused Leather / Runic Leather / Scaly Hide / Ragehide / Shadowfur / Brightscale Hide / Shifthide / Smolderhide / Scarhide

6 x Water Mote / Water Wisp / Water Essence / Water Quintessence

Tier 2

Common Health Potions

1 x Common Alkahest

1 x Sporebloom Fruit / Platecap Flesh / Gillflower Gills / Glowing Mushroom Cap / Halibut Viscera / Sculpin Scales / Bulrush Cob / Gleaming Lodestone / Lifemoth Eyes / Lifebloom Stem / Lifebloom Leaf / Lifebloom Flower / Poison Sac

Tier 3

Strong Health Potions

1 x Strong Alkahest

1 x Sporebloom Fruit / Platecap Flesh / Gillflower Gills / Glowing Mushroom Cap / Halibut Viscera / Sculpin Scales / Bulrush Cob / Gleaming Lodestone / Lifemoth Eyes / Lifebloom Stem / Lifebloom Leaf / Lifebloom Flower / Poison Sac

1 x Petalcap / Loamy Lodestone / Earthshell Tail / Earthspine Stem / Earthspine Leaf / Earthspine Flower / Earth Mote / Earth Wisp / Earth Essence / Earth Quintessence

Tier 4

Powerful Health Potions

1 x Powerful Alkahest

1 x Sporebloom Fruit / Platecap Flesh / Gillflower Gills / Glowing Mushroom Cap / Halibut Viscera / Sculpin Scales / Bulrush Cob / Gleaming Lodestone / Lifemoth Eyes / Lifebloom Stem / Lifebloom Leaf / Lifebloom Flower / Poison Sac

1 x Petalcap / Loamy Lodestone / Earthshell Tail / Earthspine Stem / Earthspine Leaf / Earthspine Flower / Earth Mote / Earth Wisp / Earth Essence / Earth Quintessence

1 x Bumbleblossom / Tubecap / Shellbed Cap / Crystalline Lodestone / Soulwyrm Tongue / Soulsprout Stem / Soulsprout Leaf / Soulsprout Flower

 / Dragon Fish Jaw / Soul Mote / Soul Wisp / Soul Essence / Soul Quintessence


These are some of the items that you can create. Make sure to use this New World Arcana leveling guide so you can discover high gear score items, level up your Arcana skill tree and finally craft top-tier powerful weapons. Reach your Arcana skill to the top level of the crafting tree to unlock all its secrets.

What Do You Need To Work On Your Arcana Trade Skill?

To start your Arcana skill journey, you will need to gather some materials first using most of the gathering trade skills you have available, that is, Finish, Mining, Skinning, Harvesting, and Gathering.

This is because you will need to get some prior knowledge and materials to start working to level up the Arcane Repository tier. Note that gathering resources will require some time because it’s part of the harder skills to develop, but it will be worth it.

Here you can see the list you need as your starting point. Think about this as your total net cost for beginning a high-paid profession in New World.

  • Oil.

  • Tier 2 and Tier 3 Magical Plants (like Glowing Mushroom Cap or Halibut Viscera).

  • Fresh Water.

  • Steel Ingots.

  • Tanglewisps.

  • Water Motes.

  • Coarse Leather.

  • Hyssop.

We recommend you collect tons of these raw materials, from 60 to 100 at once, so you can spend your time increasing your level range and tier level. Note that if you gather other resources like iron ingots or coal, they may be useful later. 

Character cutting down a tree

New World Locations to Craft

You need to find a good location in New World to start crafting. This is because not all Arcane repository tiers are the same, and trust us, you need at least tier 3, tier 4, or tier 5 to level up your Arcana skill from 60 and above.

These kinds of repositories are found in places like Monarch’s Bluff, Everfall, and Windsward. But your storage may be in a different place. So, you may want to choose where you want to develop your crafting skill before collecting all the materials.

This way, you won’t lose time going back and forth between your storage shed and the Arcane Repository. Location is more of an essential matter to optimize time.

A good solution would be getting yourself a house in the town where the high-tier Arcane repository is located. Remember this before going all out questing.

Monarch’s Bluff settlement location

How To Power Level Arcana Crafting Skill

Leveling up the Arcana crafting skill can be tough. But here, we bring you what we think is one of the easiest (and efficient) ways to level up your Arcana so you can start using all its benefits in combat.

The process is simple. You will have several level branches that you need to pass. You will have to craft tons of items in a Settlement’s arcane repository. 

Let’s get started.

steel life staff creation

From 0 to 20

Starting here, you will need a tier 2 arcane repository. Once you find it, you will need to craft at least 99 Common Corruption Tinctures. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 99x Water

  • 99x Water Mote

  • 99x Rivercress Stem

If you don’t want to craft it, you can choose another tier 2 item of your selection. The amount needed is approximately the same.

From 20 to 40

The hardest thing about New World Arcana leveling is to start. Once you reach level 20, you will still need a tier 2 repository and the number of items to create will increase.

You can keep crafting the Common Corruption Tincture 165 times. You can also craft potions like a Common Regeneration Potion. This is a health potion that will help you when you go looking for more materials needed.

From 40 to 60

Now, this is when New World Arcana Leveling gets a bit tricky. You are halfway to reaching the maximum level so, you will need to have a tier 2/tier 3 Arcane repository and other materials since you’ll be crafting better items already.

This is what you’re going to do.

To reach level 50, you will need to craft 90 Common Angry Earth Coating and 90 Common Blight Tincture.

This will only serve you until you reach level 50. After that, you will gain little to 0 experience in your crafting. 

To reach level 55, you need 35 Strong Blight Tincture and 34 Strong Corruption Tincture. And finally from levels 55 to 60, you need to craft 48 Strong Mana Potion and 48 Strong Blight Tincture.

Below you can see the required materials to create all the items needed:



Common Angry Earth Coating

Tier 2 Offensive Reagents.

Fire Reagents.


Common Blight Tincture

Tier 2 Protective Reagents.

Air Reagents.


Strong Blight Tincture

Tier 3 Protective Reagents.

Air Reagents.


Strong Corruption Tincture

Tier 3 Protective Reagents.

 Water Reagents.


Strong Mana Potion


Crystalline Lodestone.

Shockbulb Stem.

From 60 to 80

Reaching level 80 is a bit of a headache. You need a lot of items and time to gather them all. So, to fast level Arcana, you need 329 Strong Mana Potions, 329 Strong Beast Coating, and  267 Strong Angry Earth Coating.

These are the ingredients you need to start farming so you can craft them.



Strong Mana Potion


Crystalline Lodestone.

Shockbulb Stem.

Strong Beast Coating


Fungal Slime.

Shockbulb Stem.

Strong Angry Earth Coating

Strong Angry Earth Coating.

Fungal Slime.

Tendrilspine Fibers.

From 80 to 120

This is the first time you may have to change location to find tier 3/tier 4 Arcane repositories. For this time, you need to craft over 1036 Strong Mana Potions until you reach level 110.

Then, from 110 to 115, create 129 Powerful Blight Tincture. And at last, to reach 120, you will need 112 Powerful Fire Absorption Potion and Powerful Lost Ward Potion.

You already know the ingredients for some of the items here, so we leave those new ingredients to craft the rest of the items.



Powerful Fire Absorption Potion


Cod Eye.

Shockbulb Stem.

Soulsprout Stem.

Powerful Lost Ward potion


Cod Eye.

Shockbulb Stem.

Soulsprout Stem.

Powerful Blight Tincture


Cod Eye.

Shockbulb Stem.

From 120 to 160

You’re almost in the final step for leveling your Arcane skill. To reach level 160, you need to craft 2061 Powerful Angry Earth Coating and 2061 Powerful Corruption Coating.

These are the ingredients you need to create them:



Powerful Angry Earth Coating

Animal Eye.

Dragonglory Stem.

Blightroot Stem.


Powerful Corruption Coating

Animal Eye.

Rivercress Stem.

Blightroot Stem.


From 160 to 200

At last, but not least, to reach level 200, you need to craft 6924 Powerful Angry Earth Coating and 6924 Powerful Corruption Coating. These are both tier 4 items that are necessary to master the Arcana skill completely.

Arcana skill boosting

This is how you can level up Arcana in a fast way. If you get bored of the same items, you may switch a few to explore other kinds of final products and ingredients. 

For example, you could try crafting something with Rivercress Stems, Azoth water, Elemental motes like Earth motes, and more.

However, remember that we have selected the articles that will give you more experience and the methods we have tried ourselves. Other items may be harder to loot, even using farm or fishing trade skills.

Steel Ice Gauntlet creation

New World Arcana Gameplay - Is It Worth It?

After all this, you may be wondering if working so hard to reach the last Arcana skill level in this MMORPG created by Amazon Games is worth it.

And our answer is an absolute yes. It can be hard initially, but if your focus is on leveling up this skill to create better items instead of other things, you’ll reach a higher level in New World that will allow you to have the weapon of your dreams.

Find a settlement with enough tiers to get started and memorize routes where you can collect the ingredients. You’ll see progress in the game when you’re halfway through level 200.

Be sure to exploit the two major sources of materials for an Arcanist which are Mining and Harvesting. They will help you cover missing ingredients that you loot from enemies.

And remember that you don’t need to use this skill only to create helpful items and weapons. Arcane can also help you earn money/coins in the game since this is a powerful profession that not everyone is willing to master.


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