Shadow Island is a great place if you're looking for T1 materials. Lost Ark Shadow Island quests are nothing extraordinary, and all you have to do is kill monsters towards completion. This guide will cover everything regarding Shadow Island, including its location, rewards, and how to get Island Token. We will thoroughly explain all the quests here so you can complete them as fast as possible.
Shadow Island is one of many small islands located in the North Vern Sea, right next to Shangra Island. The island is pretty easy to find, but if you're having trouble, you can always resort to the map screenshot above. Within the island, you’ll find a tower filled with monsters on each of its 50 floors.
Island Token is a special reward tied to a specific island that can be redeemed for special rewards. For example, a Turtle Island token can be redeemed for the Golden Moss Turtle mount. Of course, acquiring such a token is not an easy task, and you have to complete some prerequisites before it’s available to you.
You need to finish the Shadow Mark quest for Shadow Island Token, which is the last quest on the island. After completing it, you’ll unlock a new chain of quests so you can meet mercenary Captain Zardin after finishing them. Then, you’ll have to climb on the 24th floor of the Shadespire tower, collect the loot, return to him and claim your Island Token.
As you collect Island Tokens, you can acquire plenty of rewards by redeeming them. Here’s a list of all available rewards.
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Talk to Captain Zardin, who’s at the docks, and proceed to the Tower. Once you enter it, you’ll need to talk to Rakil to finish the quest and claim your rewards. That’s it.
You can start this quest by talking to Mercenary Ganecron, located on the 2nd floor of the Tower. He will task you to find and talk to Kangal on the 4th floor. After getting there and slaying a couple of monsters, you’ll find him dead, lying on the ground. Deliver the sad news to Ganecron and claim your rewards.
Talk to Jenkrix, who usually stands next to Rakil. Head to the 2nd floor and farm demons till you collect 100 Vile Debris, then come back to the quest giver.
For some reason, you’ll have to repeat the same quest as before. Wouldn’t it be easier to kill 200 demons right away in a single quest? Nevermind, kill those filthy demons once again, go back to Jenkrix and claim your reward.
Talk to Ryndon who will task you with defeating a boss called Rictus located on the 5th floor. Don’t panic if you won't see him immediately after arriving on the spot. He takes a good five minutes to respawn.
The last Shadow Island quest is presumably the longest one, depending on your luck. Ryndon will task you with fighting 50 boss characters to receive the Shadow Island Token. Luckily, you don’t necessarily have to reach the 50th floor to complete the quest. Many players have received their tokens upon reaching the 20th floor, so it all comes down to your luck.
Shadow Island Token
Shadow Island is a great place with plenty of monsters to farm with extremely rewarding quests. This is your place to go if you want to get rich quickly or gather resources to upgrade your gear. See you in Arkesia!