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Star Citizen - Ship Components Guide

The sections of a ship used to perform its functions, and the hull are collectively called components. Each component, from guns to thrusters, differs from other components in its class in various ways. Hardpoint Guys, which sells weapons from Apocalypse Arms or shield generators from Seal Corporation, is one place where equipment and components can be purchased. Other places include stores and shops spread out across the universe. 

After being integrated into your ship's power and CPU systems, these components are fastened to it and turned on. Pilots may fine-tune, overclock, and test alterations to the components in addition to merely purchasing and connecting new equipment at their own risk of harm or devastation.

Star Citizen - Ship Components

Components use the "Size" system; only Size 2 hardpoints will accommodate and function effectively with Size 2 components. The only exception is the size of weapons, which have a more complicated system that allows them to be twin-linked, gimbaled, or manned with a compensating size increase. For example, a twin-linked and gimballed Size 3 weapon would need a Size 5 hardpoint. Although it may be simple to write off most parts as being less attractive than the flashier weaponry, turrets, and missiles, they are just as crucial to the overall performance of your spaceship. Therefore, they are far more frequently found throughout all ships and vehicles in the game.

Types of Components

Computers with avionics radars (formerly known as avionics motherboards or modules)

Fuel tanks for the thrusters' hydrogen fuel are used for propulsion.

The Quantum Drive

Ships can travel across immense lengths of open space in a fair amount of time, thanks to the Quantum Drive engine type, which is based on manipulating the quantum medium.

Jump drive

Quantum fuel tanks for jump drives are tanks that store the fuel for the quantum drives.

Fuel pods

In order to supply additional hydrogen or quantum fuel for longer-range flights.


A spaceship's thrusters are a crucial component, both for moving you around and for managing fuel usage and pollution. The smallest fixed maneuvering thrusters on a Nox, the enormous rotating VTOL thrusters found on the Idris, all the way up to the enormous fixed main thrusters found on the Bengal are just a few examples of the wide variety of sizes and types of thrusters. 

Star Citizen Thruster

Pristine Thrusters

The ship's main thrusters, or main "M" thrusters, are what propel a ship forward. On traditionally built ships, these thrusters are crucial because they generate the majority of forwarding momentum.

Retro "R"

As a crucial thruster set aboard the ship, these have been transferred from the maneuvering part of the previous matrix and are now counted in the Main Thruster category. Having the largest thruster available is useless if you can't stop in time. Because they are typically found in pairs, some ships may have more or fewer depending on their roles. Having damage can make stopping difficult.


These thrusters offer a lift in the Z+ axis and can either be set in place to deliver constant upward thrust or swivel to deliver that thrust as needed. If cargo or ships must enter or leave planets or moons with gravity, they frequently include fixed VTOL rockets on the underbelly to help them leave the atmosphere and halt their descent. Of course, it's not the end of the world if a spacecraft doesn't have specialized VTOL thrusters; it merely calls for greater planning in the previously listed situations.

Thruster Maneuvers

A fixed "F"

Since fixed maneuvering thrusters don't need to align to the target vector initially, they can produce thrust instantly, increasing agility. The drawback is that you need more of them - at least 12 - to give your spacecraft 6DOF movement in all directions.

Goblet "G"

Thrusters used for gimbal maneuvering produce thrust on one or more axes while pivoting or rotating to position themselves along the required vector. As a result, fewer thrusters are required, but they must respond more slowly and use less power to get into position, which leaves them susceptible to power management issues.


Power Plants

The ship's primary energy source is the power plant. However, its power varies according to its size, model, and type of technology.


On every ship in the Star Citizen universe, coolers are an essential piece of gear. They prevent the Quantum Drives from overheating when used over longer distances.

Star Citizen Cooler

Extremely high temperatures are generated when quantum drives are activated. As a result, longer Quantum Drive engagement times are needed for farther destinations. For medium and long-term Quantum travel, the typical equipment Coolers that come with most Ships don't have enough cooling capacity, which leads to overheating.

Generators of shields


The majority of ships will contain batteries. These perform like real-world batteries and may be recharged and used for redundancy and lower signature performance while the power plant is offline.


Ship Weapons

Fixed mounts or gimbal weapon mounts can be used to secure pilot-controlled weaponry to the ship.

Weapon mounting gimbals

You can utilize a Gimbal Mount as an option to add the largest weapon possible to your itemport. Conversely, players can use gimbals to attach a smaller-sized weapon, making it easier to line up shots than with a fixed weapon alone.


From beginning to capital ships, there are turrets of all sizes, and the mounts they are attached to come in a wide range of sizes. The largest seen on some capital ships are as enormous as the smaller spacecraft flying escort, and they are armed with armaments capable of wreaking havoc.

Manned and Remote turrets are now separated into two separate groups. Both of these turret types can be controlled by players, NPCs, or AI using a variety of techniques described below:

Only turret hardpoints can accommodate turret attachments; weapons cannot accommodate turrets.

Turrets feature several itempoints that can be used to mount weapons. Although some turrets can also contain ordnance and utility hardpoints, these are typically weapon hardpoints.

All turrets are "hull locked," and they can only be exchanged for other turrets of the same class. This means that you can only exchange a Manned Constellation Turret for another model of the same weapon.

One cannot be exchanged for, say, a Manned Starfarer Turret.

Due to hull limitations, Remote Turrets cannot be switched for Manned Turrets, and vice versa.

Turrets are no longer assigned a size because they are now "hull locked."

Star Citizen Turrents

Personable Turrets (Manned)

A player or NPC acting as a player controls these turrets from inside of them, typically from a seat that moves from the ship's hull into the turret itself.

All manned turrets have the same entrance tube diameter, making them plausible breach points after being destroyed.

Remote turrets

A player or NPC acting as a player controls these turrets from a station or seat elsewhere in the ship. They can control the turret and observe what it sees while physically being elsewhere in the ship, thanks to a remote vision broadcast back from the turret.

Remote turrets are a wonderful way to boost defense on ships where space is at a premium but frequently pack smaller guns because there is no physical passage for players to enter.


Missile Racks

Similar to a gimbal mount, missile racks are mounted to ordnance hardpoints first, then the missiles or torpedoes attach to them. These missile racks come in sizes comparable to those of weapons, and there are several missile rack alternatives for each hardpoint size with payload changes. 

Rocket Pods

We want to allow players to connect more things to these hardpoints as development progresses; the first is Rocket Pods, which launch unguided missiles similar to those previously available on the Mustang Delta. Rockets will have a range of fuse types, including proximity, impact, and time. Rockets should be ideal for ground attack missions where you wish to cover a region in explosives.

Star Citizen Missiles


Explosives can be dropped to protect a space, air, land, or sea location.

Utility Products

A Stor-All box on the Hornet F7C, for example.

Generators of Distortion Fields

Smaller variations of the components give a weapon like the Avenger Warlock its punch.

Size Grouping

All of these things, except Fuel Tanks and Utility Hardpoints, can be swapped, and to maintain balance, they are divided into one of five size categories:

Vehicle (0)

Capital (1) 

Small (2) 

Medium (2) 

Large (4)

You cannot place a Power Plant on a hardpoint that a Cooler occupies or replace two Small Shield Generators with a Medium Shield Generator since each itemport is limited to a single kind and size. The output difference between each class of items varies. Still, it can generally be said to have a 3:1 ratio, meaning that three Small items produce about the same output as one Medium item.

Sub–Components are contained within larger components and, in many ways, increase the base effectiveness. They are consumable components that deteriorate considerably more quickly than their host goods. Without sub-items, the base item continues to operate normally, but when sub-items are installed, performance is slightly improved. Players are advised to bring extras along for longer journeys because they may need to be changed. Base functioning is not hampered by the lack of spare parts (or the inability to carry spare parts) but rather by the ongoing maintenance cycle required to deliver an enhanced and highly competent system.

Each Sub Item falls into one of three categories, each of which boasts a unique set of stats for that item:

Efficiency: Enhances the overall efficacy of the primary item by lowering power consumption or enhancing cooling capabilities.

By absorbing various forms of damage or lowering wear rate and misfire possibilities, protection lowers the damage being dealt to the primary item.

Detection – Prevents emissions from the primary object in different spectrums or offers scanning resistance.

Sub Goods, like a Power Plant Sub Item, is not limited to a certain sort of item and can fit in various types of items.

Blades for computers are not sub-items. Instead of enhancing a base stat, they are standalone items that add or expand functionality. While they can now only be applied to computer-related items, there may be more uses for them in the future.

Ships play a very crucial role in the gameplay of Star Citizen. As you proceed in the game, it becomes tough to survive with the ships you already own since the inception of the game. At that time, getting new ships also becomes hectic, so in such a situation, the best way is to use Star Citizen Credits (UEC) to get new ships. 

If you need them, you can click on our website MMOPixel to buy Star Citizen Auec. We will provide you with the best service.

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