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The Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) Guide to The Cauldron Dungeon

The Elder Scrolls Online Cauldron Dungeon is a four-person dungeon on the west side of Deeshan. ESO universe offers this dungeon to players when they reach level 45. Heading northwest from the West Narsis Wayshrine, you will encounter a variety of rooms and corridors, each with different levels of adventure featuring tough and dangerous foes. Hence, players, this is called the Cauldron Dungeon.

The Cauldron Dungeon: The Elder Scrolls Online

The residents of the village of Dark Elf disappear. However, how? As things get worse, the western Deeshan is encircled by the evil forces from the ancient ritual sites and ruins. It's time for you to free people from the alleged evil cult and put an end to the dark ritual entirely.

Well, the Cauldron Dungeon is designed to offer two modes, namely,

  • The Veterans mode 

  • The Normal Mode

The bosses you will come across in this dungeon are as follows:

  • Baron Zaudrus: With 4,703,728 health stats.

  • Taskmaster Viccia:With 5,263,123 health stats.

  • Molten Guardian: With 4,511,248 health stats.

  • Lyranth's Prison: With 100% health stats.

  • Oxblood The Depraved: With 5,263,123 health stats.

On the encounter with these bosses and moving forward in the game, what can you expect as a return? The following are the Loot Cauldron Dungeon will offer:

  • Weapons and Jewellery

  • Unleashed Ritualist: this reward is a light set.

  • Fool Killer's Ward: this one is a heavy set.

  • Dagon's Dominion: A medium set dropped in the Dungeon.

  • Baron Zaudrus: this is a monster set, but you can only acquire this in the veteran mode.

What will you require, irrespective of the mode you are in? Here are some initial strategy tips for you to be prepared with:

  • Opt for a defensive playstyle.

  • Acquire the self-healing shield before you begin.

  • Build a defensive mechanic.

  • Use magic user for stamina-based healing.

  • Choose the regen food over blue food for better health.

  • When unaware of positioning, go for mobility as a defensive strategy.

  • Keep yourself plenty of potions and consumables.

Guide to Cauldron Dungeon: Elder Scrolls Online (ESO)

Let's begin the guide to help you cross this dark Cauldron Dungeon. Before jumping to the main part, let us tell you that there will be many instances when you will be required to spend gold, the in-game currency of ESO. So make sure you have enough stock of the gold, before you start with the dungeon. If you are falling short, get it for real money from reputed and trusted seller MMOPixel.

Visit our website MMOPixel to purchase ESO Gold at the cheapest rate on the web. We offer quick delivery, safe payments, and 24x7 chat support. 

Know About the Bosses in Cauldron Dungeon in ESO

Baron Zaudrus

This is the last boss in the dungeon. It has a 5.7 million HP base and an 11.4 million HP hard mode. Baron Zaudrus is equipped with powerful attacks, lightning, fire geysers, firewalls, throw flame vents, rocks, and extras for normal and hard modes. When in hard mode, he also has access to the Quake. The boss mechanics operate as follows:

  • For hard mode: boss health is drastically high. The number of adds thrown is too high that is irresistible to stand. A lava pool is summoned and 4 ash vents will spawn if you drop the boss's health to 35%.

  • Rock and adds: The aggressive attack where rocks ooze out of the ground, with a single add each time. The add could be a Jeff, scamp even a watcher. To deal with them, keep your eyes on the Adds as they can spell ground apes, and shoot fires which can make your survival difficult.

  • The heavy attack from Boss targets the DPS, try and avoid it by all means.

  • Fire geysers are showered at players' feet once the boss's health drops under 60%. To tackle it, plenty of healers are required.

  • Lightning is swung in a cone direction, causing damage. Additionally, the survival chances will drain faster if you stack with other players. Use the dodge roll strategy for protection.

  • Boss's flame vents are firewalls that if touched will take your life and you will die. The direction is unknown, it could be clockwise or anti-clockwise, hence staying away is the best option.

  • Quake causes the slow movement effect, so just get yourself out as soon as possible for better survival.

ESO Baron Zaudrus

Taskmaster Viccia

5.3 million HP is the second boss in the dungeon. Dreora helps this boss, and she attacks with lightning-based magic quite successfully. She must be dealt with because she uses heavy and light attacks, chain pulls, big booms, lightning mines, ground lightning, added spawn, and channeled lightning to cause havoc. Drathas will be helpful, but you shouldn't rely solely on them because they might flee if they get too close to the boss.

  • When adds are spawned at you at 75%, 50%, or 25%, just kill them and then focus on the Boss, or else these will make your fight complicated.

  • Lightning Circles is another attack by Viccia, causing great damage. To protect use the damage shields, and blocks get help from Drathas, and keep focus on your feet for better chances of survival.

  • Heavy attacks are difficult to deal with, either block them, doge them, run away or you need to die.

  • Dremoras are summoned, casting stun Aoe on the entire group. So just dodge or move away.

Molten Guardian

This Iron Atronach is the third boss, possessing 4.5 million HP. Heavy attacks, flame volleys, light attacks, relocation ability, nova smashes, channeled blasts, adds, lava slams, molten blasts, and magmatic eruptions are some of Molten Guardian's mechanics.

  • Try to block, when the boss comes up with heavy attacks.

  • When lava rains attacks come, to avoid the fire damage, just run away from them. These are basically the lava spits that fall on the ground burning on the spot.

  • Big Boom is a dangerous one spreading over half the room. To tackle, just block, or dodge away.

  • The magmatic eruption causes a lot of damage, so try to stay in the melee range of the boss for better survival chances and less damage.

  • Molten Blasts are another attack used by the Boss, and to deal with this try to interrupt the attack for minimal damage.

  • When the boss releases those Flame volleys from his chest by tilting backward, they come in dozens and cause damage.

Oxblood The Depraved

With 5.3 million HP, this is the first boss enemy in the Orgrim category. The boss mechanics of Oxblood the Depraved include light attacks, heavy attacks, charges, consuming globs, summoning globs, poison cages, exploding chains, etc. Let's examine the mechanics in more detail: 

  • Oxblood throws massive heavy attacks toward the player with aggro. To tackle, run, dodge, or block them.

  • Another, dangerous attack used by Oxblood is to throw 3x light attacks, one by one releasing poison gas AoEs. The boss farts these large clouds of gas in 3 directions, which means more area of damage. To take minimal damage, just avoid them and focus on your feet for better survival chances.

  • Iron Maiden is when the player is imprisoned tortured and knocked down. To deal with this use DPS. 

  • The boss summons the Globs, where the Gore Globs come at you with a discharge, while the Bile Globs will run after towards the center. Focus on killing the Bile globs.

ESO Oxblood The Depraved

Lyranth's Prison

The battle in Lyranth's prison is not only with a single boss but also with a number of adversaries. You have to save Lyranth from prison, and if you die, you have to start over. The prison has a health bar. Remember that there are a lot of add pulls in this one, so restarting is not an easy option. And the fuel synergy, or the oil/poison synergy, is the key to defeating this operation.

The Lyranth prison mechanics include the following:

  • You have to deal with a series of enemies but how many? Well, this is decided based on the Power module, which when destroyed will bring Dremora. This means, the destruction of the Power Module is important and for that use Conductive oil. To use it, just pick it up and run towards the power module and closer to Lyranth. 

  • Lyranth will make the oil more effective, helping you explode the power module.

  • The next important mechanic is the Dremaora waves, which are another challenge you need to face once you end up destroying the power module.

  • This rescue operation deals with multiple enemies, where once you are done dealing with the above two, you will have to face Flame Titan, Bone Colossus, and even Orgrim.

  • With the fight with Bone Colossus, it uses its fire mechanics, where you can find meteors being showered at you. To tackle him, just keep moving and focus on destroying him as soon as possible.

  • For Orgrims, who tend to channel beating and knocking people, this could be distracting and affect your survival chances.


Well, players, with that this is all about a brief guide on the Cauldron Dungeon of ESO where we covered some boss mechanics, how to deal with them, and what you can expect in winning the boss fights. We hope the content will help you encounter the bosses in a bit easier way.

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