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Top 4 Tips to Play Well with Aion Classic

Aion Classic has been launched in the Americas on June 23rd, which keeps the same game contents, BM items and service format being provided in Korea as closely as possible. One of the ways Aion Online has tried to combat in-game inflation is by putting a hard cap on the amount of money earned in Aion Classic, that cap being one million Kinah a day, through whatever means available regarding game features.

Once you’re in, get rolling on the following challenges:
- First to reach level 50
- First Brigade General of the First Legion to capture a fortress
- First to reach 1-Star Officer Rank
- First to gain Slayer buff through PvP
- First team to slay Kromede the Corrupt
- First team to slay Brigade General Bakarma
Of course, things will go more quickly if you’ve already installed Classic and created your character, which you can do via the NCSoft client ahead of time.

Try Hard to get enough Aion Classic Kinah in inventory

Aion Classic kinah is central to the game as it allows the purchase of skins, pets, and house decors, get better weapons and armor and other numerous items. Of course, you can make Kinah throughout the game. By doing daily quests, events and killing mobs. What’s more, you can get Kinah with the best crafting professions, including Weaponsmith, Armorsmith, Handicrafting and Tailoring. Creating gear or preparing the crafting materials for others has always been prevalent in MMORPG titles. Learn the crafting profession that is the closest to your skill path, or the one you need for a quest. Level it up for it to be high enough for you to craft high-level gear, and sell it via Broker and then you can get rich. If you are tired of farming and crafting, you can look for a trustworthy website like mmopixel.com.

Do not worry about your Abyss points

Abyss points are required if you want to purchase Siel’s Buff. Otherwise, you do not need to worry about spending your Abyss Points. There are a few ways that can help you earn Abyss Points. These include completing quests in the Abyss, killing monsters, completing tasks, and capturing forts.

Ways to Earn Abyss Points

In Order to purchase gear in The Abyss players will need to spend Abyss Points. For example, if you want to buy Siel’s Buff, you need to care about rushing your Abyss Points. There are a lot of useful ways to earn Abyss Points, if you are lacking them, you can try these into practice, including capturing Forts and Artifacts, completing quests in the Abyss, Killing Players, Completing Objectives and also Killing Monsters.

Join a group to make your journey more efficient

As the old saying says, there is strength in numbers. Needless to say, by forming a team, you can access instances and tasks together. In this way, it will make your journey back to Aion more efficient. In a word, do not ignore the importance of having a group in the Aion Classic.

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