WotLK Classic is one of the most exciting and challenging expansions in World of Warcraft. It was released a few years ago, but now it’s back! After the relaunch of Burning Crusade Classic in 2021, Blizzard Entertainment brought back this marvelous and icy continent and all its secrets. We’re very excited about this.
For this reason, it’s primordial to mention some aspects of this expansion, such as professions, especially Engineering. In this WotLK Engineering Guide, you learn how to level Engineering and go from level 1 to 450 in the shortest way.
Table of Contents
What is WotLK - Wrath of the Lich King?
Best Professions to Pair with Engineering
Best Classes and Races to Learn Engineering
New Engineering Features Included in WoTLK
Northrend Engineering Trainers
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King Classic – colloquially known as WotLK – is the second major expansion of the MMORPG of the same name. It was released in November 2008, selling 2.8 copies on the first day of the Lich King classic’s release. This expansion introduced Northrend, a new icy continent located north of Azeroth, home of the Lich King.
Engineering is a primary crafting profession through which you can create useful and powerful gear and pieces of equipment, such as an epic engineering helm, end-level epic helms, bullets, guns, scopes, arrows, and much more. Engineers are also able to Salvage, a skill that allows you to loot Mechanical corpses for parts in a manner similar to Skinning.
Since Vanilla, WoW has kept the two original branches for Engineering specialization: Goblin and Gnomish.
Goblin is specialized in volatile explosives, meanwhile Gnomish focuses heavily on creating small gadgets and inventions.
To become a Globin Engineer, you’ll need to start your path by talking with Nixx Sprocketspring, the level 55 Goblin Engineering Trainer in Gadgetzan. Then you have to finish the Show your Work quest.
Nixx Sprocketspring
To become a Gnomish Engineer, you need to find Oglethorpe Obnoticus, the level 50 Gnomish Engineering Trainer, located in Booty Bay. Here you’ll have to finish another version of the Show your Work quest.
Oglethorpe Obnoticus
Note. To change and select one of these two specializations, use the book, Soothsaying for Dummies, near Narain Soothfancy in Tanaris.
Like in the previous expansions of World of Warcraft, in Wrath of the Lich King, you’ll need the basic suspects:
Blacksmith Hammer;
Arclight Spanner;
Gyromantic Micro-Adjustor.
However, there is a new tool you need to acquire to craft engineering items, which helps you to save time and inventory space while crafting: The Gnomish Army Knife.
Besides, the Gnomish Knife can also work as a jumper cable. This means you can bring back a dead player from death by giving them a shock.
Leveling Engineering is not an easy task since it is an expensive profession. You’ll need a lot of resources to create the items and get the skill points to reach level 450. You will need engineering recipes to build most of the items you find in this table.
Skill Point Gains |
Items to make |
Image |
Approximate Materials Needed |
1-20 |
20 x Rough Blasting Powder |
20 x Rough Stone |
20-30 |
10 x Rough Dynamite |
20 x Rough Blasting Powder 10 Linen Cloth |
30-50 |
30 x Handful of Copper Bolts (learn Journeyman Engineering) |
30 x Copper Bars |
50-51 |
1 x Arclight Spanner |
6 x Copper Bars |
51-75 |
24 x Copper Tube |
48 x Copper Bars 24 x Weak Flux |
75-90 |
20 x Coarse Blasting Powder |
20 x Coarse Stone |
90-100 |
15 x Copper Modulator |
30 Handful Copper Bolts 15 Copper Bar 30 Linen Cloth |
101-110 |
15 x Silver Contact |
15 Silver Bar |
110-120 |
10 x Bronze Tube |
20 Bronze Bar 10 Weak Flux |
120-125 |
5 x Large Copper Bomb (At 125 you can train up to Expert Engineering) |
15 Copper Bar 20 Coarse Blasting Powder 5 Silver Contacts |
125-150 |
40 x Heavy Blasting Powder 20 x Whirring Bronze Gizmo |
40 Heavy Stone 40 Bronze Bar 20 Wool Cloth |
150-155 |
20 x Broze Framework |
40 Bronze Bar 20 Medium Leather 20 Wool Cloth |
155-175 |
20 x Explosive Sheep |
40 Heavy Blasting Powder 20 Whirring Bronze Gizmo 20 Bronze Framework 40 Wool Cloth |
175-176 |
1 x Gyromatic Micro-Adjustor |
4 Steel Bars |
176-195 |
90 x Solid Blasting Powder |
180 Solid Stone |
195-205 |
15 x Mithril Tube |
45 Mithril Bar |
205-210 |
10 x Unstable Trigger (learn Artisan Engineering) |
10 Mithril Bar 10 Mageweave Cloth 10 Solid Blasting Powder |
210-225 |
30 x Hi-Impact Mithril Slugs |
30 Mithril Bar 30 Solid Blasting Powder |
225-235 |
20 x Mithril Casing |
60 Mithril Bar |
235-245 |
10 x Hi-Explosive Bomb |
20 Mithril Casings 10 Unstable Trigger 20 Solid Blasting Powder |
245-250 |
10 x Mithril Gyro-Shot |
20 Mithril Bar 20 Solid Blasting Powder |
250-260 |
50 x Dense Blasting Powder |
100 Dense Stone |
260-280 |
20 x Thorium Widget |
60 Thorium Bar 20 Runecloth |
280-285 |
5 x Thorium Tube |
30 Thorium Bar |
285-300 |
20 x Thorium Shells |
40 Thorium Bar 20 Dense Blasting Powder |
300-310 |
50 x Handful of Fel Iron Bolts |
50 Fel Iron Bar |
310-320 |
10 x Fel Iron Casing 15 x Elementl Blasting Powder |
30 Fel Iron Bar 30 Mote of Earth 15 Mote of Fire |
320-325 |
10 x Fel Iron Bomb |
10 Fel Iron Casing 20 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts 10 Elemental Blasting Powder |
325-340 |
20 x Adamantite Grenade |
80 Adamantine Bar 20 Elemental Blasting Powder 40 Handful of Fel Iron Bolts |
340-350 |
10 X Felsteel Stabilizer |
20 Felsteel Bar |
350-370 |
35 x Handful of Cobalt Bolts |
70 Cobalt Bar |
370-375 |
18 x Volatile Blasting Trigger |
54 Cobalt Bar 18 Crystallized Water |
375-380 |
10 x Overcharged Capacitor |
40 Cobalt Bar 10 Crystallized Earth |
380-385 |
10 x Hammer Pick |
50 Cobalt Bar |
385-390 |
8 x Explosive Decoy |
8 Frostweave Cloth 24 Volatile Blasting Trigger |
390-400 |
15 x Froststeel Tube |
120 Cobalt Bar 15 Crystallized Water |
400-405 |
5 x Diamond-cut Refractor Scope |
5 Froststeel Tube 10 Handful of Cobalt Bolts |
405-415 |
15 x Saronite Bomb |
65 Saronite Bar 15 Volatile Blasting Trigger |
415-420 |
5 x Mana Injector Kit |
60 Saronite Bar 10 Crystallized Water |
420-430 |
15 x Mechanized Snow Goggles |
120 Saronite Bar 30 Borean Leather 15 Eternal Shadow |
430-435 |
5 x Noise Machine |
10 Froststeel Tube 10 Overcharged Capacitor 40 Handful of Cobalt Bolts |
435-445 |
15 x Gnomish Army Knife |
150 Saronite Bar 15 Skinning Knife 15 Minning Pick 15 Blacksmithing Hammer |
445-446 |
1 x Truesight Ice Blinders |
Materials are dependant on what helm you want |
446-450 |
15 x Gnomish Army Knife |
150 Saronite Bar 15 Skinning Knife 15 Minning Pick 15 Blacksmithing Hammer |
Note. Getting the last four or five points is expensive as the only really viable recipe to utilize is the Gnomish Army Knife. You can use other recipes, but this is a prime example of this.
Note 2. Some of these recipes can be purchased from Wind Trader Lathrai located in Lower Shattrath City.
Mining is the right second profession for engineering. As a gathering profession, it will provide you with most of the required materials to craft great items.
Of course, you'll notice that Engineering pairs very well with other primary professions depending on your class. Thus, if you want to have two primary professions, the best is to have an alt that can farm materials for you. Besides, you can sell these materials in the Auction House and get a lot of money.
Some very useful mining materials you’ll use constantly while engineering are the following:
Rough Stone;
Heavy Stone;
Coarse Stone;
Solid Stone;
Dense Stone;
Linen Cloth;
Wool Cloth;
Mageweave Cloth;
Frostweave Cloth;
Copper Bar;
Silver Ore;
Silver Bar;
Bronze Bar;
Steel Bar;
Mithril Bar;
Thorium Bar;
Fel Iron Bar;
Adamantine Bar;
Felsteel Bar;
Cobalt Bar;
Saronite Bar;
Medium Leather;
Borean Leather;
Weak Flux;
Skinning Knife;
Mining Pick;
Blacksmith Hammer;
Mote of Earth;
Mote of Fire;
Crystallized Elements;
Crystallized Water;
Crystallized Earth;
Eternal Shadow.
Just like in WoW classic, Gnomes have some advantages over the other races since they still boast their Engineering Specialization skill. This provides them with +15 to their Engineering skill.
Regarding classes, hunter seems to be the proper class for engineering as they provide ammo and ranged weapons.
Many Hunters will also find Engineering useful since they can complement their skinning abilities with Salvage to get a lot of resources.
But the truth is that Engineering is great for many other classes.
It’s because of a new category known as Tinkering, which allows you to attach engineering-only enchants to your equipment to increase their statistics and give additional effects.
The addition of the Tinkering feature to Engineering meant some important differences between this expansion and the previous ones. As we mentioned before, tinkers are special item enchants for engineers you can attach to your gear to enhance it.
In this expansion, you’ll find various Northrend trainers who will teach new techniques and recipes related to this new continent. Besides, some of these can teach you all Vanilla and TBC recipes. Let’s take a look at Northrend Engineering trainers.
Name |
Location |
Image |
Tisha Longbridge |
Howling Fjord, Valgarde. |
Sock Brighbolt |
Borean Tundra, Valiance Keep. |
Name |
Location |
Image |
Jasemina Watterfly |
Howling Fjord, Vengeance Landing. |
Chief Engineer Leveny |
Borean Tundra, Warsong Hold. |
Name |
Location |
Image |
Timofey Oshenko |
The Magus Commerce Exchange, in Dalaran, Crystalsong Forest. |
Didi the Wrech |
Dalaran, Crystalsong Forest. |
Findle Whistlesteam |
Dalaran, Crystalsong Forest. |
Binkie Brightgear |
Icecrown, Argent Tournament Grounds. |
Some of the best reasons to pick the engineering profession are the Engineering goggles. Some recommended goggles are
Weakness Spectralizers;
Visage Liquification Goggles;
Armored Titanium Goggles.
To use these goggles, you will require Engineering 400.
Another very useful item for Engineers is the Wormhole Generator: Northrend. With this element, you can travel around Northrend. The only inconvenience is it has 4 hours cooldown.
We’ve arrived at the end of this Engineering Guide 1 - 450 level. We hope we’ve helped you to clarify the main aspects of this profession, especially now that the Wrath of the Lich King has returned!
Visit our trading market site and Buy all the Gold WotLK Classic you need to accomplish your adventure in the lands of Northrend. Thanks to this, you can find interesting items and buy them as easily as taking candy from a baby!
Wrath classic is waiting for you, warrior and engineering is the right way to conquer the old world, the TBC classic, and the new continent!