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World of Warcraft: WotLK PvP Feral Druid Guide

This is the Feral Druid Player vs. Player guide for World of Warcraft: Wrath of Lich King. This guide will teach how to correctly play a Feral Druid Player vs. Player situation, be it open world, arena, or battlegrounds.

The ability to assume the ferocious shape of a cat to watch over and trap them makes Feral Druid a deadly force. In addition, Feral specialization offers pouncing and other strong burst capabilities.

Team Combinations in Arena

The following options can be considered for your setup in Arena:

Two vs. Two teams:

  • Feral Druid/Arms Warrior

  • Feral Druid/Discipline Priest

  • Feral Druid/Subtlety Rogue

  • Feral Druid/Restoration Druid

  • Feral Druid/Restoration Shaman

  • Feral Druid/Shadow Priest

Three vs. Three teams:

  • Feral Druid/Holy Paladin/Marksmanship Hunter

  • Feral Druid/Subtlety Rogue/Holy Paladin

  • Feral Druid/Holy Paladin/Arms Warrior

  • Feral Druid/Discipline Priest/Frost Mage

  • Feral Druid/Discipline Priest/Arcane Mage

  • Feral Druid/Arms Warrior/Discipline Priest

  • Feral Druid/Subtlety Rogue/Discipline Priest

Finest Races


  • Night Elf Druids: The existence of Night elf druids goes back further than most races. Early in their history, Kaldorei learned druidic arts from the half-god Cenarius and the original teachings are honored and passed down by the most devoted elves. Having lost their immortality post the third war, the Night Elves offer several fascinating racial (non-human races) and retain an extreme connection to nature.

  • The racial which increments your mobility velocity by 75% while dead is the Wisp Spirit. You can only use this ability in open-world scenarios as it is useless in arenas or battlegrounds.

  • Shadowmeld has various eye-catching effects. It makes you remain invisible (stealth), provided you do absolutely no movement. This effect is very useful in Player vs. Player and almost gives you an advantage over your opponent as the little droplets of time earned can be used to interfere with a channel effect or a spell being cast.

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  • Tauren Druids:  They were first instructed in Druidism by Cenarius according to the myth Forestlord and the First Druids. Cenarius' best student and the first mortal druid was Malfurion Stormage. Malfurion has made friendly bonds with Hamuul Runetotem during the war and imparted to him the knowledge of druidism. The Tauren are magnificent beasts who are rooted in nature very strongly. They come up with various racial for Player vs. Player duels that strengthen their overall endurance capability.

  • The Nature Resistance decrees the probability of nature spells harming them to 2%. Then comes Cultivation which provides a racial (non-human races) which can be used as a guide for your profession (occupation) choices.

  • The base health (also known as HP) is incremented by 5% because of Endurance. On the contrary, the War Stomp is a stun (shock) whose effects disappear after two seconds, which helps to increase durability (Endurance) in death situations.

Glyphs and Talents

World of Warcraft: WotLK Glyphs and Talents

  • Feral Aggression: You would want this talent because of the increment in Ferocious Bite hit, and it is frequently used to finish the enemy by depleting the bottom 25-40% of health. The difference between winning or losing in the arena can depend on this. 

  • Feral Instinct: The most ignored talent, which can decrease the probability of being found while using Prowl, is not completely purposeless, but a rogue passing by will find you; hence it does not matter, and thus Feral Aggression is the preferred choice.

  • Thick Hide: Another one of the ignored talents. It does not affect physical damage as there is only a small increase in armor. Feral Aggression is the preferred choice again.

  • Sharpened Claws: It has a chance of a 6% increment in a critical chance for just three talent points, and Primal Fury requires this talent; thus, it is recommended to always put 3/3 in this.

  • Predatory Strikes: It offers a good increase in attack power, but the primary benefit lies in allowing one to cast heal immediately.

  • Primal Tenacity: This talent offers a 30% decrement on attacks you will be suffering when stunned in Cat Form, and thus it makes you very difficult to kill. It is recommended to put 3/3 in this talent.

  • Predatory Instincts: It offers an increment in a critical hit but only for Auto Attack and thus does not help level up burst damage.

Gems and Enchants


  • Head: Arcanum of Triumph

  • Back: Flexweave Underlay (if Engineering) / Swordguard Embroidery (if Tailoring) / Enchant Cloak - Major Agility

  • Hands: Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket (if Engineering) / Enchant Gloves - Precision / Enchant Gloves - Crusher

  • Waist: Frag Belt and Eternal Belt Buckle (if Engineering)

  • Legs: Earthen Leg Armor / Icescale Leg Armor

  • Chest: Enchant Chest /Exceptional Resilience

  • Feet: Enchant Boots - Tuskarr's Vitality / Enchant Boots - Icewalker / Enchant Boots - Greater Assault


  • Red: Fractured Cardinal Ruby / Delicate Cardinal Ruby

  • Yellow: Mystic King's Amber / Rigid King's Amber

  • Meta: Powerful Earthstorm Diamond / Persistent Earthsiege Diamond

  • Priority for Agi: Hit until 164 > Resil until 1150-1300 > Agility

World of Warcraft: WotLK Gems and Enchants

Finest Professions

  • Engineering is widely regarded as the titan of professions.

  • The primary upper hand that Engineering offers is the special glove enchants. You can also access Saronite Bomb, Frag Belt, Hand Mounted Pyro Rocket, Nitro Boosts, and Mind Amplification Dish. These have proven to be lifesavers as they help you increment your movement. But probably the most important fact is that deadly explosives like Global Thermal Sapper Charges can be used.

  • In Blacksmithing, one uses various substances to forge equipment. 

  • The feature to form several gear pieces from nothing that are equipable and bind-on and trade them is one of the uses of this profession.

  •  Aside from the gold generated, it also grants you two additional gem sockets to your gear - one on the hands and the other on the wrists. 

  • Stamina can be increased by 60 or agility by 40 by socketing 2x Solid majestic Zircon or 2x Delicate Cardinal Ruby.

  • Enchanting is one of the few professions that can give you an advantage as it helps you enchant your and your allies. This profession also allows you to disenchant equipment into rare magical essences disintegrating for those who practice this profession as well as those of other professions (occupation).

  • The abundance of the Disenchanting feature makes it most suitable to be partnered with Tailoring as it allows you to build equipment (tools) to be disintegrated into magical essences.

  • Special enchantments are opened, such as Attack power can be incremented by 40 when using Enchant Ring (Assault) or stamina can be incremented by 60 when using Enchant Ring (Stamina).

  • Alchemy brings with it a plethora of strong potions and flasks. Though potions are of no use in Arenas (a mode), the Flask of the North given specifically to the alchemists (one who practices alchemy) is still useful. It is the only flask that can be used in an arena and gives either attack, raw strength or spells power.

  • Alchemy comes with a potion that can be used as a last resort piece resource in clutch situations, known as the Free Action Potion.

  • Also, the gold generation from the high-in-demand potions and flasks makes Alchemy a very profitable profession (occupation).

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