In World of Warcraft: WotLK, one of the most useful professions is tailoring, as wearers of any class use clothes. No explicit gathering is required; loot dropped by monsters is reused. Looted cloth from mobs is used throughout Azeroth for gearing Spellslinger's Slippers and Royal Moonshroud Robe. No purchase is required to level up. You can start playing once training in Apprentice is complete.
Usually, players choose enchanting coterminously and disenchanting to gain dust and essences. Tailors, too, make specific mounts like Frosty Flying Carpet.
Players get to cut and sew various cloth pieces into bags, shirts, armor, and other items. They essentially play an important role for guilds by making bags for them, provided proper itmes are collected by them. They are also responsible for making clothes for the armor class, such as Mages, Warlocks, and Priests. In addition, cloaks or spellthread are occasionally made. Players with high-level skills in tailoring are also capable of making equipment made from cloth and Tailoring Mount.
Unlike Alchemy (which needs herbalism) or Jewelcrafting and Blacksmithing, tailoring doesn't require gathering. This gives tailors a lot of freedom when selecting their second profession.
Since goods manufactured with green or higher-grade tailoring can later be disenchanted and used for enchanting personal needs, it works nicely with tailoring. Additionally, many endgame designs call for materials made possible by disenchanting.
One of the rare occupations that provide tailoring materials is skinning. Several patterns call for some leather, particularly for boots and specific bags. However, you need to have leatherworking skills to transform some materials (such as light leather scraps) into useful garments for tailoring.
Because blacksmiths, jewelers, and engineers need mats, mining is an extremely lucrative industry. Additionally, many Grand Master recipes need resources that may be mined, including gems and Eternal components.
Monsters of human form (mostly undead) drop items, whereas Felcloth occasionally drops Felcloth. All tailors mandatorily must have linen cloth which would be followed by Wool Cloth, Silk Cloth, Mageweave, Runecloth, Netherweave, Embersilk cloth, and Frostweave. Colored dye and thread can be purchased from NPC trade merchants. Skinners gather leather and should be purchased by other players. Gems are collected from monster drops.
No additional equipment required is necessary by tailors, and no location is required to process finished products. As long as required materials are tailored for making an item, it can be made anywhere. However, special equipment and location may be required for high-level clothes.
Suggested classes:
When getting started as a tailor, first focus on making bolts of linen cloth and bank them around. At level 50, all linen can be taken out of the bank, and tailoring can be started. Repeat this every time a new cloth is used.
Crafted items:
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Old World
Similar to other professions, you are first trained in Apprentice Tailoring and can return until Artisian is reached.
Master trainers will be in the first questing area and are revealed once Outland is crossed. At Honor Hold Hama is required to be found by the Alliance, and Horde must talk to Dalinna in Thrallmar.
On arriving in Northrend, Master Trainers would be in the first training area. For Alliance, this means finding Darin Goodstich in Valliance Keep, and for Horde Raenah in Warsong Hold would do the same thing.
Tailoring materials may be purchased from the Auction House. Farming for personal clothing is significantly more cost-effective. All cloth drops from humanoid monsters, and the kind varies according on the mob's rank. Here is a list of farming zones:
Old World
Spellweave Gloves
Moonshroud Gloves
Ebonweave Gloves
Spellweave Robe
Moonshroud Robe
Eboonweave Robe
Glacial Bag and Mysterious Bag recipes van be unlocked from the next rep onwards.
There are rare special fabrics available from Tailoring: Ebonweave, Moonshroud, and Spellweave. These are used for making luxury items such as magnificent robes and 22-slot bags. Tailors specializing in one type of cloth will get two each time they use the cooldown. To re-specialize, the tailor must return to Shattrath Undercity, where he talks to a cloth trainer. Before learning a new specialty, you should first consult with your current specialty cross trainer to avoid learning your current specialty.
Rare Bags
Glacial Bag: 22 slot bag
Mysterious Bag: 32 slot enchanting bag
Abyssal Bag: 22 slot bag requiring Ebonweave and Spellweave
Emerald Bag: 32 slot herb bag
To diversify tailoring, specific chants are added. It takes Spellthread patterns to form in WotLK. Each can only be purchased after achieving Exalted reputation with the relevant faction and is sold by the Quartermasters indicated below. The two Embroideries are as follows:
Another essential and possibly lucrative item made by tailors of all levels is bags. Profession and Class bags now have 32 slots in WotLK, while all player bags now have 22 slots. Again, some of the patterns can be learned from trainers, while three can only be bought from faction quartermasters at certain reputation levels.