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WOW Cataclysm Classic Best Classes Tier List

Knowing which are the top classes in WOW Cataclysm Classic has always been an enigma. Each class offers something that suits one's playstyle and might be useless for others. But that doesn't make that class ineffective overall. Keeping that in mind, we are going to rank all the Damage specialization classes in our tier list. 

About WOW Cataclysm Classes Tier List

This tier list is prepared by keeping all the DPS specs in mind. But this is in no way a definitive list. Here is the explanation of each tier.

  • S-Tier: This tier contains the best classes in terms of DPS specs. You can have them for best results. 

  • A-Tier: Good option but not as great as S-Tier Classes. These lack either in utility or Damage.

  • B-Tier: These classes would get you through most situations, but need to be used properly.

  • C-Tier: These classes have decent Damage specs but are not very useful.

  • D-Tier: This Tier has the classes with the worst DPS specs. If you have them, you are surely going to struggle in the long run.

So these are the different tiers in which the classes will be categorised in this article. Before moving to the categorisation, let us tell you that there will be many instances while playing the game, when you will be required to spend gold, the in-game currency of the WOW Cataclysm. So make sure you have enough stock of the same for a smoother gameplay experience. If you are falling short of the same, get it for real money from reputed and trusted seller MMOPixel.

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WOW Cataclysm Classic Best Classes Tier List

S-Tier DPS Classes

Survival Hunter

Survival Hunters are notably easy to play and remarkably powerful in Cataclysm, delivering substantial single-target damage and formidable AoE DPS that should not be overlooked.

Unholy Death Knight

With exceptional single-target damage and consistent AoE potential, Unholy Death Knights stand out thanks to abilities like Ebon Plaguebringer and Anti-Magic Zone. 

Demonology Warlock

Demonology Warlocks excel in both single-target and AoE combat scenarios, surpassing the damage capabilities of Affliction and Destruction Warlocks.

Arms Warrior

Among the elite DPS classes, Arms Warriors in Cataclysm are equipped with impressive new abilities that enhance their performance. 

WOW Cataclysm Arms Warrior

A-Tier DPS Classes

Shadow Priest

Shadow Priests are on the verge of reaching S-Tier status, thanks to their utility spells like Mind Quickening and Replenishment. Their unique damage-dealing abilities make them a valuable addition to any team composition.

Affliction Warlock

Affliction Warlocks shine when dealing with multiple targets, using their DoTs like Unstable Affliction and Corruption. Their sustained utility through curses makes them ideal candidates for dealing consistent DPS across different scenarios. 

Frost Death Knight

Frost Death Knights are performing well, with strong damage output in both single-target and AoE burst scenarios. They also contribute valuable utilities like Brittle Bones and Improved Icy Talons, enhancing the team's overall performance. 

Assassination Rogue

Players looking for strong and bursty single-target damage will find Assassination Rogues to be an excellent choice. They are also capable of delivering respectable AoE damage with abilities like Fan of Knives. Additionally, they offer a valuable debuff via Master Poisoner and provide various utilities through their poison effects. 

Elemental Shaman

Elemental Shamans are known for their impressive burst damage in most situations, coupled with excellent raid-wide buffs. They provide significant utility through their totems and the powerful Bloodlust ability.


Retribution Paladins are often a top choice for groups. They offer a well-rounded package of damage, buffs, and utility, making them a versatile and powerful addition to any team.

Arcane Mage

Arcane Mages excel at dealing bursts of significant damage but face challenges in maintaining their DPS over prolonged encounters. While they have Arcane Tactics as a buff, their overall contribution in long fights can be inconsistent.

B-Tier DPS Classes

Balance Druid

Balance Druids are known for their outstanding AoE damage, as their kit is well-suited for handling multi-target fights with ease.

Enhancement Shaman

This spec offers notable burst and AoE potential, in addition to exceptional utility features like Bloodlust and totems such as Wrath of Air Totem, Strength of Earth Totem, and Healing Stream Totem. However, the main drawback is its limited single-target damage

Combat Rogue

To excel in PvE encounters with this spec, significant setup is required. While the single-target damage might not be extraordinary, the potential for AoE damage can be quite substantial.

Feral Druid

Feral Druid offers subpar damage, but that's not the reason why it is placed above here. It is its utility that has made it a strong option to be so high up in the tier. Faerie Fire through Feral Aggression can be used as a way to increase the DPS specs for raids.

Marksmanship Hunter

Marksmanship Hunter is a better option than the Beast Mastery Hunter in terms of DPS specs. But only when you get your strategies right, you can deal more damage than any other class mentioned in tiers C. Trueshot Aura is your go to contribution.

WOW Cataclysm Marksmanship Hunter

C-Tier DPS Classes

Destruction Warlock

This could be a very decent option if you manage to take advantage of Bane of Havoc. It is a decent DPS based class, but could not be placed higher due to weaker Demonology and Affliction.

Beast Mastery Hunter

This Hunter class is well suited for raids thanks to the Ferocious Inspiration. But when it comes to the DPS specs, there are other better options to choose from.

Subtlety Rogue

Another good option to have in PvE battle, but leaves much for wanting due to the lack of better AoE damage and cleaves. It can be reworked to get something out of it for PvE content.

Fury Warrior

Not a bad class, but their damage is not going to excel any more in the latest Cataclysm Classic. All you will have at your disposal are Raging Blow and Sunder Armor. It provides decent damage, but not enough to place in higher tiers.

D-Tier DPS Classes

Frost Mage

This is the only class that we have kept in the D-Tier. When you are engaged in a PvP battle, Frost Mages might help you a lot. But when it comes to PvE content, the damage dealt by them is meager and insufficient.


With that we would like to conclude the guide to Best Classes tier list in WOW Cataclysm Classic. It must be noted that each and every class mentioned here is capable of defeating enemies and offering substantial damage, but some classes shine brighter than others. Select a class that suits your playstyle and the situation you are in. This will be all from us for now. Stay tuned with us for more updates.

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