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WOW Cataclysm Classic Blackwing Descent Raid Guide

Blackwing Descent is one of the most recognizable raids in World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Classic, offering players a distinct combination of challenging monster encounters and intricate mechanics. Players who complete the six-boss raid in either Normal or Heroic difficulty will receive Tier 11 raid gear. The raid can have ten or twenty-five players. The synopsis is that after the successful resurrection by his father, Deathwing, Nefarian has come back, and he is determined to produce a new kind of dragon. His reign of terror and his crimes against nature itself have to be stopped by someone. Thus, we will cover a lot of ground in this guide, including the mechanics and the several bosses in this raid. So, let's get started right now without further ado. 

Location of the WOW Cataclysm Blackwing Descent

Before learning about the intricate mechanics of this raid, we need to first know about the location of this place. Situated on the eastern end of Blackrock Mountain, Blackwing Descent is situated in the Burning Steppes. Proceeding rightward from the mountain's main entrance, you will come to the balcony, which served as Blackwing Lair’s final room.

Blackwing Descent layout

Two floors make up WOW Cataclysm Blackwing Descent. You have to overcome the first two bosses to go to the lowest floor. On this first floor, you have to battle Magmaw and Omnotron. We are now on the next floor of the instance, which is home to the bosses Maloriak, Atramedes, Nefarian, and Chimaeron. You have to beat every boss before Nefarian appears and then you have to fight him as he’s the final boss. But don't forget to keep enough stock of gold, the in-game currency of the game for an easy win over different bosses. If you are falling short of the same, get it for real money from reputed and trusted seller MMOPixel. 

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Cataclysm Classic Blackwing Descent Bosses


Magmaw spawns from a lava pool in the corner of the area and cannot move. The tank must be within melee range of Magmaw at all times, otherwise it will attack a random target. If there are no targets within range, he will cast a Fierce Rage, destroying the whole raid. Magmaw uses magma ability every five seconds to attack random targets and simply heal. Every 20 seconds, he uses a lava eruption and causes a medium fire in the entire raid for six seconds. Maintain the health of the player using the defensive or healer discharge throughout the raid. Although healers will have the most difficulty, all raid participants need to be on the lookout and prepared to use precise tactics to repel Magmaw's attacks.

WOW Cataclysm Classic Magmaw


The Chimaeron fight is essentially about healers and tanks coordinating at just the right moment. The encounter is broken up into discrete stages that are instigated by the passage of time, allowing players to anticipate and get ready for each change. The hardest part of the duty falls to healers, who must balance handling Chimaeron's destructive strikes with understanding the intricacies of the Double Attack concept. Especially in the Feud phase, when all the players had to split up into two parties to successfully use Chimaeron's Massacre ability. Players need to be alerted to use the Break mechanic effectively and survive the increased damage of the Feud phase.


Every player receives a Sound meter for this fight, which instantly kills them when it reaches 100. The sound intensifies as players sustain damage. To reset everyone's sound, stop Atramedes from casting, and send him into a vertigo state, use the Ancient Dwarven Shields that are strewn about the arena. Take note that he will shatter the shield as he recovers.

The boss primarily goes through two phases: grounded and airborne. Every 20 seconds, or four times per ground phase, Atramedes will unleash his Sonic Breath spell. Focusing on a random player, he will breathe his breath in their direction for six seconds, delivering twenty thousand fire damage, following a two-second cast time. To avert this terrible power and the subsequent mayhem, you must quickly summon an Ancient Dwarven Shield to prevent dying.

Omnotron Defense System

You will battle four bosses in this encounter - Arcanotron, Electron, Magmatron, and Toxitron - with a common health bar. There will only be one of these golems against you at first, and its energy will swiftly run out the moment it engages in combat. One of the four bosses, Magmatron, is one of the hardest, and when their energy reaches fifty, they will defend themselves and summon another boss. Out of the four bosses, Arcanotron is the easiest to defeat. He will also give your raid a boost by increasing damage and mana regeneration. The boss of the Lightning class, Electron, provides massive AoE raid-wide damage. The encounter's fourth and last boss is Toxitron.


Maloriak will employ a number of his skills during the battle. Every time he casts an Arcane Storm, it must be broken otherwise the raid as a whole will take a great number of Arcane damages. Now for every 40 seconds, Maloriak will sip a different vial from his cauldron; his abilities will change based on which vial was tossed into the pot initially.

The raid should stack together and turn the boss to face the party once Maloriak has drunk the Red Vial from the cauldron. He'll use the Scorching Blast to do huge damage to any foes he hits. The raid must disperse more than five yards apart when Maloriak consumes the Blue Vial from the cauldron. Maloriak will cover everyone in the room with Debilitating Slime after he drinks the Green Vial from the cauldron, increasing the damage by 100% for 15 seconds.


The ultimate battle is divided into three phases. Onyxia starts the first phase, and Nefarian joins her thirty seconds later. To prevent the Haste bonus from Children of Deathwing while tanks are near 50 yards of one another, they should align themselves on the flanks. By positioning themselves on their sides, both dragons' standard abilities are neutralized. Her sides are damaged by Onyxia's ability; to prevent lightning damage, the tank needs to be alert for Shock signals and turn her. 

WOW Cataclysm Classic Nefarian

Phase 2: Nefarian takes to the air during this phase, saturating the earth with lava. Three groups split up and head for the pillars. Interrupters and healers are required for every pillar. Similar to Maloriak, Chromatic Prototypes release Blast Nova, necessitating frequent interruptions and quick destruction. Phase 3 allows him to resurrect Phase 1 monsters while keeping his Phase 1 powers. Shadowblaze Spark moves erratically throughout the room and targets an undead from Phase 1, delivering severe harm to anybody it touches. 


In conclusion, WOW Cataclysm's Blackwing Descent raid presents players with an exciting journey filled with difficult fights and alluring loot, if they can successfully complete it. This raid offers a challenging test of teamwork and ability, with challenging enemies like Nefarian and others, navigating complex mechanics, and gaining prestigious accolades.

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