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WOW Cataclysm Classic Throne Of The Four Winds Raid Guide

Well, you all must have come across the Throne of the Four Winds raid. It is one of the most exciting and rewarding raids in the WOW Cataclysm Classic. Even though the raid is moderate, attempting it without a proper plan is a nose dive without safety. For all the sane gamers, in this guide, we will discuss a practical guide for the WOW Cataclysm Throne of the Four Winds (TFW) raid and help you acquire its treasures. 

What is WOW Cataclysm Throne of the Four Winds Raid?

Throne of the Four Winds is a raid introduced in World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic. It is a 10-player or 25-player raid. Interestingly, the raid offers high rewards in return. Also, the raid can be attempted in normal and heroic modes. 

Level required for the Raid

Players can participate in TFW raids only when they are at least level 85. However, being level 85 does not guarantee success. As the raid is quite difficult, it is recommended to have teammates that ensure proper coordination during the raid. Also, to increase the chances of victory, players can equip themselves with various powerful gears. Players can get these gear for gold. If you are falling short of the gold, get it for real money from reputed and trusted seller MMOPixel.

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Location of TFW

The Throne of the Four Winds raid is located within the Kalimdar continent, precisely in the south-west of the Uldum zone. Note that a flying mount is crucial to access the TFW. To reach the Throne of the Four Winds raid follow the steps listed below. 

  • Firstly, venture to the southwest region of the Uldum zone. 

  • Next, search for the landform known as Al'Akir's Spire.

  • After that, start flying west of Al'Akir's Spire and you will witness a raised platform floating in the sky. 

WOW Cataclysm TFW Raid Walkthrough 

The raid occurs on platforms floating in the sky. Hence, there are gusts of wind flowing around. Well, these winds push you back on the platform, so no fatal falls. Also, players can use their mounts within the Throne. Now, surrounding the central platform are 4 others each holding an enemy, but the starting platform is empty. 

Wind bridges connect all the platforms allowing easier maneuvering during the boss fights. To begin with, you are welcomed by the Conclave of Wind. Rohash on the East platform, Anshal on the West, and Nezir on the South. On defeating all 3 of these enemies, there are strong gusts of wind to the central platform, and Al'Akir, the final boss, shows up. After defeating the final boss, the platform breaks and the winds allow the player to move in the desired direction. Finally, players can get their rewards through the flashing blue gems.

Best Classes for TFW

Classes play a major role in the raids of World of Warcraft Cataclysm Classic. TFW raids are especially mechanical, unlike the usual raw damage output. That being said, a better team composition can turn the tide of the battle. We have listed a few strong classes to add to your team.

Marksmanship Hunter: High AoE damage and Strong ranged Damage per second.

Affliction Warlock: Tanky and High DoTs.

Combat Rogue: High single-target damage and crowd control utility.

Fire Mage: Powerful burst and Single target damage

Retribution Paladin: Strong single target and utility for buffs.

WOW Cataclysm Classic Throne Of The Four Winds Raid

Best consumables for TFW

Consumables give an upper hand in the raids. They optimize the characters and enhance their damage and performance. That being said, it increases the chances of success in the raid. Below is our list of suggested consumables.


The most preferred consumables are flasks as they persist through death. Also, they offer a remarkable amount of upgrades to primary stats. Players can buy them or make them after learning Alchemy. 

  • Flask of Titanic Strength

  • Flask of Winds

  • Flask of the Draconic Mind

  • Flask of Steelskin


Potions are used for their temporary buffs. These buffs can turn the tide of the battles and ensure victory. 

  • Potion of the Tol'vir

  • Golemblood Potion

  • Mythical Mana Potion 


The most essential out of all consumables are Bandages. During the absence of a healer, bandages can come in handy. In addition to that, the tiring boss fights could corner the player's health bar. That is why bandages are a lifesaver during such situations. 

Boss fight strategy 

The raid includes two boss fights, Conclave of Wind and later Al'Akir himself. Also, the Conclave of Wind includes three mini-bosses namely Rohash, Anshal, and Nezir. Note that our strategies are made based on a 10-player setup. However, they can be translated to a 25-player setup as well. Now, let's delve into the game plan to defeat the bosses. 

Conclave of Wind 

Fighting the Conclave of Wind requires good collaboration and strategy. Well, each boss has his powerful attacks. So, players need to use a systematic approach to tackle them.


Abilities: Slicing Gale, Wind Blast, and Tornado. 

Ways to overcome:

  • Delve into the fight using two DPS and one healer.

  • Watch out for Rohash's abilities as they can push the players off the platform.


Abilities: Zephyr, Summoning adds, and Soothing Breeze which stuns the player. Although the latter has a cooldown.

Ways to overcome:

  • Engage the fight with three DPS, one tank, and one healer.

  • The team must get rid of adds using AoE attacks.

  • Also, players must be wary of green swirling circles as they silence them.


Abilities: Wind Chill, Permafrost, Ice Patch, and Steel Storm. These abilities have stacking debuffs and high damage.

Ways to overcome:

  • Begin the fight with one tank and a healer. 

  • Watch out for Wind Chill as it increases the damage taken by the target.

  • The tank and healer need to switch positions to tackle the debuffs.

WOW Cataclysm Classic Throne Of The Four Winds Nezir

Execution of Strategy 

The best strategy that works against Wind of Conclave is the platform-swapping strategy. When the yellow bar fills up to 80-90%, the players must switch the platform. 

  • Players fighting Nezir must move to Anshal's platform.

  • DPS to move from Rohash's platform to Nezir's platform.

  • Also, players earlier in Anshal's platform should move to Nezir's platform. 

  • Repeat this swapping until the bosses are defeated.


Al'Akir is the final boss during the TFW raid. Expectedly, this boss is dangerous and could wipe out the whole raid. There are three phases in this fight and each phase poses a different challenge to the players.

Phase 1

In this phase, Al'Akir is quite aggravated and throws rapid attacks towards the players. So, the players need to move constantly to avoid getting hit. 

Necessary points to remember: 

  • Firstly, avoid Ice Storms as they can deal continuous damage.

  • Also, watch out for Electrocute as it meddles with spells and deals good damage

  • Next, evade the Lightning Strike and Wind Burst attacks, these are powerful enough to deal tremendous damage. 

  • Lastly, deal with the Squall lines as they produce tornadoes to make the battle chaotic.

Phase 2 

This phase is lighter than Phase 1. Even so, with new mechanics and attacks the battles could be overwhelming. 

Ways to overcome:

  • Make sure to kill the Stormlings as it reduces the damage taken from Al'Akir. Well, the Acid Rain ability increases damage over time. Also, the players can keep a Stormling alive for Phase 3

  • Avoid the Squall Lines to minimize damage from Acid Rain.

  • Also, stacking debuffs on Al'Akir is an effective strategy to get done with phase 2

Phase 3

This phase requires good air maneuvering to avoid attacks and effective movements in limited space. 

Ways to handle the phase:

  • Watch out for the Lightning Clouds as they cause serious damage and loss in Movement points. 

  • Movement points ensure more damage per second to the boss.

Effective Strategies

  • Properly placing structures can reduce the effects of Lightning Strike and Electrocute.

  • Coordinated movement is quite necessary to avoid Squall Lines and Lightning Cloud. 

  • During phase 2, players can deal more damage by stacking up the Stormlings.

These battles require a well-coordinated team, better use of skills, and proper execution of strategy. Well, if the team follows the right tactics and focuses on the objective then the Throne can be conquered. Knowing the phases of the raid comes in handy during the actual battle.


Now, after the long decisive battle, it is time for rewards. As mentioned earlier, this raid is quite rewarding. Players get different achievements like Glory of the Cataclysm Raider, Defender of the Shattered World and Guilds get Guild Glory of the Cataclysm Raider. In addition to that, players also get mounts such as  Reins of the Drake of the East Wind, Reins of the Dark Phoenix, and a chance to get Reins of the Drake of the South Wind. 


Well, that was all for this guide about the WOW Cataclysm Classic Throne Of The Four Winds Raid Guide. We wish you the best for the raid. Remember that a well-coordinated team, proper planning, and a bunch of skills can win any battle. Now, put on your gear and raid the enemies. For more such guides and updates visit our page daily.

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