Gaming News

WoW Classic has been an astounding success

According to Blizzard, World of Warcraft Classic has more than doubled the game's subscriber count thanks to its monumental appeal with gamers.

Sticking to the original release schedule of raids and updates for WoW Classic, Blizzard has launched the last vanilla game’s raid, Naxxramas. It’ll probably result in new impressive achievements by the community, much like one of the older raids being completed in the most complicated way possible. Still, there’s a lot to do for returning adventurers. Kel’Thuzad’s citadel hosts a variety of bosses with distinctive features, and they have to be defeated before players can take on the Lich King’s most powerful vassal himself.

Back in spring, a dedicated group of players allied under the BLaDE of KiLL guild name embarked on a quest to kill a very specific raid boss in the most difficult way imaginable – and succeeded in doing so. The boss in question was Hakkar the Soulflayer who was previously undefeatable without killing his high priests in advance. Each of them is responsible for Hakkar’s additional abilities, which means that eliminating them basically makes the boss a lot more manageable. Knowing all this, BLaDE of KiLL completely ignored the priests and took on the boss in his most powerful form, efficiently defeating him in roughly eight minutes

While WoW Classic remains encapsulated in time, regular World of Warcraft has recently seen the advent of the most revolutionary expansion, Shadowlands, which changes the game significantly. Blizzard supports the idea of its successful MMORPG evolve over time, and this approach is most sensibly delivered through the latest add-on. The most considerable change is the way the story unfolds. The core narrative is completely linear, with players being able to visit new areas exclusively in a strict order. Interestingly, it helps to deliver the main plot much better than in previous expansions.

It’d be curious to see if Naxxramas’ release in any way affects online numbers in Word of Warcraft: Shadowlands, as per some comments on the official forums, players are expressing their desire to dig in WoW Classic rather than invest time in the latest major add-on. Being the latest - and ultimately last - vanilla raid, Naxxramas will definitely bring in a lot of old-time fans who are willing to re-experience this weird, yet extremely satisfying time capsule that is WoW Classic.

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