If you are bored with mining minerals and looking for a more fun way to earn money for buying ships, then you are at the right place. In this article, we will discuss the basics of Star citizen Missions, how to get them, and some of the mission types available in the game. It must be noted that Star Citizen is under development, so it's only natural to have updates now and then. Therefore, we will discuss everything we know so far about the missions in Star Citizen.
Missions are fun and full of adventure compared to other ways of earning money, such as mining (Give link to the mining guide). Also, missions have high chances of success and getting a good amount of aUEC. However, there are various legal and illegal missions, and though illegal missions (transporting illegal objects, killing) can pay you much more than the legal ones, they are too dangerous.
The easiest way to get the aUEC is by buying them.
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The Contract Manager app in the mobiGlas has missions. While some missions are predefined, others are generated procedurally from lists. A handful requires an overhead investment, while the majority are free to accept. Payments are made in the form of fixed UEC payments and definite bonuses when specific mission criteria are met. Upon the player's death, some missions - but not all - are considered failed. Others are time-bound, i.e., they have a time limit.
Your current Area of Operations, your CrimeStat rating, the missions you have already finished, your reputation with task giver NPCs, and your position with the Bounty Hunters Guild will all affect the missions that are accessible to you. For instance, you need certification from the Bounty Hunter Guild to do Bounty Hunter missions.
Use F1-Key to open mobiGlas, select the Contracts Manager, and then choose either the Personal or General tab to find all the available missions you can claim. There are various types of mission categories. Each new mission category will have a number associated with them, indicating the number of offers available.
You can select any available offer and click ACCEPT OFFER to accept the offer. It will automatically be added to the Accepted tab. Once you've accepted a contract, you'll be able to see a complete list of objectives from the Accepted page.
Now that we've covered how you can get missions, let's move on to the section where we will discuss the types of missions.
There are multiple mission types available, but we will only discuss the typical missions you will encounter in the Contracts Manager.
These missions include getting invites from the mission givers to meet them in person. This will open up opportunities for missions for them. Although, these missions will only be available to you if you complete various missions of similar type that the mission givers are offering.
Appointment missions that you might encounter – Employment Opportunity (Meet Clovus), Outsourcing Opportunity (Meet Constantine), Eckhart Security Job Op, and many others.
These missions include tracking down a specific person whose profile will be given when you accept the offer. These are the most dangerous persons; you must track them and take them down. You must have a certification from the BOUNTY HUNTERS GUILD to get these missions. Your standing in the Reputation System helps a lot in getting these missions.
Bounty Hunter missions that you might encounter – Bounty Issued For... (LRT), Bounty Issued For... (MRT), Bounty Issued For... (HRT), Bounty Issued For... (VHRT), Bounty Issued For... (ERT)
The player must pick up an object and deliver it to a particular location. Depending upon the mission conditions, you may or may not use a ship to travel to these locations.
Delivery missions that you might encounter – UDM Local Delivery Route, Red Wind Local Delivery Route, Covalex Local Delivery Route, Research Scan Help, Ling Family Local Delivery Route
Contracts are obtained over the Emergency Communication Network. When a new ECN alert is sent, it is displayed on the HUD. Dynamic events use ECN Alerts, although they appear under the "Priority" category.
ECN missions that you might encounter – ECN ALERT: Assistance Needed, ECN ALERT: Network Intrusion,
Insurance firms and some people use it to gather information about other people or specific objects. It also uses a data submission tool, which allows users to send relevant information to the client from the Accepted tab. Users may give their data to the client at any time, whether or not the situation has been thoroughly investigated. Any issues that develop because of this are exclusively the user's responsibility.
Investigation missions that you might encounter – Investigate Wreckage Claim, Investigate Missing Client, Missing Person, Missing Crew.
These are missions that are created by other players' requests to assist them in their mission. Anyone can create a Service Beacon using the Contract Manager of the mobiGlas app.
Find the "Create Beacon" option in the Contracts Manager, and then choose the "Beacon Type" and follow other simple steps of choosing what assistance you need to create a beacon.
Service Beacon missions that you might encounter – Service Beacon: Combat Assistance, Service Beacon: Personal Transport, Service Beacon: Escort
These missions call for help with a problem at a location, such as "clean-up duty" to remove rubble or waste. Jobs that demand manual labor and trade skills, such as repair work or hazardous material handling, fall into this category.
Maintenance missions that you might encounter – Inmate Maintenance Opportunity, Collection & Disposal, Comm Uplink Offline
Offers requiring combat training for the contractor, such as escort and security jobs. There is also a lot of nasty violence. These missions include finding and killing someone or multiple persons as well.
Mercenary missions that you might encounter – Unauthorized Surveillance Detected, Trespassers, Detected at Kareah, Illegal Monitors Detected, Seize and Destroy Narcotics.