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WoW Classic: The Burning Crusade leaks claim beta and release date are soon

World of Warcraft Classic players are currently delving through what will be the last content of the vanilla game experience. This past month, Blizzard introduced the Naxxramus raid to WoW Classic, as well as other lingering updates. Now, players are beginning to look forward to what comes next. The Burning Crusade expansion will be the next major expansion to WoW Classic, and some are claiming a new release date has already been leaked, but not everyone is convinced.

In one of their recent videos, Youtuber and World of Warcraft content creator Staysafe TV provides details on a leak they claim to have seen. They say they first discovered the information in a WoW Classic forum, but that they ran the info by a "very trusted source" and that confirmed the details. We’re not saying you should buy in completely as these are still unconfirmed leaks, but it is interesting to consider.

If we’re to believe the info in the video, which is getting a lot of mileage, The Burning Crusade’s beta will get going sometime in mid-February, with the prepatch update set to happen on April 13/14, depending on whether you live in the US/EU.

This would all lead up to a global release for TBC on May 3 for US servers, and May 4 for the rest of the world, which is a lot sooner than anyone expected, to put it lightly.

As World of Warcraft streaming star Asmongold explained when he watched Staysafe’s video, not a lot of people are playing Classic at the moment, and if TBC is coming so soon, that won’t really help things.

“I just don’t want to see what happened with Naxx the first time happen again, where people don’t want to clear it anymore because they know TBC is coming out,” Asmon explained. “Maybe they want to push it as early as possible to make money, who knows what’s going to happen.”

Another thing to consider is that BlizzConline, the online replacement for the canceled BlizzCon event in 2020, doesn’t happen until February 19-20, which could potentially be after the TBC Beta gets going.

Read More: Complexity Limit defeat Denathrius, claim WoW Shadowlands World First raid victory.

If there’s a beta going on you would expect an announcement, which we all thought would be coming at BlizzConline. The ‘leak’ is conveniently vague though, so “mid-February” could just mean after the announcement happens during the event.

No matter what happens, it’s probably best to take these dates with a grain of salt. Even if they’re not right on the money though, it’s clear Blizzard won’t be waiting too long to release TBC in 2021.

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