Gaming News

ArcheAge December Update and Winter Maiden Festival

If you’re up-to-date in ArcheAge and have run out of new things to do, there’s good news. A new update has arrived, adding a new siege, Chronicle quest, new housing content, and the third season of Naval Arena, titled Stillwater Gulf. The new siege takes players to Growlgate Rangora and Freedich Island where they will take on the newly awakened forms of Morpheus the King of Pirates and Rangora.

As for housing, new areas have been added, as have community centers and trade routes, including new spots on Aegis Island and in the Sungold Fields.

If that’s not enough new content for you, The ArcheAge site has four new updates all detailing some feature related to the Winter Maiden Festival — granted, two of those are marketplace updates. But there’s still Festival Coins to be acquired and all kinds of rewards to be obtained.

It's time for some holiday fun! Spell the word Christmas in the Winter Maiden Lottery beginning December 17 for a chance to win amazing rewards.

How do I participate?

Have a chance to drop the letters C, H, R, I, S, T, M, and A* by killing monsters level 50 or higher! Afterward, if you collect all the necessary letters to create the word Christmas, you can combine them to get a Snowflake Ticket! And if you're missing a specific letter, utilize the Winter Maiden Letter Box from the Winter Maiden Festival to pick the letter(s) you need!

* Please note: The descriptions of the letter items state that you only need enough letters to spell "Chistmas" instead of "Christmas". You will need all letters to spell "Christmas" to combine them into a Snowflake ticket.

After obtaining a Snowflake Ticket, you can exchange it at the Claw Machine in Mirage Isle for a chance to receive a Golden Winter Maiden Ball, Blue Winter Maiden Ball, or Red Winter Maiden Ball! The contents of these balls are as follows:

Golden Winter Maiden Ball
Chance to receive one of the following items: Beanstalk House, Santa's Gift Bed, Scroll: Timber Coupe v3, Scroll: Seawhip Speedboat, or Rare Awakening Scroll Crate

Blue Winter Maiden Ball (F2P Servers)
Chance to receive one of the following items: Bound Serendipity Stone x1, Bound Elixir of Vocation x2, Manastorm Crystal x10, Decrystallization Scroll x2, Building Management Title x2, Multi-Wagon Upgrade Ticket x2, or Awakening Scroll Crate x2

Blue Winter Maiden Ball (B2P Servers)
Chance to receive one of the following items: Bound Serendipity Stone x1, Bound Elixir of Vocation x2, ArchePass XP Boost x1, Decrystallization Scroll x2, Building Management Title x2, Multi-Wagon Upgrade Ticket x2, or Awakening Scroll Crate x2

Red Winter Maiden Ball
Chance to receive one of the following items: Honorable Potion Crate: Rank 3 x2, Serendipity Stone Shard x2, Adventurer's Winged Elixir x2, Mythic XP Crate x2, Fortune Box x1, Resplendent Temper Ticket x5, Bound Tempering Charm Box x5, Honorforged Medal x2

Opening each Christmas Ball will cost 100, 50, and 20 Labor respectively.

And if you're wondering what is in those Crates, Boxes, and Tickets? The contents are as follows:

Rare Awakening Scroll Crate
Choose one of the following items:
- Immortal Warden Awakening Scroll x1
- Glorious Hiram Awakening Scroll x100

Awakening Scroll Crate
Choose one of the following items:
- Abyssal Library Awakening Scroll x1
- Brilliant Hiram Awakening Scroll x50
- Luminous Noryette Awakening Scroll x1

Mythic XP Crate
Choose one of the following items:
- Unidentified Mythic Hiram Infusion x40
- Unidentified Mythic Abyssal Enhancer x40
- Unidentified Mythic Erenor Infusion x2

Resplendent Temper Ticket
Choose one of the following items:
- Bound Resplendent Solar Temper x1
- Bound Resplendent Lunar Temper x1

Bound Tempering Charm Box
Choose one of the following items:
- Bound Weapon Tempering Charm x1
- Bound Armor Tempering Charm x4

The Snowflake Tickets and Claw Machine will disappear after maintenance on December 31, so be sure to exchange them for Winter Maiden Balls before the Winter Maiden Lottery ends!

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