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Diablo IV Guide to Blight Necromancer Build

The Blight Necromancer is a melee-range build that relies on the synergistic combination of Blight and Corpse Explosion. By utilizing Aspect of the Void, these abilities work together to control and immobilize enemies within a tightly controlled space. With the addition of Aspect of Ultimate Shadow and Bone Storm, the Blight Necromancer becomes a force to be reckoned with, dealing massive amounts of shadow damage. These abilities create a "black hole" effect, pulling enemies into a death pit of darkness from which they cannot escape.

Season 1 - The Malignant

Diablo IV Season 1 introduces a new questline called "The Malignant," which involves hunting down Malignant Monsters across Sanctuary. Defeating these monsters will drop Caged Hearts, which can be socketed into jewelry to gain build-altering powers. There are 32 Caged Hearts divided into four different colors: Vicious (orange), Brutal (blue), Devious (pink), and Wrathful (black). Each color corresponds to a specific type of power: offensive, defensive, utility, and super. The first three Caged Hearts must be socketed into their respective infested socket color, while the fourth can be placed into any infested socket.

It's crucial to note that while Caged Hearts are optional for this construct, they can increase its potency. The Decrepit Aura Caged Heart, Creeping Death Caged Heart, and Sacrilegious Caged Heart are the top three Caged Hearts for the Blight Necromancer construct. The build's damage output, damage over time, and defensive strength are all improved in different ways by these caged hearts. Depending on a person's playstyle and preferences, alternative Caged Hearts including the Caged Heart of The Barber, Caged Heart of Revenge, Caged Heart of the Great Feast, Caged Heart of the Prudent Heart, and Caged Heart of Tempting Fate may also be taken into consideration.

Skill Tree and Progression

The Skill Tree of the Blight Necromancer build is crucial in maximizing its potential. The active skills that form the core of this build include Reap, Blight, Corpse Tendrils, Corpse Explosion, Bone Storm, and Blood Mist. Reap serves as an essential ability for generating corpses, increasing damage reduction, and boosting attack speed. Blight and Corpse Tendrils are the primary crowd control skills, while Corpse Explosion is the main source of damage. Bone Storm significantly enhances damage and survivability, while Blood Mist provides immunity and unstoppable effects in critical situations.

In terms of passive skills, the Blight Necromancer relies on Shadowblight, Hewed Flesh, Grim Harvest, Fueled by Death, Gloom, Terror, Death's Reach, Death's Embrace, Stand Alone, and Memento Mori. These passives contribute to increased damage, corpse generation, damage amplification, survivability, and overall effectiveness of the build. It is important to allocate skill points wisely and progress through the skill tree in a strategic manner to optimize the build's performance.

Diablo 4 Skill Tree

Gear Choice and Stat Priorities

Choosing the right gear and prioritizing stats is crucial for maximizing the potential of the Blight Necromancer build. While this build does not require any specific unique items to function effectively, there are certain affixes and legendary aspects that can greatly enhance its power. The primary gear slots to focus on include the 2H Scythe, Helm, Chest, Gloves, Pants, Boots, and Amulet. Affixes such as Vulnerable Damage, Intelligence, Willpower, Armor, and Lucky Hit Chance are essential for maximizing damage output, survivability, and crowd control effectiveness.

Legendary aspects such as Aspect of Disobedience, Blighted Aspect, Aspect of Grasping Veins, Aspect of Decay, Aspect of the Void, Aspect of Might, Aspect of the Protector, Aspect of Shielding Storm, Aspect of Ultimate Shadow, and Aspect of the Umbral can be imprinted onto gear pieces to further enhance the build's capabilities. It is important to upgrade gear at the Blacksmith and enchant stats at the Occultist to optimize gear effectiveness.

Paragon Board and Glyphs

The Paragon progression system in Diablo IV plays a significant role in unlocking character power. Prioritizing Damage, Intelligence, Resistance, and Life for Normal and Magic Nodes is crucial for maximizing the build's potential. Leveling up Glyphs to level 15 is a primary goal, as it increases the radius and effectiveness of their respective abilities. The Control, Darkness, Scourge, and Essence Glyphs should be leveled up in a specific order to optimize progression. The Paragon Board provides a wide range of bonuses, from minor stat increases to powerful rare glyphs and legendary nodes. It is essential to plan the pathing and prioritize the allocation of Paragon points to maximize the build's effectiveness.

Mechanics and Gameplay     

Understanding the mechanics and gameplay of the Blight Necromancer build is crucial for mastering its playstyle. The build focuses on slowing down enemies using skills such as Decrepify and Blight, then keeping them within the area of effect of the damage over time effects generated by Corpse Tendrils and Corpse Explosion. The build's highest damage output ability is Blight, and it is important to dump Essence using this skill whenever possible. Proper timing and sequencing of skills are crucial for maximizing damage output and crowd control effectiveness. Blood Mist serves as a panic button to escape dangerous situations and should be used strategically. The build excels in high-density areas and can hold its own against single targets, making it versatile in various gameplay scenarios.

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Season 1 Patch Updates

Diablo IV Season 1 introduced several updates specific to the Blight Necromancer build. These updates include changes to Aspect of Disobedience, Corpse targeting range, Amplify Damage, Aspect of the Damned, and Bloodless Scream. These updates enhance the build's overall performance and provide additional flexibility in gameplay.

Skill Specialization

Plague Mastery

The Plague Mastery specialization is all about creating an environment of affliction and decay. Use Blight Nova to soften up groups of enemies, then capitalize on their weakened state with Decay Curse to amplify damage. Employ Rotten Grasp strategically to control the battlefield by immobilizing key threats. Combining these skills with the curses, summons, and debuffs from other skill branches in your Blight Necromancer build will allow you to become a true master of disease-based devastation.

Debuff Emphasis

In the Diablo IV Blight Necromancer Build, debuffs play a crucial role in weakening your enemies, creating opportunities for devastating disease-based damage, and exerting control over the battlefield. The combination of disease-spread mechanics and decay debuffs enhances your effectiveness as a master of blight and decay.

The synergy between disease-spread mechanics and decay debuffs is where the true strength of the Blight Necromancer build shines. Use your disease-spreading skills to initiate outbreaks among enemy groups, then apply decay debuffs to targets that become primary vectors of affliction. As enemies weaken and succumb, your ability to control the battlefield and deal massive damage becomes unparalleled.

Summons and Minions

In the Diablo IV Blight Necromancer Build, the summoning aspect takes center stage, allowing you to harness the power of pestilence and decay to control the battlefield. The Pestilent Horde and Plague Ward skills exemplify this summoning mastery, reinforcing your theme of disease and blight.

The synergy between the Pestilent Horde and Plague Ward skills empowers your ability to control and dominate the battlefield. Use your Pestilent Horde to engage enemies and spread diseases, causing chaos among their ranks. Meanwhile, place Plague Wards strategically to create hazardous areas that debilitate and hinder enemy advances.

In the heat of battle, consider how these summoned forces can complement your disease-spread mechanics and decay debuffs. Your Pestilent Horde can act as a catalyst for disease propagation, while your Plague Wards enhance your control over the battlefield and amplify the effects of your debuff-oriented skills.

Diablo IV Blight Necromancer Summoners

Gems and Legendary Aspects

Choosing the right gems and legendary aspects is crucial for maximizing the potential of the Blight Necromancer build. The Royal Amethyst gem is recommended for socketing into weapons, as it provides increased critical strike damage. Other gems such as Topaz, Ruby, and Emerald can be considered based on individual playstyle and preferences. Legendary aspects such as Howl from Below, Temerity, Bloodless Scream, and Doombringer offer additional enhancements to the build's damage output and crowd control effectiveness. It is important to experiment with different gem and legendary aspect combinations to find the setup that best suits your playstyle.

Endgame Gear and Scaling

As you progress to the endgame, optimizing your gear and scaling the Blight Necromancer build becomes crucial. Prioritizing critical strike chance and damage, vulnerable damage, armor, intelligence, and willpower is essential for maximizing damage output and survivability. It is important to continuously upgrade gear at the Blacksmith and enchant stats at the Occultist to ensure that your gear remains optimized as you progress through the endgame content. Additionally, scaling the build with the right legendary aspects and gems is crucial for maximizing its potential.


In Diablo IV, the Blight Necromancer builds offer a distinct and potent playstyle. This build excels at dealing severe area-of-effect damage and critical strike bursts because of the combo of Blight and Corpse Explosion. Players can unleash the full power of the Blight Necromancer in the tough world of Diablo IV by comprehending the mechanics, skill progression, gear selections, and gaming techniques of this construct. The Blight Necromancer build offers an engaging and rewarding playstyle that is sure to make an impression, regardless of your level of experience. 

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