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WoW: Here is everything you need to know about what is Small Egg

While making Gingerbread Cookies for Greatfather Winter, you’ll need to use small eggs for crafting the cookies in World of Warcraft Classic’s Feast of Winter Veil. Watch out for rogue snowballs thrown in your direction as you put together your cookies.

"Where to get Small Egg in WoW?" If you have been wondering about the same, then do not worry, here is everything you need to know about it.

Where to get Small Egg in WoW?

A Small Egg is needed to craft the Gingerbread Cookie for the WoW Classic Feast of Winter Veil quest Treats for Greatfather Winter. A Small Egg drops off birds under level 20. You can find these birds or Wildkins in several places such as the Azuremyst Isle, Darkshore, Eversong Woods, Loch Modan, Mulgore, Redridge Mountains, Teldrassil, and Westfall. Here you will be able to spot the nests with Small Eggs in them.

The best places to farm for Small Eggs are:
Silvermyst Isle: the Owlkin there are tightly clumped, respawn extremely quickly and have a drop rate upwards of 75%.
Eversong Woods: the Dragonhawk in the various Sanctums drop up to 3 Eggs on nearly every kill, are low level, and can be found huddled near each other. Eggs are very quick and easy to get in this place.

What is Small Egg in WoW?

Small Egg in WoW is used as an ingredient to make several items. These items are used to equip the characters or complete a mission. We have listed below all the things that are made using Small Egg as an ingredient, have a look.

Herb Baked Egg - Made using only Small Egg.
Gingerbread Cookie - Made by using Small Egg and Holiday Spices.
Winter Veil Egg Nog - Made by using Small Egg, Holiday Spices, Holiday Spirits and Ice Cold Milk
Delicious Chocolate Cake - Made by using 8 Small Egg, 4 Ice Cold Milk, 3 Mageroyal, 8 Simple Flour, 4 Mild Spices, and 1 Flask of Stormwind Tawny.

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