Gaming News

Is SWTOR Worth Playing Before the Expansion Pack in 2021/2022?

Based on the Star Wars universe, the Star Wars MMORPG game was released in December 2011. It remains fun, despite nearly a decade since it was released.

There is something for everyone in this game, whether it's free-to-play or a subscription, whether you play alone, in a team, or whether you enjoy Star Wars. You can learn from this article why SWTOR is worth playing before the expansion pack in 2021/2022.

Reasons Why Should You Play SWTOR Before the Expansion Pack in 2021/2022

Star Wars the Old Republic in 2022 offers the following reasons to play.

Exceptional Plot

Star Wars' unique storyline is one of the main reasons gamers love playing this game. Considering this is a Star Wars story, it takes place soon after the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire establish their tenuous peace.

In the aftermath of the Great Galactic War, for the first time after 28 years, the Jedi must move to Tython, the Jedi Order's original home, for informal guidance from the Force.

Korriban has reconstructed a Sith Academy, which the Sith control. According to the trailer for "Return," the Sith has gained control over Korriban. The Jedi Master Kao Cen Darach and Jedi student Satele Shan accompany Nico Okarr to a prison cell on the planet Korriban where he is being held.

A force of Sith troopers and Darth Malgus suddenly attack the base. Malgus killed Darach, but Okarr, Satele, and Jace Malcom escaped the attack. After Darach wounded Vindican, Malgus killed him.

Distinctive Gameplay

Aside from the storyline, it is still worthwhile to play Old Republic today for its gameplay. The Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire are available to choose from during the game.

No matter what faction one belongs to, one can embrace either a light or a dark ethical stance. There is primarily a morality-based separation of player factions.

Additionally, many in-game items can be obtained through SWTOR Credits. Even though there are many ways to acquire SWTOR Credits, buying them is still the simplest.

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In addition, advancing in a game is achieved partly by completing missions, partly by exploring, and partly by defeating enemies. Throughout the game, you can train and learn new skills that become available as you progress through the levels.

Players can do heroic missions throughout the day and repeat them whenever they like. In The Old Republic, multiple classes are available.

The customization of a class and its companion characters allows it to cope with a wide variety of different events, whether they are aided or unaided by other classes.

Their decisions affect NPC companions, including whether they are permanently open or closed. This MMORPG provides greater context for the missions of characters than previous ones.

Voice dialog systems are used throughout the game to enhance the gameplay for each character, including the player. The player can interact with various NPCs; longer interacting with one of them will advance the story.

Playing Free vs. Subscribing

An old MMO can be overwhelming for players if they have updated, patched, and expanded it for ten years. Moreover, they may have no idea who else is playing.

Among the best features of the "Free-to-Play" version is that it contains all of the game's storyline elements. However, "Free-to-Play" has another drawback: quality-of-life items are absent.

Moreover, gaining experience is less likely. The free version is sufficient for those who are only interested in the storyline and end-game raids.

After playing the free version for a while, you can consider upgrading to the paid version if you think it is good enough to do so. You can access all expanded content, Tier Gear, and other premium assets with a subscription.

How Good Will SWTOR Be in 2022?

A game like this is worth trying out if you haven't already. As part of the 10th-anniversary celebration, expansion 7.0, originally supposed to be released in December, will be released in February 2022.

Additionally, you get a good first impression with the "Free-to-Play" option. Even without the storyline, Old Republic's gameplay makes it worthwhile to play today.

There is a choice between the Sith Empire and the Galactic Republic. Regardless of one's affiliation, an ethical approach can be light or dark. The main dividing line between factions is morality.

Further, the game is enjoyable as a solo game as well. However, if PVE or PVP challenges seem important to you, you may be disappointed, but the game is free.

Even if you are playing the game for the first time in 2022, you will surely enjoy it. Overall, Star Wars: The Old Republic is worth playing until now.

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