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Albion Online Castle Siege Guide

An open-world building that guilds could assert is a castle. When a guild successfully claims a castle, the castle soldiers will don the guild's colors and grant them control of the castle as well as entrance to castle chest (if one is there). Players must assassinate the Elite Guards, then the Castle Lord, before destroying the initial gate with a Demolition Hammer, the second gate, and maybe the third gate, depending on the configuration. Any level Demolition Hammer can assault and destroy a castle gate, however, gates will be more severely damaged by hammers of higher tiers.

The Elite Guards will appear following the annihilation of the subsequent or third gate, depending on how the castle is laid out. The Lord of the Castle will spawn after the strong Elite guards get eliminated. You have to remain patient in the "Lord Room" circle for roughly 20 seconds after slaying the Castle Lord before you may claim the castle; enemies and allies cannot be present while you are attempting to do so. You will have to make several in-game purchases and buy items to successfully siege castles in your journey. It requires you to spend Silver, the in-game currency of Albion Online.

Castle Siege

Castle sieges are prevalent in Albion, and many newer players have doubt that what a "castle siege" is and why we engage in them. Therefore, this little introduction should clarify the situation and introduce newbies to castles and castle sieges.

What you Require?

You only require to have your equipment and a "Demolition Hammer" for this task. Take at least 2 healing or vitality potions, and make certain you eat well in preparation for the upcoming battle. Regarding intangibles, attempt to meet together with your group or alliance and brainstorm a strategy that you think would work for the situation and your opponents. 

Demolition Hammer

In Albion Online, users can destroy furniture and structures by using the Demolition Hammer.

  • A player can either construct a Demolition Hammer of a certain rank or buy it outright from the Market Place.

  • The Demolition Hammer may be created by a Toolmaker or an Energy Manipulator of the proper level (applicable to Avalonian Demolition Hammers).

  • A player is not required to have the Demolition Hammer equipped in order to utilise it.

  • It is believed that the Demolition Hammer is a double-handed weapon.

Albion Online Demolition Hammer

Who can be a part of the siege?

A castle siege can be joined by anybody and everybody in Albion.


Guilds play a significant role in Albion Online. There are numerous guild-based activities available in Albion Online. Guilds have the power to annex territory and assault the territory and cities of other guilds. In an official alliance structure, guilds may not have over 300 members. Additionally, guilds have the option of purchasing a single building-capable guild island that's available to all guild members. On the cloak and shield, every member of a guild is going to have the same guild crest.

Cooldown for Guild Join

A player must wait three days before joining another guild after joining one. You cannot rejoin the same guild 72 hours after quitting it so as to prevent players from abusing temporary drops in alliance or guild membership to counteract the consequences of Disarray (Zerg Debuff) amid engagements. The same rules apply to guilds, which must wait seven days before joining another alliance and three days before leaving and rejoining an existing one.

Guild Leadership

Silver is needed to manage the guild, its participants, and its regions. As a result, guilds charge a fee on all silver that their members steal from the earth. The guild has the right to change the tax amount at any moment. The tax is frequently used, among other things, to re-gear its participants, establish hideouts, and occupy areas. Guild members are sometimes given ranks as a way to assist with handling these duties, and these positions grant them the managerial permissions. The Guild_UI page contains a more thorough explanation of guild management.

A Guild master has all the permissions due to his role in the guild:

  • Promote the members that are below you rank

  • Demote members that have a lower rank

  • Kick members

  • Withdraw money

  • Attack the territories

  • Give up the territory

  • Claim the territory

  • Invite

A Right Hand has following permissions:

  • Promote the members that are below you rank

  • Demote members that have a lower rank

  • Kick members

  • Withdraw money

  • Attack the territories

  • Give up the territory

  • Claim the territory

  • Invite

A Master of coin has following permissions:

  • Promote the members that are below you rank

  • Demote members that have a lower rank

  • Kick members

  • Withdraw money

  • Give up the territory

  • Claim the territory

  • Invite

A Warmaster has following permissions:

  • Promote the members that are below you rank

  • Demote members that have a lower rank

  • Kick members

  • Attack the territories

  • Give up the territory

  • Claim the territory

  • Invite

An Officer has following permissions:

  • Claim the territory

  • Invite

The Gaurdsman, Member and Recruit have no permissions in the guild unless promoted to higher ranks.

Albion Online Guild

Stages and time of the siege

Without resistance, a normal siege will last for about 30 minutes. Combating, however, will significantly lengthen the time required to finally take possession of the castle. There are 3 steps involved in capturing a castle:

The defending guild will receive notification that the castle is being attacked when the first destruction hammer strikes one of the exterior gates, creating a message. You must eliminate the T4 guards stationed outside the castle to defend it after the exterior door has been damaged.

The castle's T6 elite soldiers will appear to defend it for 15 minutes once the guards have been vanquished. The attackers as well as the defenders will find out about the elite guards only before they spawn.

The castle lord, who serves as this level's "end boss," will appear in the town center 15 minutes after you slay the strong Elite Guards. It's important to remember that the group whose member deals with the castle lord the "last hit" will win control of the castle. Both the invaders and those who defend will be informed of the castle lord just prior to spawning in. You need to hav upgraded weapons and gear to slay your enemies, so make sure you have enough Silver to upgrade for equipment and ensure smooth gaming experience.

Purchase Albion Online Silver for real money from MMOPixel, if you are falling short of the same. We offer cheapest rate on the web with quick delivery and 24x7 chat support.

Building the ownership

Based on the guild, castle ownership may be temporary or continue for several weeks. They are incredibly volatile and can be taken back right away after being captured.


After 8 hours, a chest will appear in a castle. During certain periods, the person who owns it may pillage the chest for about one million silver plus a relic. This means that a castle owner who is present at the castle for every single chest might earn as much as three million silver each day. Castles aren't typically used for their advantages, though, as there are many other, more effective ways to amass silver. Typically, it comes down to a desire for more intense open-world PvP.

Crown Chest

Castle Chest, having a probability of forty percent to appear once every three hours and moving its spawn time ahead by two hours each week, may only be opened by the guild that owns the castle. Every other clock spawns all Castle Chests of Legendary rarity on Saturday and Sunday.

Castle Chest loot items that can be found::

  • One or more relic artifacts with a T4-T8 rating.

  • One or more soul artifacts with a T4 to T8 rating.

  • One or more rune artifacts with a T4-T8 rating.

  • Anywhere from 1 to 10,000 Souls, Runes, and Relics with a T4-T8 rating.

  • T4 to T8-rated weaponry and armour.

Castle Chest Might

Opening a castle chest grants an appropriate quantity of might, which raises the might level and awards points in accordance with the rank and volume of might, based on the extremely rare nature of the item.

Castle Gaurds

There are 30 guards within walls of the castle, and they will assault any other players who are not the part proprietor's alliance. A guard can be one of two types:

  • Soldiers: Melee combatants having 4812 HP and average auto-attack damage of 60.

  • Archers: Bowmen having 3368 HP and average auto-attack damage of 90.


A strong guild means you have more chances to make a siege successful, so make sure you have guild members who are improving their game skills regularly. It require patience and team work for completion of the attacks, so make sure you help each other grow for mutual benefit in the guild. That is all in this guide.

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