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Best PvE and PvP Elden Ring Bleed Build

Since the official release of the game, things are quite changed now, especially related to the Hemorrhage or simply referred to as the Elden Ring Bleed Effect. As always, there’re positive points as well as negative points, but all together things are looking better now. Here we got an amazing Guide on the Best PvE and PvP Elden Ring Bleed Build to help you get through thick and thin, dominating the field.

The Build does require a ton of Runes. In case you need them, feel free to Buy Cheap Elden Ring Runes here at MMOPixel.com

About Best Bleed Builds Elden Ring 2023!

What’s a Bleed Build

Some might be new here and looking for a go-through on what’s a Bleed Build. Well, Bleed is an effect in the Elden Ring or specifically related to the Dark Souls, carrying into the Elden Ring - “From Software’s” Latest Entry.

When you attack someone with a weapon having this effect, there will be a bar building up. As soon as the bar reaches its right-hand end, it will cause the rapture, causing the enemy to lose a huge chunk of health in exchange. 

Sometimes, more than 20 percent of the enemy's health is also taken from there suddenly because of the Blood Loss, and trust us, it is a game changer in the late game when enemies aren’t dying.

Resistance and Buildup

Enemies can do the same for you in the game as well, especially in the PvP scenario because players love to put Blood Build on for some huge damage boost. You can wear extra gear on top to make yourself resistant to Blood Loss, but only to a certain extent.

Yes, enemies can also do the same with you, when you have your Bleed Build on. This makes the Build completely useless, so as a precautionary measure, players love to put incantations, spells, or secondary weapons in the build as well.

You can also take the other way around here and increase your Robustness stat to increase your resistance. With each point you put in Arcane, you will have enhanced Blood Loss Build for the weapon you are using. 

Weapons and Scaling

Alongside this, you can pair another weapon to quickly attack the enemies and fill in the Blood Loss bar, killing powerful enemies within seconds. 

Another amazing thing about this build is that you can focus on a weapon that scales with Arcane and has a Bleed effect on top. In this way, you can not only enhance your damage as you put in the Arcane Stat but also enhance your Bleed Effect buildup. 

Now throwing these things aside, we will share with you Best PvE and PvP Elden Ring Bleed Build Guide where we will mention the Top 5 Best Blood Builds. 

Dexterity Weapons are typically the only useful Bleed Weapons in the game so that also makes sense here. The reason is agility and Dexterity Weapons are the fastest to ever exist in any Souls game.

Reduvia Bleed Build (Dual Wield)

Reduvia Bleed Build (Dual Wield) Elden Ring


  • The weapons you are going to use here are;

  • Great Knife with +24 on your Right Hand

  • Rivers of Blood with +10 on your Right Hand

  • Reduvia with +10 with Reduvia Blood Blade on your Left Hand

  • Occult Uchigatana with +24 with Bloody Slash on your Left Hand


  • Hoslow’s Greaves and Armor

  • Beast Champion Gauntlets

  • White Mask


  • Lord of Blood Exultation

  • Rotten Winged Sword Insignia

  • Shard of Alexander

  • Millicent’s Prosthesis

Spells and Incantations

  • Swarm of Flies

  • Bloodflame Blade

  • Flame Grant me Strength

Attribute Selection

  • 70 Faith, Arcane and Dexterity

  • 50 Vigor

  • 30 Mind

  • 25 Endurance

  • 17 Strength

  • 9 Intelligence

Combined, you will be on Level 125

About the Build!

Here in the Dual Reduvia Bleed Build, you will be using the Bloody Slash which is one of the least used Ash of War in the game. This doesn’t mean it is bad, but rather misused or thought about in the Elden Ring.

In order to make yourself the Best PvE and PvP Elden Ring Bleed Build, you will be using it here as a Dex. The Range on the Bloodblade, Bloody Slash, Reduvia, and even the Rivers of Blood will have massive Physical Damage, instead of a Fire one.

The first thing you need to look out for is the Weapon Level, which changes the Physical Damage Scale of the weapon and makes it stronger. 

Alongside that, you will also have to look out for the Arcane Stat in the game as well, which will enhance the Blood Buildup in the game. Even in the worst-case scenario where your weapon actually doesn’t scale with Arcane, you will also get an enhancement somewhere in your weapon’s damage.

You can put other items here as well like the Golden Vow, Blood Boil Armatic, Flame Grant me Strength, and something similar you like using with your Elden Ring Bleed Build. 

In order to get the most out of your weapon, you can utilize the Bloody Slash with the scaling of your weapon. Keep in mind that the damage won’t be scaling here with the damage of the blood attack because the latter one will be scaling primarily with the Arcane. 

Both the Blood Loss and the Hemorrhage Buildup are going to enhance once you start pumping your Arcane Attribute here in this Best Bleed Build Elden Ring has to offer you. You can go one step ahead and put the occult affinity on your melee weapon.

Why do we have the Dexterity Attribute mentioned above? Well, it only increases the on-hit damage on your weapon on the other hand and there is no other purpose for that. The reason is that you can’t always rely on your Bleed Weapon or even a singular weapon to build Bleed.

You will have to go the extra mile and make sure you are attacking with all your power. In that case, having a dual wield is the optimal choice. The only drawback to this build or specifically the weapon you are going to use here is that the hitbox is trash or you can even call it a weapon without any hitbox. Still, in 1.09 of Elden Ring, this Build packs one of the best powers for being a Blood Loss Build.

Mohgwyn Sacred Spear Blood Build

Mohgwyn Sacred Spear Blood Build Elden Ring


  • Mohgwyn’s Sacred Spear with +25 on your Right Hand

  • Giant’s Seal on your Left Hand

  • Bandit’s Blood Curved Sword with +25 on your Right and Left Hand


  • Royal Remains Greaves

  • White Mask

  • Royal Remains Gauntlets

  • Raptor’s Black Feathers


  • Claw Talisman

  • Shabriri’s Woe

  • Lord of Blood’s Exultation

  • Fire Scorpion Charm

  • Shard of Alexander

Flash of Wondrous Physick

  • Stonebarb Cracked Tear

  • Flame Shroud Cracked Tear

Attribute Selection

  • 80 Arcane

  • 50 Vigor

  • 45 Endurance

  • 37 Mind

  • 24 Strength

  • 14 Dexterity and Intelligence

  • 13 Faith

Combined, you will be on Level 150

About the Build!

Nearly everyone knows about the Legendary Moghwyn’s Sacred Spear Build in Elden Ring, specifically made for the lovers of Bleed Effect. Some might even consider it the all-time best to ever exist because of the Bloodboon Ritual Ash of War. 

It has everything ranging from an exceptional range to its un-earthly stagger abilities. It has devastating raw damage and it’s arguably the best in any of the builds we mentioned or will mention below. 

You can also use it to make your attacks go through the walls in Elden Ring and sometimes you can pass through ceilings as well, which is a feat of its own here. All of this combined makes the build looks broken as of now and it truly is.

It is an exceptional weapon, but the issue here is that it isn’t that agile or quick in contrast to other Bleed-Dex Weapons in existence. In order to make it useful against some agile foes, you will have to use the Ash of War and spam it continuously. 

In case you don’t want to go that route, you can just put in the Bandit’s Blood Curved Sword either in your main hand or your left hand, making the build much more versatile without a doubt. 

In one of the swords, you can put in the Occult Ash of War with a touch of Seppuku, giving yourself a massive buff of damage suddenly. In this Best Elden Ring Bleed Build for PvP and PvE scenario, you will have to use both of these weapons, completing the moveset. 

You can just find enemies, jump into the combat with your power stance, swing the swords a total of around four times, and build Blood Loss each time you get in combat.

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Double Nagakiba Keen Blood Build

Double Nagakiba Keen Blood Build Elden Ring


  • Keen Nagakiba with +25 and Double Slash on your Right Hand

  • Dragon Communion Seal with +10 on your Left-hand


  • Tree Sentinel Greaves

  • White Mask

  • Tree Sentinel Gauntlet

  • White Reed Armor


  • Rotten Winged Sword Insignia

  • Shard of Alexander

  • Millicent’s Prosthesis

  • Lord of Blood’s Exultation

Flash of Wondrous Physick

  • Crimson Bubbletear

  • Thorny Cracked Tear

Attribute Selection

  • 75 Dexterity

  • 60 Vigor

  • 25 Faith

  • 18 Strength

  • 17 Endurance

  • 16 Arcane

  • 14 Mind

  • 9 Intelligence

Combined, you will be on Level 150

About the Build!

The Double Slash Ash of War got a ton of nerfs in recent updates, especially the 1.08 Elden Ring update, but still, it remains one of the most useful and powerful things when patched up with a correct build.

You can put it up right there with your Keen Nagakiba and your Dexterity Attribute, making it a flawless weapon in both PvP, as well as PvE scenarios in Elden Ring. There is no going wrong here. 

Rivers of Blood is sometimes called the GOAT of Best Elden Ring Blood Builds, but the Keen Nagakiba one does break it sometimes in certain scenarios, which is quite impressive.

Using the Keen Nagakiba with the following things mentioned in our guide, you can run through bosses and kill foes in PvP combat using the burst attack, dealing a ton of damage on your combos. 

Yes, you can also put Rivers of Blood here in the build but that isn’t as effective, while Nagakiba stays on top. Both are Katana, with exceptional range, agility, Bleed Loss, and even style, but due to the massive range on Nagakiba, we had to go with it.

Rivers of Blood got a ton of Nerf in the game, more than Nagakiba, taking away that ridiculous range on the weapon and Bleed Effect. So, this build with the Keen Nagakiba makes total sense here.

If you don’t want to take the route of the Blood Flame, you can still use the Weapon, especially when dealing damage to those enemies that are quite resistant or even immune to the Blood Loss or Bleed Effect. 

Keen Venomous Fang Poison and Blood Build

Keen Venomous Fang Poison and Blood Build


  • Keen Venomous Fang with +25 and Endure on your Right Hand

  • Dragon Communion Seal with +10 on your Left Hand

  • Coil Shield with +10 on your Left Hand


  • Raging Wolf Greaves

  • Bloodhound Knight Armor

  • Mushroom Crown

  • Radahn’s Gauntlets


  • Lord of Blood’s Exultation

  • Millicent’s Prosthesis

  • Kindred of Rot’s Exultation

  • Shard of Alexander

  • Rotten Winged Sword Insignia

Flash of Wondrous Physick

  • Flame Shrouding Cracked tear

  • Thorny Cracked Tear

Spells and Incantations

  • Bloodblade Flame

  • Flame Grant me Strength

  • Golden Vow

Attribute Selection

  • 80 Dexterity

  • 60 Vigor

  • 25 Faith

  • 18 Endurance

  • 16 Mind

  • 12 Arcane

  • 9 Intelligence

Combined, you will be on Level 150

About the Build!

A Poison Build combined with Bleed Effect… What more do you need in Elden Ring for a PvP and PvE Build? Venomous Fangs are close-ranged weapons that you use like fists, using one in each hand and made one of the best weapons to exist due to buff in a recent patch. 

There is an enormous speed on the Venomous Fists or Fangs and has exceptional recovery time. Using these two things, you can create amazing combos in the game, building Bleed quickly. 

There is nothing better here in our list of Best PvE and PvP Elden Ring Bleed Build Guide when it comes to hits. If you are successful in hitting your enemy, then the poison will build quickly. 

On top of all of this, you can simply put the Blood Flame on your fists to make them much stronger. It will now have three types of things; Fire Attack, Poison, and Bleed Effect. Yes, you heard that right!

The quick attack and faster recovery on a weapon with these three effects can take down much about any enemy you throw at it. If you take the Endurance way, you can take out Poison here and trade it for other effects here. 

Most of the time it depends on what you are looking for here, either going with the PvP or sticking with the PvE. You can take the AR to new heights here with the hit succession and utilizing attacks at the correct moment. 

Poisoning from the Fangs will deal extra damage on top of your Bleed or Fire, meaning you aren’t relying on one source of damage here besides your Physical Damage. The drawback here is that the range is poor, meaning you will have to get into combat yourself.

Then again, you have nothing to defend yourself with and in case you are poor with dodging in Elden Ring, you can’t run for this build. We recommend you go for this build while trying to learn dodging because Elden Ring is based on this mechanism.

Grave Scythe Bleed Build

Grave Scythe Bleed Build Elden Ring


  • Keen Grave Scythe with +25 and Spinning Strikes on your Right Hand

  • Dragon Communion Seal with +10 on your Left Hand


  • Hoslow’s Greaves

  • White Mask

  • Hoslow’s Feathers

  • Hoslow’s Gauntlets


  • Lord of Blood’s Exultation

  • Millicent’s Prosthesis

  • Kindred of Rot’s Exultation

  • Shard of Alexander

  • Rotten Winged Sword Insignia

Flash of Wondrous Physick

  • Crimson Bubbletear

  • Thorny Cracked Tear

Spells and Incantations

  • Golden Vow

  • Bloodflame Blade

  • Flame Grant me Strength

Attribute Selection

  • 80 Dexterity

  • 60 Vigor

  • 25 Faith

  • 21 Endurance

  • 17 Strength

  • 12 Mind

  • 10 Arcane

  • 9 Intelligence

Combined, you will be on Level 150

About the Build!

Now, with the latest 1,09 Elden Ring Patch, Scythe got a new life. At the beginning of Elden RIng, when it was initially released, there was a lot of potential in this strange weapon, but developers really threw it out the window.

With the Build we just mentioned, you can go with a spectacular Elden Ring Blood Build that will allow you to dominate in both PvE and PvP scenarios. With a successful combo, you can generate around 32k damage, having massive bursts and DPS. 

Well, that could be only possible in a PvE scenario, but you can also utilize the Ash of War here to make things work out in your PvP scenario as well. With the new buff for Scythe, it got quicker, had a massive impact, and reduced recovery time. 

Our Build revolves around the Spinning Strikes where you are using the Special Skill to just keep revolving around the field, dealing massive bursts and DPS damage to whoever comes close to you. 

The concept here is to simply put the Ash of War alongside the Reaper and then top it all off with the Blood Flame. Nothing better than this!


When it comes to the Best PvE and PvP Elden Ring Bleed Build, there isn’t a single choice and neither can you depend on others. Most of the time it depends on your playstyle, while other times it depends on what that build is putting on the table.

Here in our Guide to Blood Build in Elden Ring, we mentioned the five best ones that are in the meta as of right now. Things might change in the future, but the builds are versatile and have the ability to get changed, retaining their properties.

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